BIO 121 Final Exam Study Guide

What are the characteristics of an individual in anatomical position?
What do the different directional terms mean?
Be able to use the appropriate terminology to describe the location of a body structure in relation to the body or
to another body structure.
Where are the major body cavities located (i.e. thoracic, abdominal, pelvic, ventral, and dorsal)?
What major organs are found in each of the body cavities?
What homeostasis is and why it is important to the functioning of the body.
Differences between negative and positive feedback mechanisms.
Name and describe the four primary classes into which all adult tissues are classified.
What are the functions of each of the layers of the skin?
List the functions of the skin and relate them to its structure.
Describe the histological structure of the epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous tissue.
Describe the normal and pathological colors that the skin can have, and explain their causes
List and completely explain the 4 functions of bone
Draw and label the parts of a long bone
Diagram the knee joint, be sure to include the major ligaments within the joint.
Differentiate between a subluxation and a dislocation.
List and explain the 6 synovial joint classifications
Compare and contrast the 2 types of arthritis discussed
Microscopic structure of bone
Endochondral ossification process
Types of ankle sprains
Whole muscle anatomy
agonist and an antagonist
contrast isotonic and isometric contractions
Completely explain generation of an action potential and mechanism of muscle contraction, include sliding
filament theory and all important chemicals and proteins
Describe an entire neuron and the function of each part
Neuron Classification
Cell membrane potential
Sensory, Motor, Mixed nerves