Saints Messenger - Middleton Cheney

SUNDAY 15th MARCH 2015
Mothering Sunday
10.45am Worship Together
Donations of small posies welcome
SUNDAY 22nd MARCH 2015
10.45am Holy Communion
12.00pm Annual Paraochial Church Meeting
Messy Church in Village Hall
A warm welcome to everyone this morning. If you are visitor we do extend a particularly warm welcome
to you and if you would like any help or more information about the church or the services then please
speak to one of the welcome team. Back Supports and large print copies of hymns are available. Children of 3 and over
are welcome to join us in Sunday school, which currently meets on 2nd & 4th Sundays in the Methodist Hall.
FOOD BANK - Thank you very much to everyone for your
continued support of the Food Bank, which is taken to the
Salvation Army every two weeks and is very much appreciated.
HOME GROUP - The QUEST home group meet
fortnightly at 1 Millers Way at 7.45pm on a
Monday Evening Contact Amanda on 712 648.
JEAN CHARLES – We are sad to report that Jean Charles passed away on Thursday morning. Her Funeral will be on
Monday 16th March 2015 at 10.45am in All Saints Church. No flowers please, donations if wished to Workaid or
Wateraid. At Jean's request no black please, just light, bright clothes, ties and socks.
WW1 MEMORIAL RESTORATION UPDATE - A new concrete base was laid for the memorial this last week.
The stonemasons have acquired two huge blocks of stone weighing 7.5 and 8.0 tons respectively, in the hope that one
of them will be free from internal voids within the stone, making it suitable for carving the cross in one whole piece.
The information on the old memorial has been verified and the inscriptions will be carved by hand on the new plinth
next week. The project is on track for the planned rededication on Wednesday 14 May at 3.45pm, this being a time
chosen to suit school children, particularly from the village primary school.
CHRISTIAN AID WEEK 10TH TO 16TH MAY Christian Aid works to bring an end to poverty around the
world – tackling its root causes as well as its effects. It
helps people of all faiths and none. During Christian Aid
Week we will be holding our usual door-to-door collection
around the village, and we do hope that you will give as
generously as possible. Envelope collectors are needed, so
if you are able to volunteer it would really be appreciated.
On Sunday 17th May there will be a special service with
a guest speaker at 10.45am in the Methodist Chapel,
Queen’s Street, followed by a Soup Lunch in the Hall;
everyone welcome – children and adults. Last year the
total money raised by the door-to-door collection and
lunch was over £3000, a wonderful amount so let’s try to
do it again this year! For further details about please
contact Jane on 711531
Corrections/Additions to Easter Events published
in Pews News - Maundy Thursday - 730pm Holy
Communion. Good Friday - 11am Easter Garden
& 7pm Vigil & Stations of The Cross. (No services
on Saturday) Easter Sunday- 10am Family
Communion & Holy Communion at 2.30pm at the
Methodist Church, led by Rev. Lin Francis. The
Methodists again invite anyone to add daffodils to
their Cross outside the Chapel on that day.
AID on Sunday 10th May – Help to make a Mooove on
poverty by joining in a gentle fun walk around Middleton
Cheney village and local footpaths (including a couple of
fields) to help try to raise £150.00 - the cost of a cow in
Ethiopia for a woman and her family. Owning a cow not
only provides milk and butter for nutrition, it enables a
woman to earn an income and to increase her status giving
her a voice in community decision making. We’ll be
moooving off from All Saints Church at 2pm, returning at
around 3.45pm to enjoy yummy cakes and refreshments in
church (non–walkers will be very welcome to join in with
this bit!). A suggested donation of £2.00 per walker /
£5.00 per family is requested please. You may like to ask
your friends and family to sponsor your walk. For further
details please contact Mary on 712894.
PLAYING FIELDS FETE - The Playing Fields Fete will be on
June 7th when Fundraising will commence for a new, improved
building for the Sports and Social club, which will also be
available for other groups and events in the village. Fish and
chips and burgers will be available during the fete, and the
Churches are being given the opportunity to sell teas during the
afternoon. This would be an opportunity to help the Fete and
raise funds for the Church, so if anyone is willing to organise the
teas or assist, please let Violet Timms or Sue Hunter know.
Message from Philip Deane, Chair of Governors at Chacombe Primary School; Here at Chacombe school we currently
have two vacancies for foundation governor. The role of governor within the governing body is both challenging and
rewarding. Governors at the school and will be monitoring the development and performance of the school in all areas,
promoting the importance of the church school ethos, acting as critical friend and supporting both the Head teacher and the
staff. If you have any interest or further questions please do contact Amanda Oliver (01295 712648) or Mrs Cathy Godden –
Head teacher to arrange an appointment to discuss further.
Notices should be submitted to Heidi Fowler by e-mail to, or phone 711 268. Items for inclusion should be
received by 5pm Wednesday to ensure inclusion for the coming Sunday. Contacts – Rural Dean: Reverend Simon Dommet 01869
810903, Church Wardens: Violet Timms 712 431, Bridget Robb 710192