Women Leading Learning Action planning template Version Three July 2013 Issue 1: Exciting Ideas (New course, subjects, approaches) WEA Theme: Community Engagement Leads: Keren, Sarah W and Alice Actions to address Who to be issue involved Timings – by when 1.Research (Committee and wider) Group (Need specific initial members actions – possibly to (consider setting be drafted and up a subgroup) implemented by a subgroup) Ongoing Design a survey to identify what courses women want (but also consider issues and barriers) 2.Networking (Residential course could be relevant action to address this issue) Keren and Sarah P 1st draft by Feb More people (women) meeting. on courses Collation and distribution by 1st March. Mobile – emails etc (Committee and wider) Group members Ongoing Feedback to group (minutes) (need specific initial deadline for each action) What impact or effect do you think this will have People (women) feel more engaged and motivated How will you document or record this Questionnaire Looking at (and learning from) good practice in other areas Online polls – surveys Blog Influencing other WEA area 1 Notes – Progress @ July 13 Survey designed spring 13 – WLL members circulating and using during outreach – 26 completed to date Social Media Efficiency – only providing what’s wanted Spreading the word Make links with other student groups and branches across Nottinghamshire and other women’s Relevant civil society or other orgs Suggested target of 100 completions – each member to engage with women to complete 10? Any with relevant links Diverse Women’s groups? Diverse Women’s learning networks? WIP residential held April 13 Very positive feedback received. Visit to be organised for Sept? Women Leading Learning Action planning template Version Three July 2013 student groups and branches beyond Nottinghamshire? Identify other Women’s groups. Check online forums and make contact with other groups. 3. Identify people who can deliver and write course (and other learning) materials Andria to action once course priorities are identified by group & any research conducted. Need info by March if to implement by Autumn term. Andria to send links to existing lists of groups By Feb Meeting Keren and Sarah P to identify and suggest which are priority groups to make contact with By March meeting WEA, Skill share participants 3 months prior to course (event or activity) starting (Good aim, but sometimes not possible when responding to need on short time scale) To begin process in March, interview and inductions as required. (Links to existing lists posted on WLL blog) Keep it fresh, innovative, current, relevant Course evaluations. Build a list of Engaging – people will contacts with feel they are gaining their skills, something from it. interests 2 Other education providers WEA tutor groups Research underway – info needed by August if in time to inform Spring 14 recruitment and course planning Women Leading Learning Action planning template Version Three July 2013 Issue 2: Non Judgemental (Activities, Events, Learning Opportunities) WEA Theme: Community Engagement Leads: Janet and Lea Actions to address Who to be issue involved 1.Embrace Diversity (Committee and wider) Team (Need specific initial members actions – possibly to (consider setting be drafted and up a subgroup) implemented by a subgroup) Timings – by when What impact or effect do you think this will have Positive enrich group By end of first year (2013) Questionnaire Form Need individual dates for specific actions Online polls (need specific actions) Relevant civil Update July 2013 society or other orgs Learning Disability Age UK MIND Interfaith council Multiculturalism ??? Any group training needs? 2. Educational Ability How will you document or record this In community meetings (Committee and or wider?) Team members By end of first year (2013) Open access to educations and new skills Need individual Job opportunities and dates for specific further learning actions Questionnaire Form Online polls In community meetings 3 WEA and Partners Coop Open University Other Educational Institutions NHS? Women Leading Learning Action planning template Version Three July 2013 3. Social / Socialising (need specific actions) (Committee and or wider?) Team members By end of first year (2013) (Development of new?) hobbies Engagement Learn new skills Build confidence Questionnaire Form Whatever the organisation relevant to the interest Possible use for prize money]? Relevant civil society or other orgs Women’s Centre Update July 2013 Online polls In community meetings Issue 3: Reaching Out Leads: Doris and Clare WEA Theme: Community Engagement Actions to address Who to be issue involved 1.Regular Socialising Events / International Women’s Day All members of groups and other women Timings – by when What impact or effect do you think this will have Group will grow How will you document or record this On Blog Awareness of women’s learning opportunities will grow Facebook Ongoing Additional to (consider setting monthly up a subgroup) meetings Refugee forum Twitter Little films More tweeters and bloggers needed to tweet and make posts etc 4 IW Day held 1/3/13 at Nottingham contemporary – successful, lots of positive feedback Coffee, Cake and Chat session planned as part of NW conference fringe 17th September 13 – more volunteers needed Andria circulated case study on Jill Arnold – more needed for students and other WLP tutors Women Leading Learning Action planning template Version Three July 2013 2. Word of mouth Ambassadors Ongoing WLL group (committee and wider members) Training 3. Publicity and promotion Mini brochure for Summer term WLL Group Newspapers Local radio Leafleting Increase people’s awareness of WLL (Need specific dates for specific WEA, Women’s actions) Programme As and when we want to / (something we want to promote or report on) Build profile of Women’s Learning (all of above) Encourage women to return to learning WLL courses into main brochure for Autumn term Blog – about our experiences and info / links to WEA stuff Articles in newspapers Training input from WEA Post, metro, kemet, radio Nottingham and recording of Radio 2 & 4 radio interviews Attach to blog Clare designed business card Several group members have met as sub group to promote courses at Women’s Centre to NWC centre users Mini brochure was produced for Summer term Business cards WLL courses are included in main WEA brochure for Autumn term – now ready for distribution Other leaflets Keren took part in regional brochure stuffing / mailing day 5 Women Leading Learning Action planning template Version Three July 2013 Issue 4: Money (and Poverty) WEA Theme: Community Engagement and others Leads: Antonia and Sarah P Actions to address Who to be issue involved Timings – by when 1.Looking at how lack of money / money issues is barrier to access learning By International Women’s Day (8th March 2013) (Draft version) (Need specific initial actions – possibly to be drafted and implemented by a subgroup) Any group training needs? 2. Event / course on Women and Worth looking at money, selfsufficiency, budgeting, skills, and resource sharing WLL and WEA looking at funding / provision Increasing access to learning Increasing equality and inclusion Potential learners and partners (ask others) Increasing financial stability (consider setting up a subgroup) Everybody (outreach) Nottingham Women Tutors / facilitators / speakers What impact or effect do you think this will have Action of poverty Broadening horizons through education September 2013 Enable families and individuals to be more self sufficient Less likely to go without – reducing negative effects of poverty 6 How will you document or record this Feedback forms or recordings with set of questions relating to impact Relevant civil society or other orgs Women’s Centre Broader WEA Poverty Action groups Recording who cannot / has trouble accessing learning because of money – this can be done by recording stories Evaluation forms and recording from events Time banks (local) Seed banks Skills Before and after exchanges sheets etc… Update July 2013 Included as a theme in some of pieces in IWD celebration Women Leading Learning Action planning template Version Three July 2013 (consider the specific experiences of women and poverty in wider social context?) Increasing skills, confidence and independence Building skills networks Issue 5: Mental Health and Wellbeing WEA Theme: Community Engagement and others Leads: Actions to address Who to be issue involved Timings – by when Research to identify needs and key issues Spring 13 New resources and courses developed under this theme Andria and Lisa plus wider WLL group members Andria and Lisa plus wider WLL group members Summer / Autumn 13 What impact or effect do you think this will have Inform future course and project developments Diversify and refresh Women’s Learning Programme materials How will you document or record this Survey monkey Focus group notes Copies of relevant meeting notes Copies of new materials 7 Relevant civil society or other orgs MIND Champions of Change HLG Update July 2013 Questions included in WLP survey to identify interest and need in this area Focus group held April 13 to identify needs and issues to be considered – Andria and Lisa facilitated Partnership bid being developed with Bright Ideas to develop new WLP unit. Andria has drafted budget and worked with Lisa on aims and outcomes. Lisa working on organisational section as lead applicant. Submission late summer? Women Leading Learning Action planning template Version Three July 2013 8