File - St Peter's church

East Budleigh with Bicton
Parish News
September 2014
Available online at
- click on All Saints East Budleigh then Parish News.
September View from the Vicarage
Psalm 34:14 ‘Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.’
Some mes as we watch the news, the horrors and atroci es that are being
commi ed around the world can seem overwhelming. Some of them are
carried out ‘in the name of religion’ and as far as I can see, none of the major
world faiths actually encourage violence in their holy books. All are based on
love and peace.
“Peace is the only ba le worth waging” said Albert Camus, and Mar n Luther
King. “Peace is not merely a distant goal we seek, but a means by which we
arrive at that goal” - Mar n Luther King Jr.
What can we do to play our part? Well it seems to me that we can pray, not
only for the vic ms, but also for the perpetrators, that their hearts may be
changed. We can give financially, to support those who are going out to assist
the refugees from the various crisis. Thirdly we can try to show, by our own
example, that peace is the way forward, beginning in our own family and
friendship circles. Some words that I o en use at weddings sum it up for me
If there is righteousness in the heart,
there will be beauty in the character.
If there is beauty in the character,
there will be harmony in the home.
If there is harmony in the home,
there will be order in the na on.
If there is order in the na on,
there will be peace in the world.
So let it be.
Yet we will not see peace un l we also see jus ce for each and every human
being, and a recogni on by each one of us that we are all equally beloved of
God. Amos 5 24 ‘But let jus ce run down like water, and righteousness like a
mighty stream.’
I ask you please therefore to focus your prayers not only on peace but also on
jus ce for all.
Every blessing - Anne
Church Register June 9th - funeral of Frederick Guy Francis Sleeman
June 10th - funeral of Avril Skinner
June 21st - wedding of Joe Wreford and Kirsten Stadtler
July 19th - wedding of David James Yates and Sophie Jane Spiller
July 19th - wedding of Matthew William Maslen and Kate Francis Maria Baker
July 24th - funeral of Dr. William John Price
Friends of All Saints East Budleigh
I am delighted to be able to report that this year’s Scarecrow
Fes val raised a total of approximately £3,000. The FoASEB
Commi ee have agreed to donate this sum towards the
fund-raising for the replacement bell for All Saints Church.
If you are reading this before the end of August, don’t forget
the Annual Barbeque takes place at the Vicarage on the evening of Saturday 30
August. Tickets may s ll be available from the Community Shop and East Budleigh
Garage price £6.00 – accompanied children are free. Bring your own drinks and
chairs but food, tables, crockery and cutlery will be provided.
Our next FoASEB fund-raising event will be an illustrated talk by Mike Palmer about
his work and experiences with the Bri sh Antarc c Survey in the Falkland Islands
and South Georgia. This promises to be a fascina ng insight into these remote and
unique loca ons so please make a note of the me and date. Mike’s talk is at the
Church Hall, 19.00 on Friday 26 September. Tickets price £5 (£2.50 for students
and Under 18s) are available at East Budleigh Garage and the Community Shop.
Alterna vely, you can pay at the door on the night.
The Commi ee is currently looking into the possibility of holding a wine tas ng for
our last fund-raising event of 2014. This would probably be held late November or
early December thus providing a great opportunity to select and order your pple
for Christmas and the Fes ve Season as well as to relax with your friends and
neighbours. Full details will be available in the October edi on of East Budleigh
with Bicton Parish News.
David Buss - Chair FoASEB
The Church of England Devon magazine has been
discon nued in hard copy format but is available
to view or download online at then clicking on
‘your diocese’.
The Village Ac vi es Group -
Our next coffee morning will be held on Tuesday 2nd
September from 10am un l 12pm.
Come and have a chat or try your luck on our raffle, or maybe
win a prize on our quiz. Alterna vely just come and have a
free cup of coffee or tea and meet your friends.
East Budleigh in Bloom
We will be holding our AGM on Wednesday October 8th
at the Village Hall with Dr Sam Bridgewater from Clinton
Devon Estates who will give a presenta on on
Woodbury Common: cultural and ecological History.
We need your help - if we do
not have any new recruits to join the commi ee we will
cease to func on - which would be a shame to see no
more flower tubs or baskets around the village. If you
can help please phone 445686 for more details.
B L Oomer
Note for your diaries: we will be welcoming our new ‘Church, Schools and
Families Co-ordinator, James McAdam to the RMC during a bring-and-share lunch
in the Peter Hall on Sunday 12th October from 12 noon.
Do please come along if you can.
Smile lines - Back to school…
The produc on of the East Budleigh
Parish News is made possible
because of the support of our
adver sers.
Please support them and tell them
you saw their advert here!
Young James finished his summer
holidays and went back to school. Two
days later his teacher phoned his mother
to tell her that James was misbehaving.
"Wait a minute!" protested his mum. "I
had him here for weeks and I never once
called YOU
when he
The Friday Running Group - organises informal
runs, suitable for runners living in the Sid Valley and O er
Valley areas. If you would like more details log onto:
East Budleigh with Bicton Parish Council
The next mee ng of the East Budleigh Parish
Council will be on Tuesday 30th September in the
Village Hall at 7.30pm. 7pm to view plans.
Ye ngton Whist Drive
Our next whist drive will be
held on Monday 8th
September at 7.30pm in Ye ngton
Village Hall. Admission £1.00
All welcome
Village vacancy -
We are s ll looking to fill
one churchwarden post at
All Saints.
This is an interes ng and
rewarding role, if you think
you may be able to help or
would like further details please contact
Anne Charlton
01395 444276.
Salem Chapel
The WW1 exhibi on was a huge
success. We have had some wonderful
comments and thank everyone who
came up to see it. We were par cularly
supported by O erton and Budleigh
Salterton residents, as well as holiday
makers. We raised over £250.
A Smith, talked about our family's
experiences and how it affected our
village and then ended up with the
Lord’s Prayer.
It was such a once in a life me
experience that I will never forget.
Kathy Moyle and I thought that we had
to do something for the village, to say
our grateful thanks for what our men
We held a 100th Remembrance Sunday
and women did for us. Everyone who
Service on 3rd August at Salem Chapel,
came joined in with all the singing, and
East Budleigh. We had a really good
a erwards I counted how many people
turnout of people who enjoyed
a ended and it was 29, who by a huge
themselves greatly. We then all walked
coincidence was the same number of
down to the War Memorial where
men who died from this village. As
Richard Slade, who is from an old East
someone said, 'one for every man who
Budleigh family, represented his Great
died.' With the exhibi on we felt we
Grandfather, together with the Revd.
covered the educa onal side of WW1,
Geoff Flather, laid a Poppy wreath.
with the Sunday Service we felt we met
the spiritual side of WW1 and with the
At the very last moment we decided to
hold a special ‘Lights Out' service at the Monday Evening Service we felt we met
the human side of WW1.
War Memorial this me to celebrate
their lives for the actual anniversary
We have an event planned on 13th
day. We invited Budleigh Salterton
September at 7pm with Paul Roberts the
Mayor Caz Sismore-Hunt and our
Violinist who will be accompanied by his
villagers to meet there between
wife on the flute. The cost is £7 per
10-11pm on Monday 4th August. We
cket with a glass of wine, or orange
sang WW1 songs, dedicated our candles
This is a popular event and comes
as we lit and placed them around the
recommended from those who
cross, listened to a WW1 poem wri en
him before.
Kim Holmes
by our very own local author, Rosemary
Art at East Budleigh Church Hall
As the chills of autumn begin to bite, perhaps it's me to rediscover your Inner
Ar st? The Art classes at East Budleigh Church Hall will be ranging over many
subjects in the coming season, including seascapes, winter scenery, figure
drawing and abstracts. Beginners and Improvers are catered for. The classes
begin on Monday September 29th at 2.45pm. £66 / £63 (over60s) for 10
weeks. Further details from Mike McDonald on 01626 891245 or visit
David Mansell
Domestic Electrician
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Prompt and reliable service.
Tel: 01395 232810
Mobile: 07828 184575
“The love of the children shines through”
Little Otters Pre-School is nestled in the heart
of East Budleigh, in the Village Hall. We
provide a wonderful environment for young
children to learn and develop through play.
Our priority is to provide high quality care and
support, and we are proud to maintain a high
staff to child ratio.
We operate on a daily basis during term time:
• AM Session: Mon to Fri 9.15 – 11.45am
• PM Session: Mon, Wed & Fri 12.45 – 3.15pm
• Lunch Club: Mon. to Fri. 11.45am – 12.45pm
Our Toddler Group meets on Thursday from
1pm – 3pm in term time. Families and carers
with babies, toddlers or pre-school-aged
children are welcome.
For more information or to arrange a visit,
please visit our website or call
01395 445825 (term time only).
We are a registered charity.
Friends of All Saints
200 Club
If you would like to join the 200 Club for
the rest of 2014, please send your name,
address and telephone number together
with a cheque for £4.00 (£1 per month
to the end of 2014) made payable to
‘All Saints East Budleigh PCC’
co/ Jenny Hill, The Old Vicarage,
Vicarage Road, East Budleigh,
Devon, EX9 7EF.
Recent draw winners were:
1st - Mrs E Pye
2nd - Mr D Evans
3rd - Mrs B Watson
1st - Mrs S Pyne
2nd - Rev A Charlton
3rd - Mr and Mrs E Sturgess
Alterna vely you can pick
up an applica on form from
East Budleigh Garage.
Local Policing
The next ‘Have Your Say’ session
at East Budleigh Village Hall Informa on Point will take place on
Saturday 6th September at 3pm.
Alterna vely, if you cannot make this session please contact:
or via the Police non urgent telephone number 101.
East Budleigh Bell Ringers report
As I write this report I have just been to meet the Budleigh Salterton Lions Club to
be presented with a cheque to the bell ringers appeal fund for the two events they
put on for the ringers in July. Molly and I were amazed with the amount that was
raised - a total of £1264-50. With this money we are doing very well with our
appeal nearly there. A marvellous achievement - the sum raised in only 9 months.
A very big THANK YOU to all who have supported us. Taylor's Bell foundry came on
Wednesday 13th August to take final measurements of the bells so that some work
can be started back in the foundry.
Then on Wednesday 10th September the bells are going to be cast. There is a coach
going up to witness this event something that you may never see again in a life
me. If anyone is interested in going please ring David or Molly on 01395-443708 .
The coach will leave the Village Hall at 8am and the price is £20 which includes a p
for the driver. .
Some of the ringers are doing a sponsored bicycle ride on September 13th riding
to, and ringing at twelve towers around the area - you may be asked to sponsor one
of these fit bell ringers! Yours David
O er Valley Associa on –
September diary
Venn O ery Common and the Nature Reserve (h p://
ery/) using footpaths,
Wednesday 3rd September – 10.00am
On the return leg
WALK Start at Colaton Raleigh, O er Inn (SY
to take lunch at the
078 874). An easy 5 miles walk along the
before walking
River O er (north), Do on Farm, Monkey
park or the
Lane, Vennings Copse, Hawkerland Valley,
Morish Cotley, Knapps Lane, Pound Lane, Old
Sawmills and Colaton Raleigh, with the
opportunity to eat at the O er Inn
Wednesday 24th Sept. – 10.00am. WALK
a erwards. Walk Leader: Mike Paddison,
Four Firs CP, SY 032 864 5 miles, 2½ hours
01395 446550
A circular walk on the commons using local
paths and tracks at what we hope will be a
Tuesday 9th September – 10.30am. WALK
mellow me of year!
Start at the 157 Bus Stop at Castle Lane/
Leader: John Jones, 01395 446513
Salterton Road, SY 042 823, 8 miles.
A linear walk star ng and ending on the 157
bus route! Using public and permissive paths,
the walk includes Squabmoor Reservoir, East
Budleigh Common, Hayes Wood and Bicton
Church, finishing for lunch at O erton Mill or
the Kings Arms and returning by the 157 bus.
Walk includes woodland, open commons,
waterside sec ons and some short sec ons
on minor roads. Walkers could choose to
finish the walk at East Budleigh, where the
157 bus also stops, saving two miles.
Walk Leader: David Buss, 01395 442 621 or
07920 114573
Friday 26th September – 10.00am. WALK
Start at Lime Kiln CP, SY 0726 8201, 7 miles.
This walk in an AONB starts alongside the
O er Estuary Nature Reserve leading to the
River O er, which meanders through water
meadows and rich agricultural land to
O erton. A short detour around this
charming unspoilt village leads to extensive
cliff top views of the coastline of Lyme Bay,
and the SWCP back to Budleigh. Walk
Leader: Chris Buckland, 01395 444 471
Saturday 27th September – 10.00am. WALK
Start at Lime Kiln CP, SY 0726 8201, 7 miles.
Saturday 13th September – 10.00am. WALK An a rac ve walk around Budleigh Salterton
East Budleigh CP, (SY 065 849) 8 miles, 4
in an AONB, commencing with the O er
hours. A three lake walk at this season of
Valley Nature Reserve. Walk along the
mellow frui ulness visi ng the local beauty disused Budleigh to Tipton St John railway
spots of Bystock Ponds, Squabmoor Resertrack to Budleigh town centre and the
voir and Black Hill Quarry. Please bring a
picturesque hamlet of Li le Knowle. Re-join
picnic for a sociable lunch stop!
the railway track now designated the
Walk Leader: Jan Stuart, 01395 568235
Budleigh-Exmouth Cycleway, before taking
the path up to the cliff top point at West
Tuesday 16th September – 10.30am. WALK Down Beacon. From here the SWCP leads
Start at Newton Poppleford Recrea on
back to the star ng point and presents
Ground CP, SY 088 899, 7½ miles.
splendid views across Budleigh to the
The 157 bus from Exmouth or the 52 bus
O erton Ledge and Jurassic Coast.
from Sidmouth stops at Back Lane for the
(See Walk Leader:
Recrea on Ground.
Mike Paddison, 01395 446 550
Circular walk along the River O er and to
con nued on page 15...
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Bathroom design & installation
Wall & floor tiling
Showers fitted. Repairs to taps,
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Contact Steven Medlock BEng(Hons)
07779 020426 / 01395 268958
… O er Valley Walks con nued from page 12:
Monday 29th September – 10.00am. WALK
Start at Tipton St John CP, (SY 091 918), 5 miles. An easy walk along River O er towards
Fluxton, Heathlands, O ery Common, Venn O ery, Bridge o’er the O er, Tipton St John.
Please bring your own ‘elevenses’ and/or indulge in a late lunch at the Golden Lion, Tipton St
OVA walks are normally open to all, members and non-members, and are free.
Some events have to be pre-booked and are usually for OVA members only.
For more informa on contact Chris ne Hadley 01395 443607
Churchyard working party
The young offenders group has been each month this summer keeping the grass cut
around the church and hall. Help has also been given by Alan Pring the grave digger
who has used his sit-on mower to cut the grass in the new cemetery.
The long growth in the old part of the churchyard, which has been le to seed as
part of the ’Living Churchyard’ project will have been cut by now. However, much
work is le for the voluntary working par es to tackle so we shall meet on
following dates. Please join our happy band if you can. We start at 10am.
- Thursday 11th September
- Friday 14th November
- Friday 10th October
- Friday December 12th
For more details contact Stuart Love
East Budleigh Chess Club
The new season starts on Thursday 11th September, 7pm at All
Saints Church Hall when an informal quick play tournament will be
held. This will be a fun event and suitable for both beginners
and more experienced players alike. With only ten minutes on the
clock for each player to complete all his moves, these games can
be very exci ng. The Club hopes to have two teams in the local league for the
14/15 season. The Exeter & District Chess League results for last season can be
found at the excellent website:
h p://
We would welcome anyone with an interest in chess of whatever ability. There will
be an opportunity for stronger players to play in a team but this need not deter
you if you would rather play on a less compe ve basis.
The club meets on the second Thursday of every month with league matches
played on other nights. The annual club membership fee is £30 for adults and £15
for juniors. Modest ECF registra on fees if applicable are paid separately.
Brian Gosling 01395-442060
Village pictures
Summer in the village.
Photos by David Buss &
Peter Bowler
Photos by
Kim Holmes
WW1 commemora ons at
the war memorial.
Slade with
Revd. Geoff
Find informa on about local events at
business of coach building in London
when he became of age. He employed
Three 18C Gentlemen of Influence was hundreds of people and became very
the tle of the talk given by Roger
wealthy. Employees worked long hours
Hamilton, at the July mee ng.
but were paid well. His coaches were
sold, not only in Britain but to India,
Dick Turpin, a butcher's son from
Lincolnshire, highwayman and thief. As USA, and Ireland, including Napoleon’s
mother. He built the exo c Irish State
there were no banks in those days,
Coach, using a German design. The
people travelling were forced to carry
coach is now in the Na onal Museum in
their money with them, making easy
Dublin. Philip Godsall was squeaky
pickings for highwaymen. Turpin was
clean. Papers and accounts were kept,
feared in the Essex and London area.
O en portrayed as an exci ng character so he is well documented.
he was in fact a thoroughly bad person Sue Pyne gave a vote of thanks and
with no scruples or morals. A er
business followed the tea break.
stealing a horse, a hanging offence, he
Another quil ng day is planned in
hid in Epping Forest. A reward for his
capture led to his downfall when he was September; a Fish and Chip evening was
arranged for 12th August on Budleigh
recognised, caught, tried and hanged.
Beach; several county no ces were read
John Metcalfe from Knaresborough
out including the date for the Autumn
contracted smallpox at the age of 6,
Council Mee ng in Barnstaple - 15th
survived but was then blind. O en
October; a trip to Salisbury Market,
drunk, he gambled but also helped
November 28th.
people. He was an accomplished
musician, playing the oboe and violin.
A raffle for the beau ful quilt, made by
Although he had several jobs, including cra members, was drawn. The winner,
road carrier, he took on the work of
Be y Hebditch, teacher of quilt makrepairing and building new roads in the ing! She kindly gave it to Pam Terry,
north of England. He died at the age of president. £61.00 was donated to the
92, leaving 180 miles of roads across the East Budleigh Church Bell Fund.
north at the me of the industrial
Ron Howell returns for the September
revolu on. A likeable character,
mee ng on the 9th, when his talk will be
especially by women, he crammed so
'To Sail No More'. There will be a
much into his life, an inspira on for all
display of any Nau cal Object. A warm
disabled persons.
welcome will be given to new members
Philip Godsall took over the family
and visitors.
Heather Williams
East Budleigh with Bicton WI
Drake’s School PTFA Fundraiser
Tour de East Budleigh
Hot on the heels of the Tour of Britain’s visit to East Budleigh the PTFA would
like to recreate the colour, passion and spectacle of this pro-event, albeit on a
more modest scale. So whether you’re a keen cyclist or simply eager to dust off
the bike and get active, please join us for the inaugural Tour de East
Budleigh. The event is open to all regardless of ability - so whether you aspire
to don the yellow jersey or simply want to participate in a fun family bike ride, this
is a must-do for your autumn calendar.
The ‘peloton’ will be departing at 10.30am on Sunday 21st September from East
Budleigh Football Pavilion. Registration starts at 10am. As this event is not yet
on the scale of the Tour de France or the Giro D’Italia we’ve decided to eschew
the traditional and we won’t be having a ‘King of the Mountain’. Instead we’ll
have a special award for the family with the best fancy dress.
Two distances will be on offer:
* a 20km route tackling some ‘modest’ hills on quiet East Devon lanes
(suitable for children over 8, all children under 16 must be accompanied by
an adult) ; or
* four laps of the football fields for those not yet able to tackle the full distance
Having achieved this feat of human endurance you’ll be rewarded with a
certificate and an official time. There will be a barbeque on offer alongside tea
and cakes etc. and some family fun.
Of course this is a fund-raiser for the school so sponsorship forms are available
On the day you’ll need to bring your sponsorship form and register - minimum £3
sponsorship per participant. We will return the sponsorship form to you to
collect money after the event – unless you have collected it in advance, in which
case you can pay it directly on the day. Alternatively, if you don’t want to collect
sponsorship, you can just pay a £3 entry fee on the day.
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4 Meadowbank, Kilmington,
Near Axminster EX13 7RL
annotated maps into hard numbers.
Dar ord warbler numbers have roughly
doubled since last year, and the other
heathland specialists are on the way back
up: bless that warm winter!
RSPB Aylesbeare Common Reserve
Summer 2014 newsletter
The heaths are alive with the sound of ...
well, mostly invertebrates. This is the
peak me of year for the dragonflies,
damselflies, bees, wasps, beetles and flies,
everything that goes swish or buzz, as well
as the bu erflies of course. Now I have
never heard a bu erfly make a sound
(apart from ba ered wings on a window)
but I have listened to caterpillars singlemindedly crunching their way through
their food. I think you will have got my
dri by now: I am encouraging you to try
to experience all the li le sounds that
make up an English high-summer day: the
gentle rustle of the breeze in long grass
stems, the zizz and buzz of the insects
overhead, the scrape of a grasshopper.
And look out for my favourite bu erflies:
the green hairstreaks. If you see a small
piece of bramble leaf take flight, that will
be a green hairstreak. Once you spot one
they seem much too brightly coloured to
be camouflaged, but when they se le
back down on a plant, they disappear.
Meanwhile we have a chance to
concentrate on some public events: we
held the Big Wild Sleepout on Aylesbeare
over midsummer and several families
joined in to help build an Iron Age
roundhouse, as well as experiencing
nightjars, moths and bats and waking to a
dawn chorus including turtledoves. One
chap, who started mostly interested in the
roundhouse, now has a whole new
enthusiasm for nature and joined the RSPB
on the spot!
And only the odd chirrup from the birds.
It’s a funny me of year for the birds as
they have generally pre y much finished
raising their kids (unless they are onto a
third brood), so all the compe ve
behaviour dies down and they go
strangely quiet. A er the middle of July
you will have stopped hearing the blackbirds singing (as the males stop staking out
territory) and only get alarm calls when
they are spooked. This is largely because
they are taking the chance to moult and
renew their feathers for the winter, so
they don’t want to a ract a en on from
the predators while they are a bit less able
than usual to zoom out of danger.
As I write Heathweek is approaching and
we are busy distribu ng leaflets and
pu ng up posters to try and let as many
people know as possible about the
week-long series of events celebra ng
everything about the East Devon heaths.
If you missed it this year, look out for the
publicity next year: the last week in July is
the usual me.
Also as I write the weather forecast is for
thunderstorms this weekend. But by the
me you read this we may have had a
drier spell. So I am going to close with my
usual seasonal plea: PLEASE be careful
NOT to start fires on the heaths. Every
year wildfires do untold damage to the
habitats and kill the wildlife, as well as
threatening property and even lives. This
me of year, as the grass dries out and
even the thin, peaty soil can catch light, is
the most dangerous. My heart sinks
whenever I see a black smoke cloud rising
on the ridge, as I know my colleagues will
be out figh ng another fire along side the
local fire brigades.
On the reserve the breeding bird surveys
for this year have been completed and are Take care and enjoy
your visits!
being processed, turning cryp cally
Children's Page
Pu ng East Budleigh on the map? (Note amended contact number)
Salem Chapel has been accepted to go on the
books of a loca on company which means it
could be used for filming or photographic
work in the future. I have been speaking
with the company and told them how pre y
East Budleigh is and they have asked if any
other property owners in the village would
like to be on their books too. This could bring
in income, as one East Budleigh resident told
me they were paid very well for the use of
their house in London some years ago.
You never know they could film a series like
Doc Mar n in East Budleigh!
If anyone is interested, please contact me
on this new number - Kim Holmes 446836.
East Budleigh
Church Hall
The Church Hall is
available to hire for
func ons and ac vi es.
Please contact the
booking secretary
Richard Slade
01395 443609
October edi on of
the Parish News
Items for the
October edi on of the
magazine by
Friday 12th September
please, via email to
or in the church office
by Friday 12th at
12 noon please.
All Saints Pastoral Care
If you are housebound and would
like a visit and a chat, or advice
on how to access help, or Home
Communion, please call us:
Angela Marshall
442893 or
Hanneke Coates
Who’s who in East Budleigh and Bicton
Community Priest, Raleigh Mission Community The Rev’d Anne Charlton 444276 (Monday day off)
Assistant Curate - Annita Denny 512735
Churchwarden Marilyn Hobbs 488739
Deputy Churchwardens Mrs J Daniels
Mr M Seward
Mr C Buckland-Wright 446781
Raleigh Mission Community Administrator Fran Mills - 443397
The office at St Peters church is open from;
1-3pm every Monday and 10am-2pm each Friday.
Parochial Church Council Secretary - Mrs J Buckland-Wright 446781
Treasurer Bellringers Captain
Mrs J Hill
Mr D W Pra
Dr G Aplin
The Recreation Field
Vicarage Road, East Budleigh
An all weather court in a delightful
setting is available to members of the
club for an annual fee of
£18 adults
£9 juniors
£45 Family
or to visitors for £2 person per hour
New Members and Visitors Welcome
For membership forms, rules and court
bookings go to
EBTC Booking desk at
Battlesdon, Vicarage Road
Tel: 01395 443607 for further details
Central hea ng & plumbing specialists
Installa ons – Repairs – Servicing
Boiler Replacements
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Established 1999
Oil Installa ons and Servicing
26 years experience
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10% discount on servicing of boilers
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01395 443622
07977 238009
Based in East Budleigh
Over 30 years experience
East Budleigh village diary - ‘What’s on’ in September
see page 4
Church Hall
see page 4
Colaton Raleigh
see page 12
Eyes down 7.30pm
Loca on
Saturday 30th
Village barbecue
Tuesday 2
Free coffee morning
River O er 5 mile walk
Weds. 3rd
Football Club – Cash Bingo
Village Hall
Community Police session
Village Hall
Whist Drive
Ye ngton Hall
10 mile walk
Castle Lane
WI - with Ron Howard ‘To sail no Village Hall
Coach trip to bell foundry
Thursday 4
Saturday 6
Monday 8
Tuesday 9
Tuesday 9
Weds. 10th
Thursday 11th Football Club – Cash Bingo
see page 11
see page 7
10.30am see page 12
see page 21
see page 11
Village Hall
Eyes down 7.30pm
Church Hall
see page 15
Saturday 13 8 mile walk
East Budleigh
see page 12
Salem Chapel
see page 8
Thursday 11 Churchyard Working Party
Thursday 11 East Budleigh Chess Club
Saturday 13 Violin concert
Tuesday 16
N. Poppleford
7½ mile walk
10.30am see page 12
Thursday 18th Football Club – Cash Bingo
Village Hall
Saturday 20th East Budleigh Reserves v Silverton Football ground
Sunday 21st ‘Tour de East Budleigh’
Recrea on field
Eyes down 7.30pm
see page 22
Weds 24th
Four Firs
Village Hall
Eyes down 7.30pm
7 mile village and coastal walk
B. Salterton
see page 12
Arc c to Antarc c talk
Church Hall
see page 4
7 mile walk around local AONB
East Budleigh v Witheridge
5 mile walk
B. Salterton
Football ground
Tipton St John
Village Hall
see page 12
see page 12
see page 7
5 mile walk on the common
Thursday 25 Football Club – Cash Bingo
Friday 26
Friday 26
Saturday 27
Saturday 27th
Monday 29th
Tuesday 30th
Parish Council Mee ng
see page 12
If you are organising a charity or community based event
please send details and a contact phone number to
We will endeavour to add it to the diary.
Raleigh Mission Community Services - September
Tuesday 2nd
Weds. 3rd
Thursday 4th
Friday 5th
All Saints
East Budleigh
St Michaels
St Peters
Budleigh Salterton
Morning Prayer
Holy Communion
Morning Prayer
Holy Communion
Holy Communion
All Age Worship
Sunday 7th
Tuesday 9th
Weds. 10th
Thursday 11th
Friday 12th
Holy Communion with
Holy Communion BCP
12th Sunday
after Trinity
Sunday 14th
Holy Cross
Tuesday 16th
Holy Communion BCP
Holy Communion
Parish Eucharist
Morning Prayer
Holy Communion
Morning Prayer
Holy Communion
No service
Family Service with
No service
Morning Prayer
Holy Communion at
the Vicarage
Weds. 17
Thursday 18th
Friday 19th
Holy Communion
Sunday 21st
Holy Communion BCP
Matthew Apostle
& Evangelist
Tuesday 23rd
Weds. 24th
Thursday 25th
Friday 26th
Sunday 28th
15th Sunday
after Trinity
Tuesday 30th
1st October
Thursday 2nd
Friday 3rd
Sunday 5
16th Sunday
after Trinity
Holy Communion BCP
Morning Prayer
Harvest Festival
Informal worship
Morning Prayer
Holy Communion BCP
Morning Prayer
Holy Communion MU
Holy Communion
Holy Communion
Morning Prayer
Morning Prayer
Holy Communion
Parish Eucharist
Choral evensong
Holy Communion
Morning Prayer
Holy Communion
Holy Communion
Harvest Festival
Holy Communion BCP
Holy Communion
Parish Eucharist
No service