

Electron Structure of the Atom

Chapter 7

7.1 Electromagnetic Radiation and Energy

Electromagnetic Radiation

• EM Radiation travels through space as an oscillating waveform .

• EM Radiation travels through a vacuum at a constant speed of 3.00×10 8 m/s

Properties of EM Radiation

• Wavelength ( λ, measured in nm )

• Frequency ( υ, measured in Hertz, Hz )

Relationship between λ and υ

Electromagnetic Spectrum

Mathematical Relationships

υλ = c

υ = Frequency of the light (1/s, or Hz)

λ = Wavelength of light (nm or m) c = CONSTANT , Speed of light (3.00×10 8 m/s)

Mathematical Relationships

E photon

=hυ E photon



υ = Frequency of the light (1/s, or Hz)

λ = Wavelength of light (nm or m) c = CONSTANT , Speed of light (3.00×10 8 m/s)

h = Planck’s Constant (6.626×10 -34 J×s)

E photon

= Energy of a single photon (J)


• Assume we want to determine the frequency of orange light and the energy of a single photon of this light.

• Orange light = 600 nm = 6.00×10 -7 m

• υλ = c, therefore υ = c/λ

• 𝑣 =

• E

• E



6.00×10 −7 𝑚 photon photon 𝑚/𝑠 = 5.00×10

=3.31×10 -19 J

14 Hz

=hυ=(6.626×10 -34 J×s)(5.00×10 14 Hz)


• Calculate the frequency and photon energy for an X-ray of wavelength 1.00 nm.

• X-Ray= 1.00 nm = 1.00×10 -9 m

• υλ = c, therefore υ = c/λ

• 𝑣 =

• E


8 photon 𝑚/𝑠

1.00×10 −9

= 3.00×10 17 Hz 𝑚

=hυ=(6.626×10 -34 J×s)(3.00×10 17 Hz)

• E photon

=1.99×10 -16 J


• What color is laser with a frequency of

6.0×10 14 Hz?

• 𝑣λ = 𝑐 therefore

λ = 𝑐 𝑣

• λ =


8 𝑚/𝑠

6.0×10 14 𝐻𝑧

= 5.00×10

• 500 nm = Green Light

-7 m = 500 nm

Continuous vs. Line Spectra

7.2 The Bohr Model of the

Hydrogen Atom

Bohr Model of the Atom

• Propsed by Niels Bohr

• Explains the Emission

Spectrum of Hydrogen

• Relies of quantitized energy levels.

• Does not work for atoms with more than one electron.

7.3 The Modern Model of the


Orbitals and Orbits

• Bohr’s model had electrons orbit in tight paths , but this only worked for Hydrogen.

• Schrödinger expanded the model by using

3 dimensional orbitals

Energy Levels and Orbital Shape

• Electrons are still in quantitized energy levels.

• Orbitals of roughly the same size are in the same overarching, or principal , energy level .

• There are four ground state orbital geometries: s, p, d and f .

Naming Orbitals

• Orbitals are named for their principal energy level and their orbital geometry.

• The n=1 principal energy level has only one geometry, s.

• The n=2 principal energy level has two geometries, s and p.

• n=3 is composed of s, p, and d

• n=4 is composed of s, p, d and f.

Orbital Geometries

Orbital Diagrams

Rules for Filling in Orbitals

• Ground State Atoms have the same number of electrons as protons.

• Aufbau Principle – Start with the lowest energy level.

• Pauli Exclusion Principle – Max of two electrons in each orbital with opposite spins

• Hund’s Rule – Electrons are distributed in orbitals of the same energy as to maximize the number of unpaired electrons.

Sodium p= 11 e= 11






Electron Configurations

• Orbital diagrams are informative but take a lot of space.

• Electron Configurations are a shorthand for these diagrams.

• Though they convey the same information, they do not show sublevel organization.

Sodium p= 11 e= 11


Na 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 1





7.4 Periodicity of Electron


Periodic Table

Another Way to Look at It

7.5 Valance Electrons in the Main

Group Elements

Main Group Elements

Valance Electrons

• Valance Electrons are those electrons in the last filled principal energy level.

• Core Electrons are those below the valance level.

• Valance Electrons for Main Group Elements are those in the highest s and p orbitals .

• Main Elements in the same group have the same number of valance electrons.

7.6 Electron Configurations for


Sodium ion p= 11 e= 10


Na 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6

Ion Electron Configurations

• Ion charges are as they are due to the role of orbitals.

• Ions are stable at 1+, 2+, or such because that gets the electron configuration to a completed principal energy shell (for main group elements).

• Na (1+) is isoelectronic with Neon (a completed n=2)

7.7 Periodic Properties of Atoms

Valance Electrons and Chemistry

• Valance electrons are the ones participating in chemical reactions.

• Compounds are stabilized by reaching a filled principal energy level.

• We will return to this next chapter.

Ionization Energy

• Ionization Energy , the amount of energy required to remove en electron from an gaseous atom (kJ/mol)

• The lower the ionization energy the more reactive a compound is.
