A&P Midterm Review

A&P Midterm ReviewThoroughly study all chapters (1-8), not just what is listed here
Major Body Cavities P. 9
Atomic structure P. 32 (figure 2.1)
Composite cell P. 51
Cell membrane P. 52
Mitosis and cytokinesis P. 68
DNA P. 83
Tissues P. 93-109 (be able to identify from microscope slides)
Skin P. 113
Major parts to long bone P. 127
Development of endochondral bone P. 129
Major skeleton P. 134—bones as listed on chart P. 135
May need to identify separate bones from box—not just from printed diagram
Skull P. 136-141
Vertebral column P. 142
Thoracic cage P. 146
3 major parts to coxal bone P. 151
Structure of synovial joint P. 155
Different types of synovial joints (concept map, 155-157)
Structure of skeletal muscle fig. 8.1 P. 170 and fiber Fig. 8.2
Superficial Skeletal Muscles P. 184-185
Lab: Use of compound microscope—how to calculate total magnification
Chapter 1 If a term is listed, know its definition and applications.
Physiology (compare/contrast)
Characteristics of Life
Requirements of Life
Levels of organization
Parts to axial portion
Parts to appendicular portion
Organs found in body cavities
What separates thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities?
Relative positions of body—lateral, medial, distal,proximal,etc.
Anatomical Position
Chapter 2
4 elements that make up more than 95% of human body
Atomic # gives # of—
# electrons max in first shell
Ionic bonds form how? Between what elements?
Covalent bonds form how? Between what elements?
Electrolytes P. 38
Chemicals of cells P. 39-44—Which are inorganic, organic, and examples.
Chapter 3—Cell Structure and function
Endoplasmic reticulum (describe shape)
Ribosomes contain
Mitochondria function
Function of membrane proteins
Where is cytoplasm?
Purpose of dialysis
Cell Cycle
Order of events
Phases of mitosis and what happens during each
Cancer—5 characteristics
Chapter 4—Metabolism
Metabolic pathway
Functions of enzymes
Enzymes and substrates function like a ____________ and a ____________________
Purpose of cellular respiration
2 nucleic acids in human body
Dna replication—when does it occur? What happens?
Chapter 5-Tissues
4 basic types of body tissues and functions
Basement membranes found where
Function of epithelial tissue
Tissue of tendons and ligaments
3 types of muscle tissue—structure and characteristics
Characteristics of nerve tissue
Muscle tissue regeneration
Basic nerve cells
Types of membranes and location
Chapter 6—Integumentary System
Components of system
Structures found in each layer of skin—where they are and what they do
Tissues composing each layer of skin
Cells that produce hair
Functions of integumentary system
Eccrine vs. Apocrine glands
Formation of skin pigment
Skin cancer—causes and types
How do components of system regulate body temperature?
How do wounds heal?
Chapter 7—Skeletal system
Appendicular vs. Axial skeleton
Intra membranous vs. Endochondral bone—formation
Repair of bone fracture—explain
Functions of organs of skeletal system
Chapter 8-Muscular system
Study all notes and guide worksheet.