Chapter 1: The World Before 1600

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Chapter 1: The World Before 1600
Looking at the map on page 7, describe the location of the Bering Land Bridge.
2. Why doesn’t the land bridge exist today?
3. Describe the agricultural revolution. (pg. 7)
4. Identify the three basic crops that Native Americans grew during the agricultural revolution.
5. Describe three changes in culture due to the agricultural revolution.
6. The Hohokam people lived in _______________________________________________; to farm the desert they _______________________
________________ that brought _____________________________________________________________________________. (pg. 9)
7. Where did the Anasazi settle? (pg. 9)
Please write two facts about each of the early Native American groups.
8. Adena Mound Builders (pg. 10)
9. Hopewell Mound Builders (pg. 10)
10. Mississippian Culture (pg. 10)
1.1. Pueblo (pg. 12)
12. Navajo (pg. 12)
13. Iroquois (pg. 14)
14. Draw at least two pictures that remind you of these early Native American cultures.
15. Matrilineal means that property was ________________________________________________________________. (pg. 15)
16. The Magna Carta was signed by King John in 1215 and guaranteed certain rights to the barons. It restricted the _____________________
____________________, established _________________________________________________________ and set forth the basic principles of
___________________ and later __________________________________. (pg. 24)
17. What was Christopher Columbus’ life goal? (pg. 30)
18. The impact of Columbus’ voyages set off a wave of __________________________________________ in the Americas. (pg. 31)
19. What was Columbus’ first reaction to meeting the native Tainos? (pg. 32)
20. Describe the Columbian Exchange. (pg. 33)
From North America
From Europe
21. What animal did Europeans bring over to the Americas that was central to the Plains Indians culture?
22. What were the most tragic consequences of the Columbian Exchange? (pg. 33)