WEA Course Information Sheet 2013-14 Course title: Writing For Children Workshop Course reference: C3734819 Tutor(s): Christos Konstas Venue: The Rosebery Room, Ebbisham Centre, Derby Square, Epsom, KT19 9PW Fee: £15 Parking information sheet available on request Start date: 26/10/13 End date: 26/10/9/13 Number of sessions: 1 Hours per session: 3 Day(s)/time(s): Sat 10-1pm Level: 2 Title of qualification to be gained (if any): n/a Awarding body (if any): n/a Essential materials – Please bring a notepad and pen Course aims: Using 3 brief presentations followed by writing activities and exercises you will try your hand at writing for children. The presentations and activities will explore: Themes, Plot and Style. Images and Imagination- what children like to “see” and “feel” in books Reviewing and preparing your writing for presentation This is a one-day fast-paced writing for children workshop examining, in a practical context, the basics of children’s books craft. Brief presentations and short discussions will be followed by Course focused description: writing activities and feedback This is a one-day fast-paced writing for children workshop examining, in a practical context, the basics of children’s book craft. Brief presentations and short discussions will be followed by focussed writing activities and feedback. Programme/main topics covered: Using three brief presentations followed by writing activities and exercises, you will try your hand Any prior knowledge entry come requirements? No prior experience necessary. at writing for children. or Please, in with a notepad and pen or pencil. The presentations and the activities will explore: - Themes, Plot and Style: What children like to read. Remembering how it was and touching their hearts. Course content: what topics will the course cover? - Images and Imagination, what children like to “see” and “feel” in the books they read. The sessions will cover: Review andtoprepare your writingWhat for presentation. - Introduction children’s writing: children like to read, remembering how it was and touching their hearts. - Themes, Plot and Style focused on writing for children. - Images and Imagination, what children like to “see” in the books they read. - Reviewing your work and using feedback constructively Learning Outcomes After attending this activity, you should be able to: - Plan a story for children Teaching, learning and assessment methods: tick those to be used - Begin a children’s story Demonstration √ Group work Individual work - Review your workDiscussion and use Christos Konstas is a published writer andfeedback poet fromconstructively Greece. He has written several non-fiction Project work Research Role play Written work books, articles for magazines and newspapers and has co-authored many other books. He has Activity outside won a poetry and has been teaching language since 1995 and facilitating creative Question andaward answer Observation Practical workwriting class time courses since 2003. Presentation √ Field trip Other (state) How will I receive feedback on my learning progress and achievement? Feedback will be given verbally during the session. Learning outcomes: these are the intended outcomes and may be revised in discussion with the class. Students are encouraged to think about and identify their own individual outcomes. By the end of the course, students should be able to: 1. Plan a story for children 2. Begin a children’s story 3. Review your work using feedback constructively Reading and information sources: Suggestions for progression to further study or for using the skills and knowledge gained: Progession courses include: Writing For Children, Creative Writing Workshop for Mixed abilities, Getting Started in Writing Poetry and Writing Poetry for all abilities. You can read about your entitlements and responsibilities as a WEA student in our leaflet, Services for Students here http://www.wea.org.uk/courses/information This includes information on fees, learning support and financial support. As part of your first course you accept a learning agreement. This applies to all courses you take in this academic year. You should have a copy of the learning agreement (the tear-off portion of your enrolment GAINED: form), but if not please ask for a copy from your tutor. You can enrol online for some courses http://www.wea.org.uk/courses or contact London & Southern Regions Support Centre, london&southernrsc@wea.org.uk, or Freephone: 0800 328 1060 The Workers’ Educational Association is a charity registered in England and Wales, number 1112775, and in Scotland, number SC039239, and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales, number 2806910. Our Registered Office address is 4 Luke Street, London, EC2A 4XW. www.wea.org.uk D:\533561438.doc