Chapter 1 Questions

Chapter 1: New World Beginnings
1. Give a general description of the geography of North America from east to west coast.
2. Where did the first people of the Americas come from, how did they get here, and why did they
3. What were the large Native American civilizations in the Americas?
4. Why were most of these civilizations (see question 3) located in between or near the Tropics
(Cancer and Capricorn)?
5. What types of plants and animals did Native Americans domesticate? How did these things
shape their society?
6. State four indirect catalysts for the discovery of the New World and explain how they each were
7. Columbian Exchange – State at least two cultural, economic and political features of European
Society that were brought to the New World by the Europeans. State at least one social, political
and economic feature that was present in the Native American cultures that was exchanged
with Europe.
8. What impact did the Portuguese plantation system have on the New World?
9. Describe the role Spanish conquistadores played in the settlement of the Americas.
10. Why was the encomienda system not a true “Christian” institution?
11. “Black Legend” – Define it and justify whether or not you believe it is accurate in its historical
Terms to note:
1. three-sister farming
2. caravel
3. plantation
4. conquistadores
5. encomienda
6. mestizos
7. capitalism
8. Columbian exchange
9. nation-states
10. Cahokia
People to Note:
1. Christopher Columbus
2. Francisco Coronado
3. Francisco Pizarro
4. Hernan Cortes
5. Moctezuma