“Everyone has inside them a piece of good news. The good news is you don’t know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is.” ~Anne Frank Chemistry Mrs. Jodi Wilson jwilson@effingham.k12.ga.us Class Description: Chemistry is the study of matter and the properties that make up matter. This course is an introduction. Students should take time to fully grasp material presented in this course because these are the topics built upon in upper level science courses. Students will have the opportunity to explore various topics through application and experimentation. It is my goal as the instructor to provide students with a stable, healthy and encouraging learning environment. As a team, we can make Chemistry an interesting and fun subject to study! Course Outline: Introduction to Chemistry Matter Atomic Theory Periodic Table Bonding Chemical Formulas & Equations Mass Relationships in a Cmpd Stoichiometry Gas Laws Solutions Acids, Bases, & Salts Thermochemistry Nuclear Chemistry Reaction Rates & Equilibrium You Will Need: 1 - 1 ½ inch 3-ring notebook Tabbed Dividers (5) Loose Leaf Paper #2 Pencils (mechanical or standard) Calculator (TI-30X or better) Colored Pencils Index Cards Notebook: Organization is vital to be successful in this course. You will be required to keep a structured notebook for this course. Your notebook will be turned in during each nine weeks for grading. Your notebook grade will count as (2) quiz grades and (1) homework grade. The front of your notebook should be labeled with Chemistry, Student’s Name and Class Period. It should be organized in the following order, each separated with a labeled tab divider: Syllabus, Standards & Lab Safety Rules (front, no label needed) Question of The Day (in date order) Class Notes (in date order) Classwork & Homework Quizzes/Tests Labs An example of how your notebook should be organized is available. Question of the Day: Each day you will be given a question of the day. It may be a review question from the previous day’s material or a question to introduce you to the current day’s lesson. You will have a few minutes at the beginning of class to copy down and answer the question. It is imperative you keep up with these questions as they are part of your notebook. Also, there will be select test questions taken directly from your questions of the day. Make-Up Work: If you are absent, missed notes and assignments can be found in the appropriate bin located near the board. It is the student’s responsibility to check calendar and retrieve correct missing notes and assignments. Retrieval of missed notes and assignments is to be done before or after class, not during. Students have (3) days to complete and return any missed assignments. Labs, quizzes, and tests must be made up before or after school. It is the student’s responsibility to meet with the teacher and decide upon a time for these make-ups. Grading: Your grade in this class is based on the following percentages. You will take the End of Course Test (EOCT) for Biology at the end of the semester. Nine weeks grades will be calculated as follows: Tests: Labs: Classwork and Quizzes: Homework: 50% 25% 15% 10% Your final grade will be calculated as follows: The average of your 2nd nine weeks’ grades: 80% EOCT: 20% All assignments are expected to be turned in complete and on time. If you do not hand an assignment in on time, you will have (2) days after the due date to turn it in. A deduction of (10) points per day late will be taken off of the graded late assignment. A zero will be given if not turned in after the second late day. Remind 101: Sign up for Remind 101 text messages. I’ll send out random text messages throughout the year to remind you of homework, quizzes, tests or even hints about upcoming assignments. Text @jlwchem to (424) 543-7508 to sign up. Tutoring: I am happy to offer before or after school help to any students in need. If the need arises, please arrange a time to meet with me. Classroom Wish List: Though not required, I would appreciate donation of any of the following items: Spray cleaner (such as 409), Lysol Wipes, Hand Sanitizer, and Kleenex Expectations: Be on time! Be respectful of your teacher and your peers. Be prepared for class. This includes bringing needed materials and having completed reading and homework assignments. No eating or drinking in the classroom. This is imperative as there are students with severe allergies! Do your own work. Act responsibly and safely at all times in the laboratory. Put away cell phones, iPods, or other devices. If seen during class, they will be taken up and turned into the office. ALL RULES IN THE STUDENT HANDBOOK APPLY TO THIS CLASSROOM. FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE RULES WILL RESULT IN DISCIPLINARY ACTION. Dear Parent(s), I am truly excited to have your child in my Chemistry class. Please take the time to read and review this syllabus. If you ever have any questions or concerns, please email me at jwilson@effingham.k12.ga.us. You may also leave a message for me by calling the school at 754-6404 and I will return your call as soon as possible. Though very interesting, Chemistry can be challenging at times. In order to ensure your child’s success, please encourage him/her to review materials covered daily. Taking 10 to 15 minutes per night to review notes can greatly help understanding and keep your child from cramming the night before a test. Students will not be given a textbook to take home. If need be, students may check out a textbook overnight. I look forward to teaching and getting to know your child. Together, we can make this semester a successful one! Thank you in advance. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have read and reviewed the syllabus and understand the expectations for Mrs. Wilson’s Chemistry class. Student’s name, print: ______________________________________ Student’s Signature _________________________________________ Parents: There may be times I need to contact you. Please complete the information below. Contact preference: E-mail OR Telephone (Please circle) E-mail address: ________________________________________________ Telephone number: _____________________________________________ (Most convenient time to reach you by phone: _______________) Parent Signature: ___________________________ Date: ________________