Bailey One Reading Guide

Bailey One Reading Guide
What geological event allowed the peopling of the Americas?
Trace the migration of immigrant groups
What allowed dense populations in Central America? What major empires developed?
What were the “three sisters?”
Describe the greatest political organization in North America prior to 1492.
What role did the Vikings play in the “discovery” of America by Columbus?
Describe how each of the following contributed to Columbus’ “discovery.”
Expansion of trade
The crusades
Marco Polo
Portuguese navigation
The New Monarchy of Spain
The Renaissance
What continents were affected by the Columbian exchange?
Describe the Columbian exchange. (Could the textbook chart be any more boring?)
What were the terms of the treaty of Tordesailles?
Describe the work of the following people:
Ponce de Leon
De Soto
Describe how the encomienda combined economic motivations with religious justification.
What was the Reconquista?
What motivated the conquistadores?
Who were the Mestizos?
Explain how Cortes conquered the Aztecs. Allow for multiple causation.
Who was Malinche? What has her name come to mean? Are there two etymologically similar words that
you remember from AP European history?
What impact did the conquest of South America have on Spain?
What did Cabot do? Who was he working for?
What did Verrazano do? Who was he working for?
What did Cartier do? Who was he working for?
What is the oldest continually occupied settlement in the United States? (Note: The SOLs incorrectly say it
is Jamestown)
Describe Pope’s rebellion.
Describe the settlement of California
What was the “Black Legend?”