Unit 6 Station

Name: ____________________________________
Period: ________
Date: ___________________
Psychology should be an objective science that deals with observable behavior; Not mental processes
Learning: Relatively permanent change in behavior due to experience
Ivan Pavlov: -Discovered classical conditioning working with dogs
Classical Conditioning: Learning by the association of two stimuli and the anticipation of events
Unconditioned response (UCR): Unlearned, natural response (dog salivating to the taste of food)
Unconditioned stimulus (UCS): Naturally triggers a response (meat that causes dog to salivate)
Conditioned response (CR): Learned response to the conditioned stimulus (dog salivating to bell)
Conditioned stimulus (CS): Originally neutral stimulus that has been learned (bell that causes dog to salivate)
Acquisition: Initial stage of learning when one links a neutral stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus
Extinction: Diminishing of a conditioned response; occurs when an unconditioned stimulus does not follow a conditioned stimulus
Spontaneous Recovery: Reappearance of extinguished conditioned response after a pause (usually weakened)
Generalization: Tendency for stimuli similar to the conditioned stimulus to elicit similar responses; (Baby Albert was scared of anything
white and furry)
Discrimination: Learned ability to distinguish between a Conditioned stimulus and stimuli that do not signal an unconditioned stimulus;
(Pavlov's dogs responded to the sound of some tones and not respond to some other tones)
Law of Effect: Rewarded behavior is likely to recur
Edward Thorndike: Operant Conditioning; Placed cats in "puzzle boxes" and gave rewards, cats' performance improved with successive
B.F Skinner: Operant Conditioning; created chamber for pigeons, pigeon pecks a key that releases food
Operant Conditioning: Learning through reinforcement or punishment based on the association of consequences with one's behavior.
Reinforcers: Any event that strengthens a behavior
Punishment: Any consequence that decreases a behavior
Positive reinforcement: Presenting a pleasurable stimulus after a response; Praise, candy, money
Negative reinforcement: Reducing or removing something unpleasant; Removal of chores, taking aspirin to remove headache
Positive punishment: Adding an unpleasant stimulus; Spankings
Negative punishment: Taking away a desirable stimulus; Grounding for the weekend
Observational Learning: Learning by observing others
Modeling: The process of observing and imitating a specific behavior
Albert Bandura: Observational Learning; Bobo Doll Experiment -Social Behavior, children who viewed adult model act violently toward
the Bobo doll also did the same
Antisocial behavior: Violent, destructive, and unhelpful behavior that can be learned through observation
Prosocial behavior: Positive, constructive, and helpful behavior that can be learned through observation
Just before something scary happens in a horror film, they often play scary-sounding music. When I hear the music, I tense up in
anticipation of the scary event. In this situation, the music serves as a
(1) Unconditioned stimulus (UCS)
(2) Conditioned stimulus (CS)
(3) Unconditioned response (UCR)
(4) Conditioned response (CR)
Many psychologists believe that children of parents who beat them are likely to beat their own children. One common
explanation for this phenomenon is
(1) modeling
(2) latent learning
Work hard. Be nice.
(3) abstract learning
(4) classical conditioning
With which statement would B.F. Skinner most likely agree?
(1) Pavlov’s dog learned to expect that food would follow the bell.
(2) Baby Albert thought the white rat meant the loud noise would sound.
(3) All learning is observable.
(4) Pigeons peck disks knowing that they will receive food.
Which of the following is an example of positive reinforcement?
(1) buying a child a video game after she throws a tantrum
(2) going inside to escape a thunderstorm
(3) assigning a student detention for fighting
(4) getting a cavity filled at the dentist to halt a toothache
Social learning experiments on the modeling of aggressive behavior have demonstrated that
1) children are not affected by watching violence on television.
2) children can develop aggressive behavior simply by watching others perform aggressive acts.
3) children’s aggressive behavior must be reinforced for it to be repeated.
4) children imitate aggressive behavior seen on television only if media violence is performed by children.
The infant Albert developed a fear of rats after a white rat was associated with a loud noise. Interestingly, he also developed a
fear of white rabbits and white beards. This demonstrates the principle of:
1) extinction
2) generalization
3) spontaneous recovery
4) discrimination
Cassie is not nearly so fearful of bees today as she was two years ago, shortly after being stung by one. Cassie’s fear of bees has
1) spontaneous recovery
2) generalization
3) extinction
4) acquisition
Dan is a struggling 5th grader. Throughout elementary school, Dan’s behavior has been getting progressively worse. Dan is
constantly talking during class to his classmates, who think he is hilarious. Often, teachers yell at him in front of the class,
which he doesn’t mind, because it gives him an opportunity to be the center of attention, even if he gets kicked out of class.
Sometimes he will even intentionally get kicked out, like during a quiz he is not prepared for. The teachers are sick of this, as
they had to deal with many of the same behaviors just two years earlier, when Dan’s brother was in 5 th grade.
Choose ONE of the following processes of learning and explain how it may have contributed to the development of Dan’s behavior.
A. Positive Reinforcement
B. Negative Reinforcement
C. Modeling