
What We Will Address
What is science?
Why should we study science?
What did we do before science?
What role does Math have in
Integ. Science
– Read CH 1:
– Take Notes:
Page 1 – 25
Page 2 – 10/11
Page 18 – 25
– Define Key Terms: Page 26
Due Date
Text Book
Note Book
Note Book
Science – Knowledge about the natural world that
is derived from observations and experiments.
“I am an explorer. Some paths that I travel have been
traveled before. Other paths are uncharted – leading
to new insights and to new discoveries.”
“Integrated Science”
• A Physical Science CLASS at LaSalle that involves
the systematic study of the world around us, the
processes that take place in that world, and the
laws that govern the physical world. It is not a
branch of Science like those listed below.
• Components studied in Integrated Science:
Earth Science
Why Study Science?
So you can be scientifically literate!!!
What does that mean?
You can understand scientific and technologic information that
is constantly given that affects you, your family, YOUR LIFE.
“Science gives us a powerful tool to understand how our world
works and how we interact with our physical surroundings.
It leads us to future discovery, learning, and
understanding of things unseen or to large to
Displays order and regularity where things once
seemed chaotic and confusing.
What did we do before science?
What did science evolve from?
What is the main tool used by
most of the sciences?
The Scientific Method
Why do we use it?
Why do we use it?
• It is an organized way of solving problems.
• We use the method because it grants us
• This means we can be sure that our
results were affected by a specific factor
known as an experimental variable.
Experiment Vocabulary
• Experimental Variable
– Factor in an experiment that can and is
• Control Variables
– The part of the experiment that does not have
the variable being tested.
It’s all about CONTROL
• Examples of Controlled Experiments?
The Scientific Method
• There is no single
procedure that
scientists follow in their
work. However, there
are certain steps
common to all good
scientific investigations.
• These steps are called
the scientific method.
Scientific Method
1. Initial Observation
• You notice (senses) something… object,
movement, etc...
2. Problem
• Experimental question or what you want to find
3. Hypothesis
• Possible rationalization for a set of observations
or the likely explanation of the problem.
4. Experimentation
and Observation
• Carry out your experimental procedure in order
to test your hypotheses. Manipulate some
aspect of nature and observe the outcome.
5. Results
• Collect data and perform calculations for
analysis.Create tables and graphs.Analyze data.
6. Draw Conclusions
• Summarize results; Check your hypothesis; and
draw conclusions that explain problem, solution,
and implications for others. Predict the future.
Scientific Method
2. Identifying Patterns
7. Draw Conclusions
1. Observations
5. Experiments
6. Data
What We “Know”
4. Prediction
3. Hypothesis
Methods in Science
• What is the tool that all of the sciences use?
• Define the steps in the Scientific Method
Initial Observation
Experimentation and Observation
Analyze Data
Draw Conclusions
• Define the following terms:
Experimental Variable.
Control Variables
• What does it mean to have Control in science?
• Give a few examples of Qualitative Observations.
• Explain what a Quantitative Observations is.
Science is Quantitative
• Data
– Information that can be used to make
• Reproducible
– Someone else must be able to do the same
thing… they should get the same results!
Don’t Get Them Confused!
• Hypothesis
– Prediction of the outcome of an experiment.
• Theory
– a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the
natural world.
– an organized system of accepted knowledge that applies
in a variety of circumstances to explain a specific set of
– Has lots of observational and experimental support.
• Law
– Well tested and supported theory that is true for a variety
of circumstances
– a generalization that describes recurring facts or events
in nature
Review Questions
1. How would you explain what science is to
someone who never heard the term before?
2. Describe the steps in the scientific method.
3. Why do we use the Scientific Method?
4. What is the difference between a control and
an experimental variable?
5. If one were testing whether nicotine causes
cancer in rats or not, how would they go
about maintaining control in the experiment?
What would the variables be?
Experimental Design Assignment
– Work in pairs
• Design a controlled Experiment/Experiments for each of
the following experimental variables.
• The goal here is to follow the scientific method and set up
a CONTROLLED experiment or multiple CONTROLLED
• How do Phosphorous, Potassium, and Nitrogen, as well as
Water, Sunlight and Temperature influence plant growth?
• Think of all the other variables that you need to control (list
them). Be sure to mention how you would maintain