Markit Apparel Online February 14, 2012 Senator Marshall Dear

Markit Apparel Online
February 14, 2012
Senator Marshall
Dear Senator Marshall,
I am continuing to be angered to hear that clothing and textile workers are being discriminated
against when working from home.
I have worked in the clothing industry all of my working life, I am now 55 years of age. The clothing
manufacturing industry has given me good years of employment as a:
 Cutter
 Manager of sewing production
 Quality Assurance Manager
 Industrial Engineer
 Pattern Technician / CAD operator
As a result of work being exported to low labor cost countries I am now as many others are
struggling to survive.
After losing my job three years ago, I continued by passion as a pattern maker providing a service to
clients from home. My home based business has been in operation for approximately ten years. As a
result of the current legislation I have moved my business to an industrial premise in Red Box
Studio’s 64 Wellington Street Collingwood VIC 3066.
The cost of operation form Collingwood will be in excess of $1200.00 per month plus travel costs.
My mortgage repayments from home are $900.00 per month, with minimal travel. I was aware of the
likely out comes one year ago and made the decision to sell my home to clear debts so that I can
minimize my expenses while working to or past retirement age.
Why is it that I cannot provide a service from home, my equipment is computer based over the
internet (looking forward to the “National Broadband” to every home). There must be a better
solution making use of everyone in Australia that is willing to work. I know lots of sewing
machinists that have worked both in factories and in their home. Just who is being protected, and
what options do clothing and textile workers have. The way I see it government is responsible for the
situation, both sides can take their share of credit for this dreadful mess.
Yours Sincerely,
William Stanley
Sole Trader