In many cities, the water supply comes from a river, lake, or reservoir

Observing Physical Changes – States of Matter
Job # ________________
We learned about physical changes in our last unit. During a physical change, a substance may change
in size, shape, or appearance, but its identity remains the same. Today we are going to examine the
physical changes of water. We will observe what happens as water changes from one state of matter to
Problem: Which states of matter will we be able to observe during this activity?
Background Info: What is a physical change? What do you know about states of
Hypothesis: If we follow the procedures then I think _________________________________
 Graduated Cylinder
Ice Cube
Hot Water
: __________________________________________________________________________________________
: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Extra Clean Up/Safety Precautions:
 Dump water & ice into the sink when your group is finished
1. Put a small amount of hot water into your graduated cylinder.
2. Place an ice cube over the top of the graduated cylinder so that the ice cube will
not fall in.
3. Observe what you see coming from the surface of the hot water. Make a list of
observations in your “Test Hypothesis” section.
4. Observe the bottle for a few minutes and note what you see happening near the
top of the bottle. Add to your list of observations in the ‘Test Hypothesis” section.
5. Watch for another minute or two. Note if you see anything fall from the top of the
bottle. Add to your list of observations in the “Data” section.
6. Dump out the ice & water into the sink
7. In the “Drawing” section, draw & label the graduated cylinder to show what you
observed. Include any states of matter you observed.
8. Answer the analysis questions in lieu of your traditional conclusion.
List of Observations:
Drawing: Draw & Label the graduated cylinder to show what you observed.
(Remember to include the states of matter you observed.)
Conclusion: Answer the following questions in complete sentences:
1. What did you observe coming from the surface of the hot water? What caused
this to happen?
2. What did you see near the top of the graduated cylinder? What caused this to
3. Did you see anything falling inside the graduated cylinder? If so, explain what
you saw and how it was produced.