Trinity United Church Ministers: The Whole Congregation Rev. Dr

Trinity United Church
Ministers: The Whole Congregation
Rev. Dr. John Moses - Worship, Administration and Pastoral Care
Rev. Greg Davis - Christian Development, Community Building and Pastoral Care
Mr. Donald Fraser - Organist and Choir Director
Web Page:
Office Hours: Mon. – Fri. 8:30 am - 3 pm 892-4114
Order of Service March 2, 2014 – 10:30 am
Transfiguration Sunday
* denotes standing (please stand if able)
Nursery Service Available
Prelude: “Toccata per L’Elevazione” (Frescobaldi)
Words of Welcome: Luke Doiron
Life and Work of the Church
Entry of the Bible and Candle: Mason & Noah Rogers
*Introit: Hymn #400 “Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying” (2X)
Lighting of the Christ Candle
*Call to Worship: St. Matthew 17:1-9 Reader: Luke Doiron
Still today, Jesus says to us, “Get up and do not be afraid.”
We will rise up. Our hearts and voices will soar.
We will not be held down by the dead weight
of our fears.
We will be transformed by the glory of God.
* Metrical Psalm 8, p.730 “God, Our God, Your Glorious Name”
Opening Prayer:
God, we treasure the moments
when the mist clears and the sun shines
and we see your glory and truth shining,
blazing out against the darkness and the lies.
We would like it to be this way all the time
--no doubt, no fear, no confusion,
only the view from the top of the mountain.
But we are mostly a valley people,
wandering among the shadows, trying to find our way.
We thank you for Jesus who leaves his glory
and comes to walk with us,
showing us who we are meant to be.
He is our way, our truth, our life.
In Jesus’ holy name we pray. Amen.
*Hymn #371 “Open My Eyes, That I May See” v.1-2
Children at the Front of the Church
*Hymn #371 “Open My Eyes, That I May See” v.3
Old Testament
*Hymn #59 (More Voices) “Alleluia, Praise to God”
The Lord’s Prayer
Old Testament: Exodus 20:12 Reader: Mark Burgoyne
Proverbs 23:22-25
Anthem: “If Ye Love Me, Keep My Commandments” (Tallis)
Epistle: Ephesians 6: 1-4 Reader: Mark Burgoyne
Gospel: St. Mark 7:5-13 Reader: Gail Hopkirk
St. Matthew 10:34-39
Sermon: Honouring Father and Mother: Promise and Perils
(Rev. Dr. John Moses)
*Hymn #580 “Faith of Our Fathers”
Stewardship Second: We are stewards for the sake of the world. At Trinity United, 135 people work on committees and 68 attended the annual
meeting to guide and decide on the ministry to congregation and community.
Minute for Mission
Offertory: “May My Spirit Always Sing”
Presentation of Offering: Hymn #218 v.1
We praise you, O God, our Redeemer, Creator;
in grateful devotion our tribute we bring.
We lay it before you; we kneel and adore you;
we bless your holy name, glad praises we sing.
Prayer of Dedication:
God, we know that, touched by your grace,
these gifts can be wondrously changed
to make many good things possible,
in this church, in the world.
We offer them in Jesus’ name. Amen.
*Hymn #421 “Lead On, O Cloud of Presence”
Commissioning and Benediction
*Dismissal: Hymn #422 (vs.1 & chorus)
God be with you till we meet again;
loving counsels guide, uphold you,
with a shepherd's care enfold you;
God be with you till we meet again.
Till we meet, till we meet,
till we meet at Jesus' feet;
till we meet, till we meet,
God be with you till we meet again.
Postlude: “Fugue on Kyrie” (Couperin)
Head Usher: Austin Bowman
North Side: Lowell & Audrey Farquharson, Harry Love
South Side: Sam MacLeod, Austin & Isabel Bowman
Balcony: William Lank, David Younker
Today’s bulletins are in loving memory of Rosella M. Taylor, presented by Mark & Sandra Richardson.
Sympathies of the congregation are extended to Stewart Wellman on the death of his partner, Joyce MacKinnon.
Happy Birthday to Kathleen Black who celebrates 96 years today, to Gail Duckworth today, to Linda Dunning on Mar. 3, to Moe Wood on Mar. 5,
and to Stephanie Mayne on Mar. 6.
A donation to the choir fund has been received in loving memory of Audrey Reid, presented by Mark & Sandra Richardson.
A donation to the restoration fund has been received in loving memory of Florence Deacon, presented by Burgundy Asset Management.
A donation to the restoration fund has been received in loving memory of Kaye Boates, presented by Gary & Gwen Bruce.
UCW General will meet on Mon., Mar. 3, 10 am in the Chapel. The guest speaker will be Gloria McVicar who will present on Anderson House.
St. Patrick’s Luncheon: 15 tickets are available for this event (from Ellen at the church office) on Sat., Mar. 15, 12:30 pm, at the home of
Sandrabelle and Hal MacEwen. Call 368-2093 for more details.
The Stewardship Committee meets Thurs., Mar. 6 at 6:00 p.m. in the library.
PoPS, a faith support group for young women, will meet Fri., Mar. 7 at 9:30 am in the parlour.
2014 World Day of Prayer will be held on Fri., Mar. 7, 7 pm at the Holy Redeemer Church, 3 Pond St. Charlottetown. Storm date Sun., Mar. 9, 7
pm. The service this year was prepared by women in Egypt. Everyone, men and women, young and old, is invited. More than 170 Countries in the
world will gather for World Day of Prayer and learn more about Egypt and its people.
Trinity Clifton Christmas Fair Craft Group: Craft classes will be held on Wednesdays, March 5, March 12, and March 19, and on Thursday, April
10. These sessions are fun, and you do not need to be "crafty" to join in, because we have a very good instructor in Vicki AllenCook. So, won’t you
please consider joining us?
150th Anniversary Celebration: WE NEED YOUR HELP!
Family Reunion Sunday: May 11, 2014
Mother’s Day will be a Sunday for a special reunion service here at Trinity. This will be a time for people to see some old friends and faces, catch up
with one another, and perhaps renew some of those friendships. We are attempting to locate all those who were baptized and/or married here so
that we might invite them to this reunion. Those persons will be recognized at the service so it is important that they are made known to us. Of
course, there will be refreshments following the service. So, if you were baptized and/or married here, or are aware of anyone filling that
demographic, please make yourselves known to the Team 2014 Committee. You may contact Sandrabelle MacEwen at 368-2093 or Judy Irwin at
569-3187. Alternately you may email Sandrabelle at or Judy at
If you are a patient in hospital, or know of someone in hospital, please let the church office know so that a Minister can visit.
Hearing assists are available at the back of the church.
Taxi anyone??? A reminder to all members of the Congregation that a free taxi service to and from Church activities is available, courtesy of Trinity
Men. Call Yellow Cab at 566-6666 to book your ride, indicating that it is a charge to Trinity Men.
Please note the deadline for announcements is Wed. at Noon in writing or by email to
Trinity Events
Supper Club will meet on Tues., Mar. 4 at 6 pm. The speaker will be Joe Byrne of the PEI Newcomers' Association. The title of his talk is "The
Journey Forward: Challenges and opportunities for newcomers to PEI." Cost of the meal is $10. All are welcome.
Pancake Breakfast: Do you usually eat breakfast? If you do, why not make a date to eat it with your Trinity Friends! On Mar. 29, 8:30 – 10:30 am,
the Men’s club will be hosting its annual Pancake Breakfast in support of Prince Street School. For $5.00, you will enjoy pancakes, sausages, fruit,
juice, and coffee! Thank you for supporting the Prince School Breakfast program. Tickets will be available at the door and in our Church office.
Happy Birthday to US! - a Trinity-Clifton 2014 Event: Each Sunday, we honor our church family by recognizing birthdays, anniversaries, and
other special events with pictures and announcements. On Sun., Mar. 9, after church, let’s take time to celebrate, in this special year, in the gym with
a pot luck lunch. Please bring your favorite dish to share and wear a birthday hat. If you don’t wish to cook, please still come. We will serve soup,
chili, and hot dogs along with other contributions. Cake and ice cream will be provided. Contact Ellen at 892-4114 with any questions.
Noon Hour Bible Study is each Tuesday, 12:00 pm-1:00 pm. We will be looking at the Book of Job, one of the great literary works of all time.
Lenten Study Series: “We Die, Then What?”
Over six weeks we will examine the origins of Christian belief in an afterlife and how those beliefs have been expressed, how they have shaped
Christian practice, and how they have changed over the centuries. We will also be looking at recent popular books such as “90 Minutes in Heaven”
and “Heaven is for Real”. Monday, March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, April 7, from 7 – 8:15 pm. Facilitator: John Moses
Little Town of Bethlehem: Join us on Tues., Mar. 11, 7 pm, in the chapel to view a movie where you will come face to face with the courageous
struggle for a nonviolent solution to the crisis that has torn Palestinians and Israelis apart. “Little Town of Bethlehem” shares the gripping story of
how three men born into the cycle of violence have chosen to risk everything to bring peace to their homelands. Their story brings the possibility of
real hope to this embattled region and provides a model for resolution of hostilities throughout the world.
Community Events
A Gospel ceilidh will be held in Winsloe United Church on Monday, March 10, at 7:30 p.m., with special guests Joe Rowledge and Keila Glydon
Hollinger and friends Carol Gillan, Mary Hughes Power, and Ann Moreau. A light lunch will be served. Admission is $10.00 at the door.
A ham and potato scallop supper will be held at Winsloe United Church on Sat., Mar. 8, 4 - 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $10 for adults, $5 for children
age 12 and under, and no charge for pre-schoolers. Tickets are available at the church office (368-1233) and from Faye MacDonald (368-1175 after
6:00 p.m.)