otterton parish news - St Michael's church

JUNE 2014
A member of the Raleigh Mission Community
Reverend Anne Charlton (444276)
Reverend Annita Denny (512735)
Ms Anne Radcliffe (568059)
Mr John Archibald (567332)
Mrs Fran Mills (443397)
office open Mon 1-3pm; Fri 10am-2pm
SUNDAY 1st JUNE – 7th of Easter
8.00 am
Holy Communion
East Budleigh
10.00 am
Holy Communion
10.00 am
6.00 pm
Family Service
Choral Evensong
East Budleigh
East Budleigh
SUNDAY 8th JUNE - Pentecost
10.00 am
Holy Communion
East Budleigh
SUNDAY 15th JUNE – Trinity Sunday
10.00 am
6.00 pm
Holy Communion
Scarecrow Festival Songs of Praise
East Budleigh
2.30 pm
Holy Communion (Vicarage)
East Budleigh
SUNDAY 22nd JUNE – 1st after Trinity
10.00 am
Holy Communion
East Budleigh
10.00 am
Morning Prayer
6.30 pm
Bible Sunday Service
Baptist Church
SUNDAY 29th JUNE – 2nd after Trinity/Peter, Paul Apostles
11.00 am
RMC Joint Eucharist and Barbecue
SUNDAY 6th JULY – 3rd of Trinity
8.00 am
Holy Communion
East Budleigh
10.00 am
Holy Communion
10.00 am
Family Service
St Peter’s
East Budleigh
Morning Prayer will be said Tuesday, 9.30am East Budleigh, and Thursday, 9.30am, Otterton,
Sunday 8th June
Otterton’s keen gardeners are opening 10 gardens to the public
from 11am – 5pm. Tickets £5, children free, includes a free
miniature train ride. BBQ, cream teas, plant sales, garden
quiz. Proceeds to Budleigh Hospiscare and Otterton Church.
Please come and support this fantastic event – new gardens
this year, plus some old favourites!
Sunday 8th June, 11am to 5pm
In order to raise as much money as possible we will be selling
plants, plant pots and gardening books. If you can contribute
any of these, it would make a huge difference to the final sum
given to Budleigh Hospiscare and Otterton Church. All
contributions gratefully received. Contact Barbara Ottley
(567701) for plants, Sally Hackney (567399) for books, or
bring on the morning of 8th June to Rydon Barn, Ottery
Street. Thank you.
View from The Vicarage
I wonder what you think of when you think of hell? Is it a fiery furnace with men in black and red, with horns and pitchforks,
jumping around in flames, prodding people, whilst tormented souls slowly and painfully burn? Is it a place in this earth or in the
According to a recent book by Rob Bell called “Love Wins”, the word for hell (mentioned roughly 12 times in the New
Testament) is ‘Gehenna’. ‘Ge’ means valley and ‘Henna’ means ‘Hinnom’. Gehenna, the valley of Hinnom, was an actual valley
on the south and west side of the city of Jerusalem. Gehenna, in Jesus’s day, was the city rubbish tip. People tossed their rubbish
there, and fires were kept constantly burning to consume it. Wild animals fought over scraps of food. When they fought, their teeth
would make a gnashing sound. Gehenna was a place with the gnashing of teeth, where the fire never went out.
This puts a very different reflection on what you may have heard, or may have imagined as a child. Jesus is saying your life
will be literally rubbish if you don’t follow his commands to love God and to love your neighbours as yourself. Jesus is saying – do
you want to end up in the rubbish pile of life, or do you want to seek peace and light and joy – heaven in other words.
Time and time again he says it is up to you; I have given you freedom. Love cannot be forced. I came to teach you so that you
might have life and have it abundantly, but if you want hell, that’s your choice too.
As to whether heaven and hell are in this world or the next, I suspect if we seek heaven in this world, we will recognise it when
we arrive in the next.
I do commend this book to your reading. It cuts through so much of the rubbish we have heard over the years and gets right
back to the Gospel message – no to selfishness, pride, envy and greed – yes to love and peace and light and joy.
With every blessing
Anne Charlton
The recent Spring Coffee Morning raised £240 for Church funds. Many thanks to all the helpers and to those who kindly supported
this event.
Choral Evensong at All Saints, East Budleigh: On Sunday 1st June at 6 pm, three days after Ascension Day, DEVON VOICES
will be singing a Festive Choral Evensong. Those of you who have heard Devon Voices at their Christmas Concerts, know that this
will be worth attending. The collection at the end of the service will be for the purchase of a Portaramp to aid disabled persons’
access to church services. Your support towards this will be greatly appreciated.
Friends of All Saints - East Budleigh Scarecrow Festival: 13th – 15th June: The Festival begins on 13th June at 7.30 pm in All
Saints Church, when Andrew Millington and David Davis from Exeter Cathedral will be performing a Duo Recital on Organ and
Piano. Entry by programme, £7.50, at the door or in advance from the Village Shop. On 14th and 15th June, the Village Hall is the
main focus for the Festival - refreshments available from 11am-4pm, stalls, tombola and raffle, plus children’s events in the
adjoining playground. Duck Race 2.15pm Saturday, 2.30pm Sunday. Various displays, including Old Books and Documents,
Knitting, Art, Puppets and of course a fabulous array of Scarecrows throughout the village. Tours of All Saints Tower available
between 2pm and 5.30pm. In aid of the Friends of All Saints.
Contact: Christine Channon, 12 Cricket Field Court, Budleigh Salterton EX9 6JB, tel 442927,
Contact: Ray Bloxham, Raleigh Ward member, 14 Best Park, Cranbrook, Exeter EX5 7AG, tel 01404 515246 –
 After two years as Chairman, Jane Smith has stepped down and been replaced by Tony Bennett. The Council is most
grateful for all that Jane has done for the village over the past two years.
 The Council is also grateful to Mike Parkin for providing new topsoil to fill the holes in the football pitch at the
playground. The children have already shown their appreciation for the improved surface.
 Work has been completed on clearing vegetation from a number of the village footpaths, but landlords are reminded that
they are responsible for keeping footpaths, bridleways and Byways open to the public by cutting overhanging vegetation
adjacent to their property.
D G Ottley, Clerk to the Parish Council – Tel 567701, email
The Barn, Ottery Street, Otterton EX9 7HW
During the year to 31st March 2014, the Trustees helped 9 residents/families. In the past, grants have been made to several
local organisations that have been providing care to residents but, this year, it was decided to concentrate our limited resources only
on individuals and families within the village.
The Trustees would like to remind residents of the Parish that the Charity exists to help those with serious financial problems
and that the help can take many different forms, from paying travelling expenses for those having to visit close relatives in hospital
etc, to repairs or replacement of essential items in the house, to helping with utility bills or to making special payments for sudden
distressing situations. The Trustees have a wide discretion and are always ready to consider requests for help from those who find
themselves in difficult situations.
If you need help, please contact one of the Trustees:
The Reverend Anne Charlton, The Vicarage, East Budleigh
Tel: 444276
Mrs Gill Barlow, The White House, Behind Hayes
Tel: 567440
Mr Michael Dickens, 4 Stantyway Court
Tel: 562986
Mr Michael Earl, Ropers Farm Cottage, Ropers Lane
Tel: 568826
Mrs Beryl Millington, 17 The Green
Tel: 568021
THE RALEIGH FEDERATION – from Carron Saunders, Headteacher
This month, the Year 6 children (10-11 year olds) have written the School’s article, so over to the Year 6 class:
World War One Topic
“Our topic last term was WW1. We investigated all the men on the war memorial. We also went on a residential trip to London,
mostly funded by OCESA (our PTA) through fundraising, to watch War Horse.” Anya Hawtin
“We travelled to London by train from Honiton, caught the tube to Trafalgar Square, Buckingham Palace and the Youth Hostel, and
also walked a lot!” Ella Durham
“At Trafalgar Square a lot of men enlisted there and when the war ended, everybody got together and celebrated. We had a Class
picture in front of the lions. We also saw Big Ben, the London Eye, the Houses of Parliament and MI5’s base!” Viki McClellan
“On the way to Buckingham Palace we met some children from Exeter Road School! We saw some guards in uniform holding rifles
and we were lucky enough to see a parade. The flag was flying so we knew the Queen was at home.” Erin Blackmore
“War Horse was amazing! After a few minutes we forgot that the horses were puppets; the effects were so realistic you thought you
were in actual war! The ending was really sad – a sad but amazing story.” Daisy George and Sally Gibson
“We stayed at Thameside Youth Hostel. The food was great! The following day we went to the Natural History Museum. Edvins
Kruklis and Benji Tigg
“We had a tour at the Natural History Museum. We were amazed by the big T-Rex that actually moved and roared! We also went
to the minibeasts and the stuffed animals. My favourite was the model of the blue whale.” Molly Harmson
“The day we went to London was special because it was also my 11th birthday! One of the mounted policemen in Horseguard’s
Parade said Happy Birthday to me as I was wearing a badge!” Toby Whitfield
I hope you have enjoyed reading the children’s accounts of our amazing trip to London. For information about other recent/ongoing activities in school, please visit the school website.
We would like to say a big thank you to everyone who helped make our 2014 May Fair such a success, raising an amazing
£1,200, which will go towards refurbishing the school dinner hall. The collection for the bell ringers of All Saints Church raised just
over £48. We really appreciate the support from the local community. We hope you enjoyed the day.
Drake’s will be open during the Scarecrow Festival on 14th and 15th June from 11am-3pm. There will be an exhibition of the
Hogarth Puppet Collection, including Muffin the Mule, a rare opportunity to see the original, world-famous puppets. Entrance £2
adults, free for children. Scarecrows made by the children will be on display in the playground.
“Victoria Klewin and the True Tones” – In aid of DPTFA and OCESA (Drake’s and Otterton Schools)
Friday 20th June - Otterton Village Hall – Doors open 7.30pm. Lite Bites and BYO. Great raffle and a fantastic night
The True Tones are a top-rate established soul, blues and dance band from Bristol. Their lengthy CV includes appearances at festivals such as
Glastonbury, Cheltenham, Marlborough, Bristol Harbourside and the prestigious Bath International Music Festival 3 years in a row. Victoria is a
powerful and stunning singer and is backed by some of the best musicians on the lively Bristol scene.
£10 entry to include Pimms. For tickets, please contact Sue Moger on 568072 or email This event will
sell out, so PLEASE get your tickets promptly. Also, check out the True Tones website for more info –
The Shop Committee are very grateful to Sylvia Bunn and her group of helpers for organising the St George’s Day Supper. It
was a lovely evening – if you missed it, you missed a treat! Over £350 was raised for the Shop funds.
We have had three very informative visits to the managers and their teams at Plymtree, Ilsington and East Budleigh
Community Shops; all three organisations are being extremely helpful to us and will continue to help us over the coming months.
Plymtree Community Shop invited us to participate in the setting up of their community shop at Devon County Show, which was a
wonderful learning opportunity.
St George’s Day Celebration (from Sylvia Bunn)
May I thank everyone who supported the St George’s Day Celebration Supper – all the helpers and those who attended this very
enjoyable evening and helped raise £365 towards our new Community Shop.
14th June – Coach outing to Lanhydrock House and Gardens. Assemble 9am Otterton Village Green. Lanhydrock is the
perfect country house and estate, with the feel of a wealthy but unpretentious family home. There are beautiful herbaceous borders,
a fabulous formal parterre and breathtaking higher gardens filled with camellias, magnolias and rhododendrons. Coach fare £10,
entrance £10 approx (if not a National Trust Member). Open to Non Club Members – contact Teresa Davidson on 01395 269895 to
book your place.
15th July at 6.30pm – Evening Outing to High Garden Nurseries. A special trip has been arranged to Chris Britton’s High
Garden Nursery & Gardens. Light refreshments available. Make your own way to the nursery for 6.30pm on Tuesday 15th July; the
address is High Street, Kenton, Exeter EX6 8NJ (Exeter side on A379).
For more information on the Club, go to or contact Ro Smith on 568871 or email
Advance notice: MUSIC NIGHT – Friday 19th September – Otterton Village Hall
We are extremely fortunate to see the return of old favourites, ELLINGTONIA, a 9 piece band dedicated to the wonderful music of
Duke Ellington. Not just a tribute band, Ellingtonia have played jazz festivals all over the country and even been joined on stage by
surviving members of the Ellington Orchestra. Fronted by popular singer Annika Skoogh, Ellingtonia are the living proof that “It
Don’t Mean a Thing if it Ain’t got that Swing”.
LITTLE OTTERS PRE-SCHOOL – “The love of the children shines through”
This half term the children have been getting to know some new friends who have joined us, and making them feel very welcome.
Our topic over the last week has been about trains and train journeys and we have had our very own station that has taken us all
around Devon and the country, to Otterton, Budleigh and even as far away as London, with children discussing at great length the
experiences they have had. In addition we are taking a look at what we can learn about the shapes within our environment and
trying to think of their names. The children enjoy learning about maths and literacy through engaging in fun activities. Leading up
to half term we will be looking further at our environment and searching for some mini beasts in the area around the Hall. If you
would like to visit or have more information, please call Michelle or Fran on 445825, or email
If anyone has any issues or concerns, please contact me on the details below.
Emergency 999; General Enquiries number 101;
The residents and staff of The Old Vicarage invite you to their Annual Coffee Morning on Thursday 19th June, from 10.30am to
12noon. This year the proceeds will be shared between Otterton Primary School, The Devon Freewheelers and East Devon Day
Hospice. Admission £2 to include coffee and biscuits.
AGM to be held at the Public Hall on Wednesday 4th June at 6.30pm.
Agenda: Richard Mejzner – update on Budleigh Hospital
Rob Jones – Budleigh Hospital Hub Co-Ordinator
Hospiscare presentation – End of Life Care
FORCE presentation – Cancer Support
Questions from the Audience
As your local Holiday Park, we thoroughly appreciate the support from the villagers of Otterton and at present we are running
a number of special holiday deals for locals, friends and families. Every day here at Ladram Bay we run a full Activity and
Entertainment Programme. New for 2014 are our “Start” Instructor-led activities. Our Daily Programme includes Workshop
sessions for 3-8 year olds such as Pirates’ Paradise and Wild Wild West, and adventure-seeking sessions including Raft Building,
Inflatable Canoes, Sea Scooters, Aeroball, Panna Soccer and Body Zorbs.
Our talented Entertainment Team are busy running a family-filled programme including sensational full Production shows
each and every night at 9.15/9/30pm. In addition to Team shows, for a full list of our Visiting Cabaret acts for 2014, have a look at
For those who fancy a special Sunday treat, why not join us for our Succulent Carvery from 12noon - 2.30pm. With a
selection of locally sourced meats, and the finest array of fresh seasonal vegetables and trimmings, have a break from the cooking
and join us in Pebbles Restaurant overlooking the beautiful bay. Had a busy day? Don’t forget that Coast Takeaway will be frying
fresh battered fish daily.
For more information on Activities, Entertainments and Events at Ladram Bay, email
East Budleigh Chess Club: A successful rapid play tournament was held at the last meeting of the Club’s first ever
season. Players only have 10 minutes per game on their clocks to play all their moves. Many exciting and interesting
chess games were played. Mike Lee came first, followed by junior player Rhys McGauley, with Brian Le Masurier
third. There is a strong rumour that chess fever has hit the village and that even the scarecrows are playing the game! If
you are lucky you may spot a chess-playing scarecrow! We would welcome anyone at the Club with an interest in chess,
of whatever ability. There is always an opportunity for stronger players to play in teams in the Exeter & District Chess League but
this need not deter you if you would rather play on a less competitive basis. The next meeting: 11th September at 7pm at All
Saints Church Hall. For more information, contact Brian Gosling on 442060 or email
Saturday 28th June – Sunday 6th July: World War 1 Exhibition: Open daily 2pm – 5pm. On show from Monday 30th June
until Thursday 3rd July will be the spectacular Poppy Quilt commissioned by the Royal British Legion as part of their WW1
Centenary commemoration. Draw tickets to win the quilt will be on sale. Further information from Kathy Moyle on 445236.
HISTORY OF OTTERTON………..Did you know?
Now that our Church is in need of very urgent repairs to its roof, we need a reminder of how important the building has been, over
many centuries, as a meeting place for the village. Both Otterton and East Budleigh Church buildings have Saxon origins and both
were built on high ground in their respective villages, above their harbours. At the Conquest in 1066, King William took over East
Budleigh Manor and granted Otterton with Sidmouth to the Abbey of Mont St Michel, Normandy, for services rendered at Hastings.
In 1125 much of East Budleigh was added to Otterton and the Church became “the centre of the universe” for the surrounding
population. (to be continued)
Gerald Millington
PLEASE NOTE that entries for Otterton Parish News should be sent to Jill Beacham, Barton House, Church Hill, Otterton EX9
7HU - tel: 568130, email: Deadline for July edition is Friday 20th June LATEST please.