STRESS AND HOW TO MANAGE IT GENERAL ADAPTATION SYNDROME 1. ALARMADRENALINE IS RELEASED 2. RESISTANCEFIGHT OR FLIGHT 3. EXHAUSTION OR RECOVERYILLNESS OR HOMEOSTASIS EXHAUSTION Immune system weakened Migraines Acne Heart attack Stroke High blood pressure ulcers Anger, frustration Thinking process slowed Memory loss Emotional disorders PHYSICAL CHANGES DURING G.A.S. 1. Increased breathing rate Excess sweating Changes in blood chemistry Increased heart rate Increased muscle tension Decreased digestion Increased blood pressure Decreased skin temperature VOCABULARY Hormone A chemical produced in the body that causes change Homeostasis The state of being normal Eustress A positive use of stress Distress Negative stress Resilient The ability to bounce back from adversity MANAGING STRESS SUPPORT GROUP TIME MANAGEMENT EXERCISE HUMOR HOBBIES ENOUGH SLEEP GOOD NUTRITION RELAXATION JOURNALS MEDITATION