short story analysis sheet

Title of Story: ____________________________
Student Name: ____________________________
Short Story Elements - analysis
- Protagonist:
- Antagonist:
- Exposition (Introduction):
- Rising Action (includes conflict):
- Climax:
- Falling Action:
- Resolution:
- External conflict:
- Internal conflict:
Point of View:
- First Person:
- Third Person Limited:
- Third Person Omniscient:
Short Story Elements – Vocabulary
Character: Person in a story
- Protagonist: Person who drives the action- main character
- Antagonist: The opponent of the main character- causes the conflict
Character Analysis:
Static: stays the same
Dynamic: Changes
Flat: stereotyped/one sided
Round: multi-faceted
Plot: the events that make up a story
- Exposition (Introduction): situation, setting, characters
- Rising Action: conflicts and complicating events that lead up
to the climax
- Climax: Tense minute where the reader realizes the outcome
- Falling action: results of the climax and previous decisions
(very short in a short story)
- Resolution/conclusion/denouement: all the problems are done
(good or bad)
Conflict: struggle or problem between opposing forces
- External conflict: struggle is with an outside force
- Internal conflict: struggle takes place within the character
(greed, jealousy, etc…)
Narrator: Person created by the author to tell you the story
Point of View: vantage point from which the narrator tells the
- First Person: the narrator is in the story (uses I)
- Third Person Limited: narrator is not in the story but zooms in
on ONE character who is (like a parrot on his shoulder – uses
he, she, they)
- Third Person Omniscient: not in the story, but all knowing
narrator, can tell what every character is thinking and doing
Foreshadowing: hints or clues about what is coming later
Setting: time and place of a story
Theme: the main idea of a story
Suspense: anxiety about what will happen next in a story
Related Readings: Lang. Of Literature (orange textbook)
Character Development - pages 321 to 323
Theme – pages 589 to 590
Point of View – pages 813 to 814
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