WEA Course Information Sheet 2015-16 Course title: English Literacy Skills (Reading and Writing) Course reference: C2335375 Tutor(s): Lorna Poole Venue: Vernon Community College, Fee: £80.85 Fee Waived for those on income related Vernon House, 18 Friar Lane, NG1 6DQ TEL: 01159 414967 benefits or low income; Evidence must be bought to the first class. Start date: 6th Jan 2016 End date: 16th March 2016 Number of sessions: 10 Hours per session: 2.1 Day(s)/time(s): Wednesdays 10am- 12:10pm Level: Entry Title of qualification to be gained (if any): Awarding body (if any): Essential materials e.g. books and equipment to be provided by the student Students must bring a pen and a pad of paper or notebook to each class. They may also find it helpful to have a folder in which to store their handouts. Course aims: This course aims to improve students’ reading and writing abilities in English. Course description: (This is displayed on the WEA website.) Summarise the course and its content in 40 words or fewer. This course will provide students with the key skills needed to read and write in English. It is suitable for both native English speakers and those who are learning English as a foreign language provided they are proficient in spoken English. It is a relaxed and informal non-accredited course with emphasis on learning in a fun way and building confidence. Any prior knowledge or entry requirements? The course is for people who have a low level of reading & writing in English. To take part in the course, all students must have a reasonable level of speaking / understanding English. Course content: what topics will the course cover? The course will cover: -English phonetics -Spelling and Grammar -Comprehension -Tenses -Punctuation Teaching, learning and assessment methods: tick those to be used ( Demonstration X Discussion X Group work Project work Research Role play Activity outside class Question and answer X Observation time Other (state) Presentation Field trip X Individual work Written work Practical work X X Learning outcomes: these are the intended outcomes and may be revised in discussion with the class. Students are encouraged to think about and identify their own individual outcomes. By the end of the course, students should be able to: 1.Understand how spelling of words relates to phonetic sounds 2.Recognise common English spelling and grammar patterns 3.Read a simple text and answer basic comprehension questions 4.Recognise the basic features of the past, present and future tense 5.Correctly use capital letters and basic punctuation Reading and information sources: Is any reading/preparation essential or desirable? Students are asked to read English texts as much as possible outside of the course in order to improve and compliment the skills which will be covered in class. Suggestions for progression to further study or for using the skills and knowledge gained: The course should improve students' confidence and give them the basic skills needed to progress onto a higher level or accredited course, should they wish to do so. You can read about your entitlements and responsibilities as a WEA student in our leaflet, Services for Students here http://www.wea.org.uk/courses/information This includes information on fees, learning support and financial support. As part of your first course you accept a learning agreement. This applies to all courses you take in this academic year. You should have a copy of the learning agreement (the tear-off portion of your enrolment form), but if not please ask for a copy from your tutor. You can enrol online for some courses http://www.wea.org.uk/courses or contact XX Region, email address, telephone number. The Workers’ Educational Association (WEA) is a charity registered in England and Wales (number 1112775) and in Scotland (number SC039239) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (number 2806910). Registered Office: Workers’ Educational Association, 4 Luke Street, London, EC2A 4XW