



1. An example of a negative reinforcement is a night of no homework because

you did well on an exam.

A. True; it’s negative because there was removal of a stimulus.

B. False; it’s positive because an action was taken.

C. True; it’s a good thing to have no homework.

D. False; it’s bad to take away a stimulus that might be helpful to someone.

2. In classical conditioning, the ________ elicits a reflexive response in the absence of learning.

A. unconditioned stimulus

B. unconditioned response

C. conditioned stimulus

D. conditioned response

E. A & C only.

3. ________ is an operant-conditioning procedure in which successive approximations of a desired response are reinforced.

A. Shaping

B. Latent learning

C. Stimulus generalization

D. Stimulus discrimination

E. Instinctive drift

4. You purchase a scratch and win ticket with 1/20 odds of winning. This is an example of:

A. variable interval reinforcement schedule

B. fixed interval reinforcement schedule

C. variable ratio reinforcement schedule

D. fixed ratio reinforcement schedule

E. none of the above

5. Which of the following key experiments is paired correctly with the experimenter?

A. BF Skinner – the puzzle box

B. Thorndike – the Bobo doll experiment

C. Zimbardo – the conformity study

D. Milgram – the conditioning chamber

E. John Watson – the Little Albert Study

6. A social norm is:

A. peer pressure

B. an unexpected behavior occurring in a particular group

C. a person’s culture

D. the expected behavior of a member of a group

E. a behavior that makes you feel uncomfortable, but you do it anyways.

7. When we make situational attributions, we are identifying the cause of an action as something:

A. in the environment.

B. in the person's disposition.

C. that is a biological trait.

D. in the unconscious.

E. in the person’s upbringing.

8. David asks Nadir if he can bring some boxes to his apartment so he can move. When Nadir gets there, David asks if Nadir would put some textbooks in a box for him. Soon Nadir has packed the whole bookshelf and most of the kitchen. What social psychology process caused this to happen?

A. cognitive dissonance

B. entrapment

C. fatal attribution error

D. deindividuation

E. diffusion of responsibility

9. If a teacher comes into her classroom and announces that everyone who has blue eyes will receive 5 extra points and brown eyed students will not, she is demonstrating:

A. prejudice

B. cooperation

C. the just-world hypothesis

D. discrimination

E. bias

10. Research suggests that you are more likely to:

A. feel deindividuated in a small town.

B. feel deindividuated when wearing a uniform.

C. feel deindividuated when you are alone.

D. feel deindividuated when the group does not conform.

E. none of the above


1. Explain the difference between operant conditioning and classical conditioning? (2 points)

2. Explain two of the biases discussed in Chapter 8 (choose from: self-serving bias; just-world hypothesis; prejudice; ingroup bias) (2 points)

Answer Key:

1. A

2. A

3. A

4. C

5. E

6. D

7. A

8. B

9. D

10. B
