Grade 9 Home Ec. The purpose of the junior high program is to introduce students to a number of areas within the Practical & Applied arts (PAA). Students going into grade 10 must have completed 100 hours of PAA. In Home Ec. Students will cover the first 1-2 modules in both the Foods & Clothing & textiles areas. If students decide to take courses in these areas in high school they will be able to choose from higher level modules. - First half foods/second half Clothing Marking Scheme: Foods: Labs 50% Assignments & Quizzes 40% Notebook/Portfolio 10% 100% Sewing: Projects & samples 60% Assignments & Quizzes 30% Notebook/portfolio 10% 100% Course Content -numbers in brackets indicate the # of classes spent on the topic Foods: Review lab procedures (expectations, groups, lab sheet, dish washing- 1) Review of previous information (measuring, terms, baking basics etc. – 2) Safety review (1) Healthy eating, BMI, healthy habits, CFG (survey & results) Nutrients (3) Meal Planning (2) Garnishes (1) Labs: High fiber/low fat food, nutrient, group assigned, lunch meal, ethnic, Choice/meal/fondue (6) Sewing: Safety in sewing, parts & function, machine operation (1) Solving problems with your machine (1) Pattern layout, cutting & Marking (1) Terms & measurement (1) Seam finishes & Fabric construction (2) Clothing care, pressing & Ironing (home assignment) (1) Making wise clothing purchases (1) Mending (1) Sewing projects & samples 15-20 classes Extra Help: Available at noon & after school when arranged with the teacher. Notebook: - You must have a binder for this class (can share with one other subject) - Keep notes in order and complete (Marked 2 times in a semester) - Neatness – 10 Complete – 10 Time use & effort - 5 = /25 - Put notes in your binder when you get them so they don’t get lost. Notes will not be given out a second time. Neatness & organization is very important. General Class Information: - Bring your binder, pens, pencils and supplies to each class. It should not be necessary for you to leave the room once class has started. - You are to be on time for class. You will get one free late then will be required to serve a detention for each subsequent late. - If you miss class YOU are responsible for getting the work you missed. - Assignments are due on the due date, at the beginning of class. If assignments are not handed in at the assigned time they are late (10% off). If you are absent you must complete all missed work. You will be given a reasonable period of time in which to complete the missed assignments. If there is going to be a problem completing an assignment on time please see me BEFORE the assignment is due. Classroom Expectations (3 beliefs) - Respect – No food or drink in the sewing lab - Clean up after yourself - return materials in the same condition you received them - Appropriate volume - Responsible – Report equipment problems immediately - Follow safety rules - Conserve tangible resources - Pay your fees on time - Appropriate classroom conduct – raise you hand - Don’t leave without permission - Stay on task. - Choose to learn – Listen to instructions - Challenge yourself - Be attentive - Be Prepared & Punctual Consequences- 1st – Warning – name on the board 2nd – Private meeting with the teacher & 1 noon detention 3rd – Parent & principal notified and 2 noon detentions Adaptive Dimension: - The adaptive dimension of teaching will be achieved by using a variety of adaptations : Pre-teaching notes, types notes, outlines, more one on one help, use of an EA where needed, working in pairs for assignments, fewer questions, parallel material and assignments set with lower vocabulary but still meeting the curriculum specific objectives, working in conjunction with the spec. Ed. Teacher, the EA, and parents, verbal exams, use of a scribe, smaller pieces of information provided over a longer period of time, more hands on work and assignments to achieve objectives. C.E.L.S.: - Communication – Note taking, questions & answers, class discussion, defining terms & verbal & written assignments. - Numeracy – Measurement both in cooking and in sewing, estimating - Critical & creative thinking – Posters, reports, computer research & individual Assignment selection & completion. - Personal & social values & skills – Lab interaction, demand for respect for self, Other & teacher. - Independent learning – Assignments, quizzes & individual projects Instructional Strategies: Direct method, indirect method, experiential learning, independent study & interactive instruction. Objectives: 1. To develop basic knowledge, skills & attitudes necessary for exploration and pursuit of future further training in the areas of Food & Clothing. 2. To learn how to function in a less structured environment and develop individual competencies in the areas of Foods & Clothing. 3. To develop a positive work ethic, productivity, self initiative and time management. 4. To work safely and skillfully in a group setting. 5. To improve organizational skills 6. To expose the students to various areas of P.A.A. so as to promote an interest in the areas covered Grade 9 Timeline (Each # represents one class period) 1. Course outline, lab procedures & review, choose recipe 2. Finish review & safety 3. Lab #1 – High fiber/low fat food 4. CFG review (survey & results), nutrients 5. Lab # 2 – Nutrient food 6. “Super Size Me” 7. “Super Size Me” 8 Lab # 3 – Group Assigned 9. BMR/BMI/Healthy choices 10. Meal planning 11. Lab #4 - Ethnic 12. Finish meal planning 13. Fast Food Assignment 14. Lab #5 - Lunch 15. Garnishing & wrap up 16. Lab #6 – Choice & garnishes 17. Computer assignment – fast food 18. Final exam/binder check – taking measurements 19. Computer Design 20. Safety/ Parts & Functions 21. Parts & functions quiz/Layout 22. Trace Patterns 23. seam finishes/Pattern symbols/ Equipment 24. Sew 25. Fabric construction 26. Sew 27. Clothing care/ pressing & ironing 28. Sew 29. Making wise clothing purchases/ review/ quiz outline 30. Sew 31. Final exam & binder check 32. Sew to end