15:1– Body Organization and Homeostasis

15:1– Body Organization and Homeostasis
Name __________________
Class 1 2 3 4
Box ______
Page 472 question: Perform the Discovery Activity, then list all the parts of your body involved. Think
about this. There is more to it than you might think.
Page 472 – 3 question: What are the levels of organization in the human body?
Page 474 question: What do the three types of muscle tissue allow you to do?
Page 474 question: Which type of tissue forms a protective barrier?
Page 474 question: Where inside you are epithelial tissues found?
Page 474 question: Which type of tissue forms a protective barrier?
Page 474 question: What do tendons do?
What type of tissue is a tendon?
The brain, spinal chord, and nerves are examples of what type of tissue?
What do each of these tissues do for the heart?
Page 476-8 questions: What is homeostasis?
What is an example of your body performing homeostasis?
How does stress affect homeostasis?
What is adrenaline?
How does adrenaline affect three body systems?