Course Objectives

Semester: Fall 2015
Section/Days: 01, TR
Room/Time: Hiner G16, 9:30−10:45
Credit Hours: 3
Final Exam: Dec 8 Tues, 11:30–2:00 pm
Instructor: Linda Lau
Office: Hiner G13c
Office Hours: TR 8:30-9:30, 12:15-2:00,
Fri 10-45-11:45 am, and by appointment.
Office Phone: (434) 395-2778
Required Course
For the textbook, students have the option of buying ONE of the following 3 items:
1. Loose Leaf Textbook Only: Tony Gaddis and Kip Irvine. Starting Out with Visual
Basic® 2012, 6th edition. Prentice Hall, 2014. ISBN 0-13-312.
2. E-Book and MyProgrammingLab (MPL) Access Code: The MPL access code allows
you to have access to the e-book and VideoNotes for Starting Out with Visual Basic
2012. Prentice Hall, 2014. Use the Course ID LONG-18452-XDPF-23 on the website.
3. E-Book, MyProgrammingLab (MPL) Access Code, and Loose Leaf Text: This
option consists of the MPL access code that give you access to the e-book and the video
notes, and a hard copy of the textbook in loose leaf form.
Other course materials needed:
1. Student sample program files can be downloaded from
2. A USB or zip disk to store all your homework.
3. If you don’t have Visual Basic 2012 on your laptop, you can install Visual Studio 2012
Express for Windows Desktop from the DVD packaged with your textbook (read p.
XXV of your textbook) or from the site.
Recommended Course None.
Optional Course
Self-assessment quizzes, source code files, and glossary flashcards are available for additional
cost at the Gaddis Companion website for Starting Out with Visual Basic® 2012 at
Course Description:
The course emphasizes analysis of existing systems and designs of new systems using common
structured and object-oriented modeling tools. It also includes the development of information
systems from the analysis of present information flow, system specifications, and modeling. 3
Some basic typing and programming skills, and knowledge of basic Windows and file
management skills would be helpful, though not required.
Writing Intensive:
Speaking Intensive:
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Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Describe the techniques and tools used for Visual Basic (VB) programming. (Chapter 1)
2. Use controls such as forms, PictureBox, and buttons. (Chapter 2)
3. Differentiate the different types of variables and identify them correctly for specific applications.
(Chapter 3)
4. Write Write If...Then...Else, ElseIf, Nested If, and Select Case statements. (Chapter 4)
5. Explain list and loops, and write Do...While, Do...Until, and For...Next statements. (Chapter 5)
6. Define and utilize procedures and functions. (Chapter 6)
7. Add multiple forms, and create modules and a menu system. (Chapter 7)
8. Describe arrays and use them in a VB program. (Chapter 8)
9. Use controls and write codes to save, read, and print files. (Chapter 9)
10. Work with databases using controls such as the DataGridView control. (Chapter 10)
11. Understand abstract data types and to create classes, collections, and inheritances. (Chapter 12)
The course objectives are achieved through lectures, PPT slides, video clips, hands-on instruction, GUI
design skills, and advanced skills such as accessing information in a database and using OLE.
Points possible
Getting Ready Assignments
Chapter Quizzes (11)
Programming Assignments (11)
Test # 1
Test # 2
Test # 3
Final Exam
Grading Scale
Percent Grade
93 – 100 A
90 – 92
A87 – 89
83 – 86
80 – 82
B77 – 79
Percent Grade
D< 60
GETTING READY ASSIGNMENTS: To help students get started with the course, students must
complete the following activities, which are required but will not earn you any points toward the course:
 Knowledge of Course Syllabus and Class Schedule Quiz: Students must be very familiar with
every component listed on the Course Syllabus because this is the contract between the
instructor and the students.
 Your Personal Blog: As an ice breaker, you will create a personal blog and share something
about yourself with your classmates. More information about this assignment is posted on
CHAPTER QUIZZES: To assess students’ understanding of the basic concepts and key terms in this
programming course, students must complete 11 chapter quizzes which are administered online via the
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Longwood Canvas Learning Management System. The deadline for all quizzes is listed on the Class
Schedule, and all quizzes must be completed five minutes prior to the start of the class period for the next
chapter. Each quiz consists of 20 questions, which could be multiple-choice, true/false, or fill-in-the-blank,
and with a time limit of 20 minutes. Students must complete all quizzes by themselves, and all chapter
quizzes are closed book and closed notes.
PROGRAMMING ASSIGNMENTS: Students will complete several tutorials and one programming
challenge exercise for each chapter. The deadlines for these assignments are listed in the Class Schedule
and they are due five minutes before the class period for the next chapter. More details of these assignments
are provided on Canvas in the module for each chapter.
TESTS: Three tests will be administered during the semester via the Canvas LMS site. Each test consists
of two parts: (a) multiple choice/true-false questions; and (b) a take-home programming assignment.
Students who cannot take the scheduled tests must discuss with the instructor in advance. Makeup tests and
exam will only be given with prior notification and under extenuating and unavoidable circumstances. The
burden of proof of said circumstances is on the student. Makeup examinations will usually differ from the
original exam, and may be essay or oral.
FINAL EXAM: A comprehensive, two and a half-hour final exam will be given during the Longwood
University exam schedule. The format of the final exam is relatively similar to the format for the tests. The
senior re-exam policy has been eliminated.
MYPROGRAMMINGLAB: (OPTIONAL) The MyProgrammingLab access code utilizing the Web site is OPTIONAL. It provides students with access to a selfstudy and homework assessment tool that helps them fully grasp the logic, semantics, and syntax of
programming. Students may complete several programming assignments for each chapter and watch the
VideoNotes for some selected tutorials and Programming Challenges exercises.
COMMUNICATION POLICY: Students who need additional help with assignments should make an
appointment with the instructor. Email is another means of communication in this class.
ATTENDANCE: The attendance policy follows the guidelines stated in the Longwood Catalog (read Students must assume full responsibility for
any loss incurred because of absence, whether excused or unexcused. All work missed because of absences
will receive a grade of zero. Excused absences are those resulting from the student’s participation in a
University-sponsored activity, from recognizable emergencies, or from serious illness. Students are
encouraged to participate actively in class discussion and presentation.
 Instructors may assign a grade of “0” or “F” on work missed because of unexcused absences.
 Instructors have the right to lower a student’s course grade, but no more than one letter grade, if
the student misses 10 percent of the scheduled class meeting times for unexcused absences.
 Instructors have the right to assign a course grade of “F” when the student has missed a total
(excused and unexcused) of 25 percent of the scheduled class meeting times.
HONOR CODE: All students must obey the Longwood Honor Code diligently. The Honor Code is based
on the need for trust in an academic community. Longwood’s Honor Code is a system developed by and
maintained for the welfare of its students, and all students should make sure that they read and understand
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the provisions outlined on Longwood Web site ( All
work completed for this course will be considered pledged. However, students are strongly encouraged to
write the Pledge of Honor on every submitted assignment and tests: I have neither given or received help
on this work, nor am I aware of any infraction of the Honor Code. CHEATING IS ABSOLUTELY NOT
CBE ACADEMIC DISHONESTY POLICY: Cheating in any form will not be tolerated in the College
of Business and Economics. If the instructor determines that a student has cheated on an assignment, the
grade of “F” may be assigned for the entire course. “Cheating” is the use of unauthorized resources and/or
work of another including but not limited to homework, tests, papers, presentations and exams. Unless
specifically instructed otherwise, students are to assume that all coursework is to be the work of the
individual student alone. If a student is unsure as to whether collaboration is permitted, the professor should
be contacted in advance of performing the work. If a faculty member penalizes a student in a course for an
Honor Code violation, they should also bring formal charges against the student with the University Honor
INCLEMENT WEATHER POLICY: In cases of inclement weather, commuter and campus based
disabled students will be permitted to make decisions about whether or not to attend classes without
penalty. If the University is open, it is expected that residence students will attend all classes being held
that day. Canceled classes will not be rescheduled since students should utilize the canceled class period as
computer lab time.
ACCOMMODATIONS: Any student who feels that s/he may need or wish reasonable accommodations
based on the impact of a physical, psychological, medical, or learning disability (e.g., note taking support,
extended time for tests, etc.) should contact the staff at The Office for Disability Services located at Graham
Hall, tel: 434-395-2391. The office will require appropriate documentation of disability. All information is
kept confidential.
WRITING CENTER: If a student wants help with writing, The Writing Center is very helpful.
COMPUTER HELP: If a student has technical issues and needs assistance, please contact the
Longwood Help Desk at (434) 395-4357 or Please visit their webpage
( ) for hours of operation and additional information.
MENTAL HEALTH: The Student Health and Wellness Center can help with mental health problems.
Please visit their website ( ) to schedule an appointment. For
general counseling please visit The Counseling Center (
to schedule an appointment.
TUTORING (OPTIONAL): The Center for Academic Success provides free tutoring for this class.
Please visit their website ( ) for more details. To request
a tutor, please go to and fill out the form.
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1. The instructor reserves the right to make any appropriate and necessary changes to the class
schedule and syllabus.
2. Students are responsible for all materials covered in class as well as materials in the textbook. If
you must be absent, the instructor assumes that you have obtained notes from a classmate. Any
student having difficulty with the materials should make an appointment to see the instructor.
3. Private conservations between students are disruptive and annoying to both the instructor and other
students. Therefore, students with disruptive and annoying behaviors are dismissed from class until
the behavior is under control.
*All assignments are listed in the Class Schedule below, and are due 5 minutes before the next class period.
1. ISCS 272 Introduction to Business Programming Course
2. Longwood Canvas Orientation
3. Download student data files from the
4. Install Visual Studio 2012 from the textbook DVD or to your laptop
5. If you own a Mac, see your instructor for more information.
MyProgrammingLab Web site ( OPTIONAL
1. Student Support
2. Student User Guide
Aug 25
3. Systems Requirement:
 Must allow pop-up blocker.
 Must enable session cookies and Javascript.
 Latest version of player and plug-ins.
4. For technical assistance, contact the Student Support Team
5. The course ID for 272-01 (TR 9:30-10:45) is LONG-18452-XDPF-23
Canvas Assignments [Due on August 27, Thursday]
1. Read the FAQ
2. Knowledge of Course Syllabus and Class Schedule Quiz
3. Create your Personal Blog page
Chapter 1 Introduction to Programming and Visual Basic, p. 1-41
1. Textbook:
 Read content materials, p. 1-35
 Review Summary, p. 36
 Review Key Terms, p. 37
Aug 27
 Review Questions and Exercises, p. 37-39
 Programming Challenges, p. 41
2. Canvas:
 Review Chapter Overview and Topics
 Review PPT slides
 Complete Chapter 1 Quiz [Due on Sept 3, Thursday]
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Watch VideoNotes on MyProgrammingLab: (OPTIONAL)
 Forms, Controls, and Properties, p. 9
 Event-Driven Programming, p. 10
 Tutorial 1-4 Walkthrough, p. 21
 Tutorial 1-5 Walkthrough, p. 25
 Tutorial 1-6 Walkthrough, p. 34
 Solving the Sales Tax Problem, p. 41
Programming Assignments: See Canvas [Due on Sept 3, Thursday]
Oct 31 5:00 p.m. – Last day to add/drop a course
Sep 1
Chapter 1 Introduction to Programming and Visual Basic, p. 1-41 (cont’d)
Sep 3
Chapter 2 Creating Applications with Visual Basic, p. 43-109
1. Textbook:
 Read content materials, p. 43-101
 Review Summary, p. 102-103
 Review Key Terms, p. 103
 Review Questions and Exercises, p. 104-106
 Programming Challenges, p. 106-109
2. Canvas:
 Review Chapter Overview and Topics
 Review PPT slides
 Complete Chapter 2 Quiz [Due on Sept 10, Thursday]
3. Watch Video Notes on MyProgrammingLab: (OPTIONAL)
 Tutorial 2-1 Walkthrough, p. 46
 Tutorial 2-2 Walkthrough, p. 48
 Tutorial 2-3 Walkthrough, p. 50
 Tutorial 2-5 Walkthrough, p. 53
 Tutorial 2-6 Walkthrough, p. 57
 Responding to Events, p. 63
 Tutorial 2-8 Walkthrough, p. 64
 Tutorial 2-9 Walkthrough, p. 68
 Tutorial 2-10 Walkthrough, p. 76
 Using IntelliSense, p. 84
 The Name and Address Problem, p. 107
4. Programming Assignments: See Canvas [Due on Sept 10, Thursday]
Sep 7
Labor Day – No School
Sep 8
Chapter 2 Creating Applications with Visual Basic, p. 43-109 (cont’d)
Chapter 3 Variables and Calculations, p. 111-208
1. Textbook:
 Read content materials, p. 111-191
 Review Summary, p. 192-195
Sep 10
 Review Key Terms, p. 195
 Review Questions and Exercises, p. 196-201
 Programming Challenges, p. 202-208
2. Canvas:
Page 6
 Review Chapter Overview and Topics
 Review PPT slides
 Complete Chapter 3 Quiz [Due on Sept 22, Tuesday]
Watch Video Notes on MyProgrammingLab: (OPTIONAL)
 Tutorial 3-2 Walkthrough, p. 115
 Introduction to Variables, p. 124
 Problem Solving with Variables, p. 136
 Converting TextBox Input, p. 149
 Exception Demonstration, p. 161
 Tutorial 3-10 Walkthrough, p. 164
 Building a Kayak Rental Application, p. 195
 The Miles per Gallon Calculator Problem, p. 202
Programming Assignments: See Canvas [Due on Sept 22, Tuesday]
3:30 pm Convocation
Sep 15
Chapter 3 Variables and Calculations, p. 111-208 (cont’d)
Chapter 3 Variables and Calculations, p. 111-208 (cont’d)
Appendix A Advanced User Interface Controls and Techniques, p. 795
Sep 17
Appendix B Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), p. 809
Appendix C Converting Mathematical Expressions to Programming Statements, p. 821
3:30 pm, Hiner 207 – Internship Seminar
Chapter 4 Making Decisions, p. 209-284
1. Textbook:
 Read content materials, p. 209-269
 Review Summary, p. 270-271
 Review Key Terms, p. 271-272
 Review Questions and Exercises, p. 272-277
 Programming Challenges, p. 277-284
2. Canvas:
 Review Chapter Overview and Topics
 Review PPT slides
Sep 22
 Complete Chapter 4 Quiz [Due on October 6, Tuesday]
Tue 3. Watch Video Notes on MyProgrammingLab: (OPTIONAL)
 The If...Then Statement, p. 211
 The If...Then...Else Statement, p. 217
 Tutorial 4-2 Walkthrough, p. 218
 Tutorial 4-3 Walkthrough, p. 221
 Tutorial 4-4 Walkthrough, p. 227
 Validating Input with TryParse, p. 254
 Improving the Kayak Rental Application, p. 272
 The Roman Numeral Converter Problem, p. 277
4. Programming Assignments: See Canvas [Due on October 6, Tuesday]
Sep 24
Test 1 (Chapters 1-3)
Sep 29
Chapter 4 Making Decisions, p. 209-284 (cont’d)
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Oct 1
Chapter 4 Making Decisions, p. 209-284 (cont’d)
Oct 5
12:00 noon – Grade estimate due
Oct 6
Chapter 5 Lists and Loops, p. 285-354
1. Textbook:
 Read content materials, p. 285-338
 Review Summary, p. 339-340
 Review Key Terms, p. 340
 Review Questions and Exercises, p. 340-346
2. Canvas:
 Review Chapter Overview and Topics
 Review PPT slides
 Complete Chapter 5 Quiz [Due on Oct 15, Thursday]
3. Watch Video Notes on MyProgrammingLab: (OPTIONAL)
 The Do While Loop, p. 296
 Tutorial 5-2 Walkthrough, p. 297
 Tutorial 5-3 Walkthrough, p. 301
 The For...Next Loop, p. 310
 Improving the Kayak Rental Application, p. 340
 The Sum of Numbers Problems, p. 346
4. Programming Assignments: See Canvas [Due on Oct 15, Thursday]
7 pm: EiR Speaker, Blackwell Ballroom, Rear Admiral J. Scott Burhoe, President of Fork Union
Military Academy, and former Superintendent of the U.S. Coast Guard Academy
Oct 8
Chapter 5 Lists and Loops, p. 285-354 (cont’d)
3:30 pm, Hiner 207 – Internship Seminar
Oct 14
5:00 p.m. – Last day to withdraw from a course with a “W”
5:00 p.m. – Removal of Incompletes
Chapter 6 Procedures and Functions, p. 355-402
1. Textbook:
 Read content materials, p. 355-391
 Review Summary, p. 392
 Review Key Terms, p. 392
 Review Questions and Exercises, p. 393-396
 Programming Challenges, p. 395-402
Oct 15
 Review Chapter Overview and Topics
 Review PPT slides
 Complete Chapter 6 Quiz [Due on Oct 22, Thursday]
3. Watch Video Notes on MyProgrammingLab: (OPTIONAL)
 Tutorial 6-2 Walkthrough, p. 359
 Passing Arguments to Procedures, p. 363
 Functions, p. 371
 Tutorial 6-5 Walkthrough, p. 372
Page 8
 Tutorial 6-6 Walkthrough, p. 380
 Improving the Kayak Rental Application, p. 393
 The Retail Price Calculator Problem, p. 396
4. Programming Assignments: See Canvas [Due on Oct 22, Thursday]
Oct 20
Chapter 6 Procedures and Functions, p. 355-402 (cont’d)
Chapter 7 Multiple Forms, Modules, and Menus, p. 403-467
1. Textbook:
 Read content materials, p. 403-454
 Review Summary, p. 455-456
 Review Key Terms, p. 456
 Review Questions and Exercises, p. 456-461
 Programming Challenges, p. 461-467
2. Canvas:
 Review Chapter Overview and Topics
Oct 22
 Review PPT slides
 Complete Chapter 7 Quiz [Due on November 3, Tuesday]
3. Watch Video Notes on MyProgrammingLab: (OPTIONAL)
 Creating and Displaying a Second Form, p. 405
 Tutorial 7-1 Walkthrough, p. 411
 Creating a Menu, p. 435
 Adding menus and forms to the Kayak Rental Application, p. 456
 The Astronomy Helper Problem, p. 466
4. Programming Assignments: See Canvas [Due on November 3, Tuesday]
Oct 27
Test 2 (Chapters 4-6)
Oct 29 Chapter 7 Multiple Forms, Modules, and Menus, p. 403-467 (cont’d)
Nov 2 Advising and Advanced Registration Begins
Chapter 8 Arrays and More, p. 469-540
1. Textbook:
 Read content materials, p. 469-528
 Review Summary, p. 529-530
 Review Key Terms, p. 530
 Review Questions and Exercises, p. 531-536
 Programming Challenges, p. 536-540
2. Canvas:
 Review Chapter Overview and Topics
Nov 3
 Review PPT slides
 Complete Chapter 8 Quiz [Due on Nov 10, Tuesday]
3. Watch Video Notes on MyProgrammingLab: (OPTIONAL)
 Accessing Array Elements with a Loop, p. 472
 Tutorial 8-2 Walkthrough, p. 477
 Tutorial 8-3 Walkthrough, p. 480
 Using Arrays to Look Up Information in the Kayak Rental Application, p. 531
 The Lottery Application, p. 539
4. Programming Assignments: See Canvas [Due on Nov 10, Tuesday]
Page 9
Nov 5
Chapter 8 Arrays and More, p. 469-540 (cont’d)
Chapter 9 Files, Printing, and Structures, p. 541-595
1. Textbook:
 Read content materials, p. 541-584
 Review Summary, p. 585
 Review Key Terms, p. 585
 Review Questions and Exercises, p. 586-591
 Programming Challenges, p. 592-595
2. Canvas:
 Review Chapter Overview and Topics
 Review PPT slides
Nov 10
 Complete Chapter 9 Quiz [Due on Nov 17, Tuesday]
3. Watch Video Notes on MyProgrammingLab: (OPTIONAL)
 Writing Data to a File, p. 543
 Reading Data from a File, p. 549
 Tutorial 9-3 Walkthrough, p. 556
 Files and Colors in the Kayak Rental Application, p. 586
 The Random Number File Generator Problem, p. 594
4. Programming Assignments: See Canvas [Due on Nov 17, Tuesday]
7 pm: EiR Speaker, Blackwell Ballroom, Rodney Blevins, Senior VP and CIO, Dominion Resources,
Nov 12
Chapter 9 Files, Printing, and Structures, p. 541-595 (cont’d)
Nov 13 Advising Ends
Chapter 10 Working with Databases, p. 597-676
1. Textbook:
 Read content materials, p. 597-666
 Review Summary, p. 667-668
 Review Key Terms, p. 668-669
 Review Questions and Exercises, p. 669-671
 Programming Challenges, p. 671-676
2. Canvas:
 Review Chapter Overview and Topics
Nov 17
 Review PPT slides
 Complete Chapter 10 Quiz [Due on December 1, Tuesday]
3. Watch Video Notes on MyProgrammingLab: (OPTIONAL)
 The DataGridView Control, p. 602
 Data-Bound Controls, p. 614
 Tutorial 10-4 Walkthrough, p. 621
 Adding a Database to the Kayak Rental Application, p. 669
 The Karate Members Grid Problem, p. 671
 The Karate Payments by a Single Member Problem, p. 674
4. Programming Assignments: See Canvas [Due on December 1, Tuesday]
Nov 18
Test 3 (Chapters 7-9)
Nov 24 Chapter 10 Working with Databases, p. 597-676 (cont’d)
Page 10
Nov 26
Dec 1
Chapter 11 Developing Web Applications, p. 677-794
1. Textbook:
 Read content materials, p. 677-725
 Review Summary, p. 726
 Review Key Terms, p. 727
 Review Questions and Exercises, p. 728-730
 Programming Challenges, p. 731-2
2. Canvas:
 Review Chapter Overview and Topics
 Review PPT slides
 Complete Chapter 11 Quiz [Due on December 8, Tuesday]
3. Watch Video Notes on MyProgrammingLab: (OPTIONAL)
 Creating a Web Application, p. 682
 Tutorial 11-2 Walkthrough, p. 692
 The Stadium Seating Problem, p. 791
4. Programming Assignments: See Canvas [Due on December 8, Tuesday]
Dec 3
Chapter 11 Developing Web Applications, p. 677-794 (cont’d)
Dec 8
FINAL EXAM (Chapters 10+11): 11:30-2:00 p.m.
Go to the Information Systems and Cyber Security Concentration Home Page
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If you have any comments, corrections or suggestions, please don't hesitate to
me at or call me at 434-395-2778. Also, my office hours and class schedules are listed on
my homepage.
This page was last updated on November 24, 2015.
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