BYOG 12 INVESTOPEDIA OPTION NOTES WITH CALCULATORS Links are to Calculators with graphics at The Chicago Mercantile Exchange has supplied other material. Read disclaimer before using this table. Abstracted by D. Gimpel at * TERM INVESTOR ACTIONS Call, covered Call, long Investor owns position. Call, Naked Investor believes price will fall or remain flat and doesn’t own the security. Investor sells a Short Call and receives a premium in expectation that the market will decline and the call not exercised. Call, short ADVANTAGES Investor owns and wishes to keep the position and wishes to augment profits. Requires little capital MARKET MOVEMENT Upside Downside Unlimited Limited loss profit Unlimited profit Limited loss Investor is bearish.. Unlimited loss Profited limited. Unlimited profit above upper strike. Unlimited profits above the long call. Unlimited losses. Limited profit below strike price. Call, Synthetic Investor purchases the underlying asset, sells a bond and purchases a Put Option. The strike price of the Put Option equals the face value of the bond, which is the exercise price of the synthetic call. This is an alternative to a call option and provides the same payoff as a short call but costs less. Future, long Investor purchases a future position. Use when bullish about the market and uncertain about volatility Future, short Investor sells a future position. Use when bearish about the market and uncertain about volatility. Long, synthetic, (Split-strike) Investor purchases a Long Call above market value and sells a Short Put below the value. Put Investor sells a Put Option and receives a fee. Investor owns instrument. Investor is bullish on the market and uncertain about volatility. Use as a follow up to another strategy. Investor is bearish on the market. Put, naked A put contract without an underlying instrument. Huge profits if the underlying asset moves in the right direction. Profit unlimited above Long Call. Loss limited to fee. Flat profit. Unlimited Limited to value invested.. Profit limited to initial investment. Loss limited to amount invested. Loss limited to investment. Increasing profit with loss Ratio Call Write Investor owns shares in the underlying stock and writes more atthe-call options than the amount of the underlying shares owned. Short, synthetic Investor buys a Long Put and sells a Short Call. Spread Investor simultaneously buys a Call and sells a Put Short Call at lower strike, Long Call at upper. Short Put at lower strike, Long Put at upper. Short Call at lower strike, , Long Put at upper strike. Short Put at lower strike, Long Call at upper. Long Call at lower strike point, Short put at upper strike. Long Put at lower, Short Put at upper. Long Call at lower, Short Put at upper using a short instrument. Long Put at lower, Short Call at upper using a long instrument. A Butterfly Spread combines a Bull and Bear Spread using three strike prices with the earlier two as used in the Bull Spread and the latest as in the Bear Spread. Spread bear Spread, Bull Spread, Butterfly Spread, Calendar or inter-delivery or intermarket, time or horizontal spread Spread, Condor Spread, Horizontal Spread, Option This captures the premium received by the option sale to increase profit. The writer hopes for low volatility. Investor is bearish on the market and uncertain about volatility. Initiated as a follow up to another strategy. Generates a profit if the price rises. Transaction cost is low. Investor is somewhat bearish Unlimited decreasing price. Some risk if price goes up too much. Limited Unlimited Limited profit Limited loss No profit Investor is somewhat bullish on the market Limited profit Limited loss Use when the securities expected price will remain within a narrow range. May be entered advantageously in a long-term option sequence with at least 1month to go. Limited profit till upper strike point then slight loss. Limited profit to lower strike point then slight loss. Limited profit No profit Limited profit. A Calendar Spread is a Horizontal Spread or a Time Spread. This option is established by simultaneously entering a long and short position on the same asset but with delivery within months. Spread, Proportional Spread, Ratio Call Spread, Ratio Call Backspread This option is one in which there are an unequal number of options purchased and written simultaneously. When more options are written than purchased, it is a Ratio Spread. When more options are purchased than written, it is called a Back Spread. Long Call at lower strike price, Short Call at upper strike price. Long Put at lower, Short Call at upper, long instrument A common spread seldom more than a 1:3 ratio. Short Call at lower strike price, Long Call at upper. Short Put at lower, Long Call at upper, short instrument Spread, Ratio Put Short Put at upper strike price, Long Put at upper strike. Short Put at lower, Long Call at upper with short instrument. A common spread with a ratio seldom more than 1:3 . Spread, Vertical Simultaneous purchase and sale of two options of the same type with the same expiration date but different strike prices. Long Call at market, Long Put at market. Long Put at market, short instrument Long Call at market, long instrument Long Put at lower strike point, Long Call at upper. Long Call at lower strike point, Long Put at upper. Straddle Strangle, long Strangle, short Short Put at lower strike point, Short Call at upper. Short Call at lower strike point, Short Put at upper. Use when there is a slight expectation of a market rise but with a possible market sell-off. This is a common spread with seldom more than a 3:1 ratio. Use when market is more likely to go up than down and the market is near the upper strike price. Use when there is a small expectation of a market fall but a high potential for a sharp rise. Use if you expect market movement but are unsure of direction. Use if market has been stagnant and within two strike points and the expected to become active. Use if market is active and is expected to quiet down. Unlimited profit. Profit limited to narrow band above strike point then unlimited loss No profit Loss limited to narrow band then unlimited profit. Profit limited to narrow band below upper strike point then flat. Limited profit Loss limited to lower strike point then flat. Unlimited profit above band. Unlimited profit above upper strike point. Profit limited to upper Unlimited profit below band. Profit limited to narrow band to lower strike point then none. Profit limited to narrow band and then limited loss. None Limit profit below lower strike point. Profit limited to lower strike Strip Strap (Triple Option) Being long in one call and two put options. Being long in one put and two call options with the same strike price, maturity and underlying asset. Use when the market is expected to rise aggressively. strike point then unlimited loss. point then limited loss.. Large profits. Large losses. * The material in the above table was obtained from sources believed to be reliable, and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. This table is intended for educational purposes only as a guide to the different types of option systems available. Users are urged to confirm the accuracy of this material before use. The AAII and the authors are not responsible for any statements made. Items to be added: Option, collar Spread, alligator Spread, cat Spread, condor Spread, debit Spread, front Spread, inter-commodity Spread, reduced Spread, static Spread, zero-volatility OPTION SELECTOR TABLE IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS ON THE USE OF THIS TABLE: 1. This table has been derived from material found at , a questionnaire from Optiontradingpedia. 2. If you are connected to the internet and click on the underlined option type name in the right hand column, you will be transferred to the WolframAlpha calculator site. Once there, click on the button at the right of the name box to bring up the calculator. If the Option Type is not underlined, then no suitable calculator has been identified. 3. The shaded table area indicates that no answer is required and skip to the next question or the option type column. 1. Market 2. Trend 3. Own 4. The Broker 5. Protect 6. Broker allows 7. Trading Direction? Duration? Shares? Allows Yes/No Write/Sell Status Up Sustained Yes Up Sustained No Credit Spreads Yes Up Sustained Yes Up Sustained No Credit Spreads No The best choice for the option type is: Up Up Up Up Up Sustained Sustained Slight Rise Slight Rise Slight Rise No No Yes No No Calendar Call Spread Long Call Option Covered Call Bull Call Spread Ratio Call Spread Up Up Up Down Down Slight Rise Slight Rise Slight Rise Slight Drop Sustained Ditch Sustained Ditch Sustained Ditch Sustained ditch Sustained Ditch Sustained Ditch Sustained Ditch No No No Yes No Down Down down Down Down Down Yes No Credit Spread Yes Credit Spreads Credit Spreads Credit Spreads Yes No Yes Credit Spreads Yes Bull Put Spread Naked Put Write, Sell Naked Put Options Ratio Bull Spread Covered Put Short Bear Ratio Spread Yes Calendar Put Spread no Naked Call Option No Yes Naked call Covered Call Short Bull Ratio Spread Covered Call Long Call option No Credit Spreads Yes Short Bear Ratio Spread no Credit spreads Yes Calendar put spread No No Long Put Option No Yes Calendar Put Spread No No Long Put Option Down Down Stagnant Slight Drop Slight Drop Write/Sell naked Calls/Puts Write/Sell naked Calls/Puts Write/Sell naked Calls/Puts Write/Sell naked Calls/Puts Write/Sell naked Calls/Puts Write/Sell naked Calls/Puts Write/Sell naked Calls/Puts Write/Sell naked Calls/Puts Stagnant Stagnant Stagnant Stagnant Stagnant Stagnant Stagnant Stagnant Stagnant Stagnant Stagnant Stagnant Stagnant Stagnant Stagnant Write/Sell naked Calls/Puts Write/Sell naked Calls/Puts Stagnant Stagnant Stagnant Stagnant Stagnant Up/Down Up/Down Up/Down Up/Down Up/Down Up/Down Yes No Credit Spreads Stay Stagnant Yes Credit Spreads Iron Condor Spread Yes Credit Spreads Trade in narrow range Stay stagnant Yes Credit Spreads Trade in narrow range Iron Condor Spread Butterfly Spread No Condor Spread No No N Y N N No No Butterfly Spread Credit Spreads Credit Spread Credit Spreads Credit Spreads Credit Spreads Credit Spreads Credit Spreads Credit Spreads Credit Spread Credit Spread Credit Spread No No Drastically Drastically Slightly Slightly Slightly Slightly Covered Put Bear Put Spread Iron Butterfly Spread Credit Spread Credit Spread Price within $1 of any strike price Price not within $1 of any strike price $1 of strike price Stagnant Narrow Range Stagnant Narrow Range Stagnant Narrow Range Price within $1 of any strike price Not within $1 of any strike price Stagnant Narrow range Stagnant Narrow range More than $1 Less than $1 Yes No Yes No Short Straddle Short Strangle Short Strangle Iron Butterfly Spread Iron Condor Spread Butterfly Spread Condor Spread Butterfly Spread Condor Spread Short straddle Short strangle Iron Butterfly Iron Condor Butterfly Condor Long Straddle Long Strangle Short Condor Short Butterfly Reverse Iron Condor Reverse Iron Butterfly