June 2009 - Knights of Columbus

Chino Valley Council #10234
St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church
St. Margaret Mary Catholic Church
Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church
General Meeting
June 04, 2009
 The meeting was Called to Order at 7:27 pm The Warden’s Report was completed by Koji
Takemura. The opening prayer and pledge of allegiance were lead by Grand Knight Paul Diaz.
 Roll Call of Officers by Recorder Jose Lopez, David Montoya excused.
 Reading of the minutes was waived and they were approved as written.
 Reading of Receipts: $19.02 to Mike Leeming for drinks dinner, $9.33 to Tom Hughes for
printing of Past Grand Knights pictures, $34.89 d Gonzalez for dinner refreshments, $89.60 Bill
Grancich for dinner streaks.
 Reading of Communications and Bills: An acknowledgment from March of Dimes for helping at
their event on April 25.
 Financial Secretary Report: Our income was $2875.81, expenses were $1910.38 We gave $400 to
Columbian charities, $200 to Tom Hughes and $200.00 to Paul Diaz for convention expenses.
 Treasurer’s report – Mike Leeming reported on the status of the checking and savings accounts.
 Old Business
 Grand Knight’s report
 State Convention report by GK Paul Diaz announced that our council was awarded 7th
place for council bulletin in the 4th Division.
 Deputy Grand Knight stepped down for personal reasons. Bill Grancich DGK
 We will have a table at all masses at the coming Ministry Fair at St. Paul the Apostle
church on June 7th.
 Our June Breakfast will be held on Sunday, June 14 preparations will begin at 6:30 am.
 Richard Contreras reported that the Cinco de Mayo event grossed $3625.00, expenses were
$3886.20. We had a net loss of $261.20
 Beach Day, June 6th, See Flyer or website site for more information. Games for kids volleyball
and wheel barrel races are planned. The park opens at 6 am and closes at 10 pm.
 The golf tournament will be on Friday, June 26th at El Prado Golf Course. It starts at 8am.
The cost is $45.00 See Flyer or Website for more information. Committee member and
help for the event are needed. Sponsorship for individual holes is a minimum of $25.00.
 Quakes Game 2009 is on July 3rd which is Fireworks Night .Ticket cost $9.00. District Deputy
Joe Bok, Jr. has 2 tickets left.
 Report of Auditors and Trustees: all bills were reviewed and approved.
 Reports (Membership Paul Diaz reported that we have a new transfer in to our council, he is
Bernie Santos, Community Director Steve Marquez reported on the swine flu discussion. Ramiro
Caro said the scouts are doing an eagle scout project and looking for donations to illuminate our
flag pole with a solar light,
 There was a small turnout for our May Corporate Communion at St. Margaret Mary’s church.
The next one will be on August 30th.
 District Deputy Joe Bok, Jr. reminded the council that the Star Council paper work is due. He also
spoke about the breakfast with the Supreme Knight on September 15th
 New Business
 We need suggestions for fundraisers. A garage sale or selling Christmas cards were two
 The Knight of the Month for May is Manuel Padilla, and the Family of the Month is Richard and
Flory Contreras for all their work on the Cinco de Mayo event. Dan & Maria Sapien were also
given a May Family of the Month certificate for all their work on the St Margaret Mary festival.
They put in a minimum of 20 hours on the event.
 The First Degree Team will be suspended until July.
 4th Degree report (St. Jude Assembly) Motion by Tom Hughes to donate $100.00 to St. Jude
Assembly second by Ramiro Caro provided it has not already been paid was approved. De Anza
Report: The Knights of Columbus will be marching In the 4th of July Parade in Ontario all
councils with Regalia are welcome to march, all knights are invited to attend. Paul Diaz is the new
Scribe for the De Anza Assembly.
 Motions from the floor: Koji Takemura is taking shirt orders.
 General Elections for upcoming July 2009 to June 2010 Columbian year were conducted by
Richard Contreras. The new officers are:
 Grand Knight
Paul Diaz,
Deputy Grand Knight
Don Gonzalez
Lamar Johnson
Financial Secretary
Dennis Stump
Robert von Voigt
Jose Lopez
Mike Leeming
Bill Grancich
Inside Guard
Frank Gillis
Outside Guard
Andrew Alvarez
1st Year Trustee
Tom Hughes
2 Year Trustee
Richard Contreras
3rd Year Trustee
Manuel Padilla
Fr. Pat O’Hagan
 Closing Prayer 8:20
 Sick and Distressed: PGK Jim Lapolla, David Montoya, Chuck Kosky, Doris Cartwright, Dorothy
Matteo, Katherine Grancich, Hector Franco, Henry Hernandez, Les English, Carol Brand, Marilyn
Hughes, Barbara, Magdince, Dorothy(Cathy) McCabe, Piedad Montoya, Mark Lopez, Tacie Adams,
Wini Kline, Ernie Marcos, Jr., Lou Cartwright, Felix Montoya, Connie Martinez, Rob Benedict, Linda
Miles, Rick Lopez, Mary Lynn Runtz, Joanna Garcia Diaz, Ann Vezzetti, Lupe Montoya, Petra Lopez, Fr.
Michael Barry, Michael Thompson. Natalie Gaglio, Dan Renco, Howard Chrisman, Juanita Kordus, Sadie
Munoz, Melaysia Johnson, Carmen Cordova, Emma and Auggie Bravo, Marco Otero, Brad Edwards,
Dennis Cardona.
 RIP: Robert Kline, Willie Williams, Patrick O’Curran, Manuel Buyson, Ernie Vestri, Case
Spolstra, James O’Reiley, Julie Uehlin, John Palmowski, Paul Taylor, Bette Piasta, Charles Musser,