WEA Course Information Sheet 2013-14
Course title: Creative Writing at The Hearth
Course reference: C2520686
Tutor(s): Joan Johnston
Venue: The Hearth Arts Centre and Café, Main Road, Horsley
Start date:
End date: 13th July
Day(s)/time(s): Sundays
Sunday 18th May
10am till 12.30 and
Sunday 22nd June
1pm till 3.30pm with 30
minutes for lunch
Sunday 13th July
Number of sessions: 3
Hours per session: 5
Level: All
Title of qualification to be gained (if any): none
Awarding body (if any): n/a
Essential materials E.g. books and equipment to be provided by the student
Writing materials to be provided by the student (e.g. notebook, pen, laptop)
Course aims:
These sessions aim to kick start your creative writing and provide you with lots of imaginative
starting points and new ideas.
Course description: (This is displayed on the WEA website.) Summarise the course and its content in 40 words or fewer.
Three inspiring writing days guaranteed to get you writing! You will write 'on the spot' from a
range of stimulating ideas, prompts, objects and images provided by the tutor, and you will also
have some time to develop one or two of these new pieces of writing as well. By the end of each
day you will have a notebook full of fresh writing to take away and develop into stories, poems,
memoir, a your own time. New and more experienced writers all welcome!
Any prior knowledge or entry requirements?
No formal entry requirements
Course content: what topics will the course cover?
Tutor-led creative writing (prompts/exercises)
Sharing writing for feedback and mutual encouragement
Progressing work
Teaching, learning and assessment methods: tick those to be used 
* Group work
* Individual work
Project work
Role play
Written work
Activity outside
Question and answer
* Observation
Practical work
class time
Field trip
Other (state)
How will I receive feedback on my learning progress and achievement?
There are no formal tests or exams during this course
There will be informal feedback from the tutor during, and at the end of, the course and
learners will be able to assess their own writing progress and achieve their personal targets
with guidance from the tutor.
Learning outcomes: these are the intended outcomes and may be revised in discussion with the
class. Students are encouraged to think about and identify their own individual outcomes.
By the end of the course, students should be able to:
Getting started with Creative Writing
2. Discovering new writing ideas/material
Progressing from notes/first draft to a more developed piece of work
Acquiring and using various writing skills & techniques
Increasing self-confidence in writing ability
Reading and information sources: Is any reading/preparation essential or desirable?
No pre-course preparation necessary, just an enthusiasm for writing!
Suggestions for progression to further study or for using the skills and knowledge gained:
Other WEA Creative Writing Courses; A Level Creative Writing; MA in Creative Writing
You can read about your entitlements and responsibilities as a WEA student in our leaflet, Services
for Students here This includes information on fees,
learning support and financial support.
As part of your first course you accept a learning agreement. This applies to all courses you take in
this academic year. You should have a copy of the learning agreement (the tear-off portion of your
enrolment form), but if not please ask for a copy from your tutor.
You can enrol online for some courses or contact North East Region
0191 2126100
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2806910. Our Registered Office address is 4 Luke Street, London, EC2A 4XW.