Marketing Across America (2).

Marketing Across Americas
Alexandria DuBry
Jennifer Swinford
How brands that excel in
their local markets:
Building brand awareness
Boosting Sales
Fostering customer loyalty
Staying true of brand promises.
Canadian Tire
• Canadian Tire & Rona
– home renovation.
• Value
– Increase from 2008 to 2010
• Canadian Tire: 4%
• Rona: 3%
– Rank: Interbrand’s Best Canadian Brands in 2010
• Canadian Tire: 11th
• Rona: 20th
Canadian Tire
•1997: 85% of Canadians were
within a 15 minute drive of one of
their stores.
•1994: Wal-Mart expanded into
• Canadian Tire got to work with a
new store format and expansion
• lost some share, made up by
•100 years of connection to
community [for Canadian Tire]
versus 10 years [for Wal-Mart],
you’ve got a lot more
momentum and inertia around
Canadian Tire.”
•momentum, and the company’s
prevalent locations, kept Wal-Mart
at bay.
•remained competitive on price,
•67% of its 19 million square feet
is new or was retorted within the
last 5 years.
•advertising constitutes a mix of
• nostalgic content and more
functional messaging about
store renovations and products
•emphasis on community
•Canadian Tire Jumpstart charity,
which places tens of thousands
of kids in organized sports and
physical activity programs
•has earned the company the
seventh best corporate
reputation in the country,
according to a 2010 survey
•future focus
• strengthen the core business
• improve customer service,
•an area that has been heavily
criticized over the year
• Like Canadian Tire, Rona has a long history dating
back to the business’s foundation in 1939.
– But it wasn’t until the past decade that the brand
grew into Ontario and Western Canada thanks to
some aggressive acquisitions and expansions.
– Rona thrives where others have failed
– Competing against Home Depot and Lowe’s
• National pride-oriented messaging, renovated
store layouts, incentive programs and a lucrative
Olympics sponsorship.
• rough in-store marketing
•home design competition reality
TV shows,
• Rona positioned as the go-to source
for thinking about doing
•anything to the home
• figuring it out. ‘You can do it
yourself and we will help make it
•branch into different store formats
•for customer convenience
•big-box locations
•two-year-old STUDIO RONA,
which, by focusing on paint,
stands as a more price-conscious
point of entry
•sales fell 5.4% from 2008 to 2009
•Rona took steps to avoid further decline.
-When the Canadian government
announced up to $1,350 (Canadian) in tax
credits for home improvements in 2009,
•Rona introduced the RONAdvantage loyalty
program in which consumers could earn up to
$1,000 in gift cards, as well as air miles, if
they purchased supplies for tax-credit-eligible
projects with a Rona credit card.
• Tax credit ended this year, but in April Rona
introduced a revised program with more
•Sponsorship of the Vancouver 2010 Winter
•ads showcasing the company’s involvement
in construction for the Olympic Games.
• Mobile communications
• Marketing Strength
– Control 70% market share
– 60 million subscribers
– Garners high customer loyalty through strong service and
comprehensive marketing.
• Market Dominance is so extensive investigate by the
Federal Competition Commission.
– Wireless Coverage 96% of Mexico
– Market share is four times larger then closest competitor
– Revenue share is five times larger.
•Good Service
•Drives Telcel’s Business
•Customer Loyalty
•Sports and Entertainment
•Motor sports
•NASCAR Mexico
•Rockampeonato Telcel
• Natura
– All natural cosmetics
– Founded in 1969
• Rank
– Brazil’s most
environmentally friendly
– 6th most valuable brand
in Brazil
• Natura House
– Santo Andre
– 5 houses rebuilt for sales force to
meet, train, and try products
• Marketing
– Products derived from
Amazonian trees and
– No animal testing
– Chemical-free policies
– Uses less plastic by
promoting refill product
• Strategy
– Direct sales
– Plans to reduce carbon
emissions by 33% by
– Shares Ekos product line
profits with communities
in the Amazon
– Educational meetings
every 3 weeks for
• Financial Services
• Marketing Strength
– Official sponsor of the
Racing Club de
• One of the biggest soccer
teams in Argentina
• Jerseys Logo-Free
• Received significant
media attention
“Creator of Owners”
• Logo-Free Jersey
• Benefits to Banco
Hipotecario from LogoFree Jersey
Shown on local TV stations
Appeared in newspapers
Covered by radio stations
Soccer-focused websites
Facebook groups formed
Team’s website had higher
volume of visitors
– Cannes Lions shortlist
• Annual awards show for the creative
communications industry