Honors US Study Guide (Industrialism/Big Business/Urbanization

Honors US Study Guide (Industrialism/Big Business/Urbanization/Gilded Age)
- Thomas Edison (500)
- Henry Ford (500)
- Mass Production//Assembly Line (500 – 502)
- Frederic W. Taylor//Scientific Management (504 – 505)
- Triangle Shirtwaist Fire (508)
- 1877 Railroad Strike (510)
- Knights of Labor (511)
- Haymarket Riot (511 – 512)
- American Federation of Labor (512)
- Samuel Gompers (512)
- Homestead Strike (512)
- Pullman Strike (513)
- IWW//Wobblies (513)
- Elias Howe (518)
- Isaac Singer (518)
- A & P Stores (520)
- Incorporation and Corporation Laws (521)
- John D. Rockefeller//Standard Oil (521)
- Trusts (521)
- J. P. Morgan//U. S. Steel (522)
- laissez faire economics (523)
- Social Darwinism (523)
- Andrew Carnegie//Gospel of Wealth (523)
- Urban Sprawl (531 – 532)
- Urban In-Migration (534 – 535)
- Chinese Exclusion Act (541)
- Jacob Riis and Lawrence Veiller (544)
- Model Tenements (544)
- Skyscrapers (544)
- Urban Engineers (546)
- Professional Police Forces (546)
- Political Machines (546 – 547)
- Political Bosses (547)
- Tammany Hall (548)
- City-Manager and Commission Forms of Government (548)
- Settlement Houses (548)
- Hull House//Jane Addams (548 – 549)
- Civil Service Exams (549)
- Nuclear family (550)
- Baseball//National Pastime (553 – 555)
- Intercollegiate Athletic Association//Football (555)
- George M. Cohan (555)
- Vaudeville (555 – 556)
- D. W. Griffith//Birth of a Nation (557)
- NAACP (557)
- Joseph Pulitzer (557)
- Yellow Journalism (557)
- William Randolph Hearst (557)
- The Gilded Age (564)
- Spoils System (566)
- Pendleton Civil Service Act (566)
- Interstate Commerce Act of 1887 (567)
- Protective Tariffs (568)
- Gold Standard (569)
- Ida B. Wells (572)
- Disenfranchisement (572)
- 1875 Civil Rights Act (573)
- Separate But Equal (573)
- Plessy v. Ferguson (573)
- Jim Crow Laws (574)
- Elizabeth Cady Stanton (575)
- Susan B. Anthony (575)
- Farmers’ Alliances (575, 578)
- Granges (576 – 577)
- Populist Party (579)
- Eugene V. Debs (583)
- William McKinley (585 – 586)
- William Jennings Bryan (586)
- Cross of Gold Speech (586)
- Gold Standard Act of 1900 (587)
- Describe how Henry Ford made his dream of mass production and
democratizing the automobile possible. (500 – 502)
- What caused the rise and growth of the labor union movement and what were its
major effects on the workplace? (510 – 515)
- How did the advent of department and chain stores and advertising affect the
way average people lived their lives? (519 – 520)
- Describe some of the criticisms of big business and corporations and why antitrust laws were passed by the early 1900’s. (523 – 524)
- Explain how conditions in the cities affected the residents there and what steps
were attempted to solve the problems that existed. (543 – 545)
-Discuss the debate between those who wanted a gold backed currency and those
who wanted a silver backed currency. What motivated each side? Which side
ultimately prevailed? (584 – 587)