Knights of Columbus Council 4240, Menomonee Falls, WI

Knights of Columbus
Council 4240
Menomonee Falls, WI
Who are we?
KC’s are Catholic men, ages 18 to 118. While membership is restricted to men, the
group is very family oriented. Wives, sons, daughters and grand children participate in
many of the events.
What do we do?
Much of what we do is local. We are a group committed to making our community a
better place. Our mission is to serve the young, elderly, and mentally handicapped
among us. The list of local charities is very long, but includes Menomonee Falls Health
Care Center, Special Olympics, Hartfel House and the Menomonee Falls D.A.R.E.
Program to name a few.
Meno. Falls Health Care Center – Christmas party
How can I help?
Any support you can provide is very much appreciated. The simple act of opening up
your heart and your wallet when a collection can passes by is a big help. If you can spare
some time and would like to do more, please call the numbers below to find out how.
Sounds great, but what kind of time commitment are you talking about?
Not much. Participation is completely voluntary and at your discretion. It’s sort of like
church where you have the whole spectrum from E&Cers to guys that wouldn’t miss a
week. All members are welcome and valued.
For more information, contact:
Mark Wagner
(GS) 262-255-1597
John Mackowski (GS) 262-255-5123
Mike Marking
(GS) 262-253-0497
Mike Bub
(GS) 262-251-5073
(GS) Good Shepherd Parish member
Tim Donlin *
John Rawlings **
Bob Munnagle
Ray Etzel
* Grand Knight, ** Deputy Grand Knight
More Pictures from recent events …
Annual Easter Egg Hunt
Hundreds participate each year
KC’s usher at Holy Hill
A few of the egg hunters
Annual Tootsie Roll Drive
It’s a good feeling to give back to others.
We’d like to share this experience with you.
Please consider contacting one of our
members to learn how to join us.