freshman pre-algebra 2204-2005

Advanced Placement Statistics 2015-2016
Ms. Annette Jetmore, room R260
Miss Cindy Tanzer
Phone: 973-3424 X4439
COURSE PREREQUISITE: Successful completion of Algebra-2. Students should possess good
mathematical reasoning ability and communication skills.
COURSE DESCRIPTION: AP Statistics is the high school equivalent of a one semester, introductory college
statistics course. In this course, students develop strategies for collecting, organizing, analyzing, and drawing
conclusions from data. Students design, administer, and tabulate results from surveys and experiments.
Probability and simulations aid students in constructing models for chance behavior. Sampling distributions
provide the logical structure for confidence intervals and hypothesis tests. Students use a TI-83/84 graphing
calculator, Fathom software, and Web-based java applets to investigate statistical concepts. To develop
effective statistical communication skills, students are required to prepare frequent written and oral analyses of
real data. Students are expected to be prepared for class everyday (complete homework and reading), actively
participate in their learning and strive for clarity in all written work. Students should expect to work
independently, with partners, as a tutor, or in a small group.
COURSE CONTENT: The purpose of the AP course in statistics is to introduce students to the major
concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing and drawing conclusions from data. The study of statistics blends
the rigor, calculations, and deductive thinking of mathematics; the real-world examples and problems of the
social sciences; the decision-making needs of business and medicine; and the laboratory method and
experimental procedures of natural sciences. The course is divided into four major themes: exploratory
analysis, planning and conducting a study, probability, and statistical inference. This is a full year course that
will also prepare students to take the AP statistics exam in May.
TEXTBOOK: The Practice of Statistics, 4th ed. by Starns, Yates, and Moore, W.H. Freeman & Co., 2010.
Graphing Calculator – TI-84 (these are available for rent each semester)
Pencils and LOTS of erasers – all homework is to be completed in PENCIL, Book cover for textbook
Notebook paper (for homework) may be loose leaf or spiral bound, Folder or 3-Ring binder for handouts
When you need to miss class, it is your responsibility, upon returning, to pick up missed notes and assignments.
Daily assignments will be listed on your unit syllabus. If you are absent on the day of a quiz or exam, you will
be expected to take the quiz or exam on the day you return. If you have been absent for an extended period of
time, we can schedule an alternate make-up time.
 Respect the rights and feelings of others, behave appropriately at all times
 Be in the classroom on time. Tardy policy: see student handbook
 Come prepared for class every day and strive to do your best.
 RCS dress code is posted on the wall and will be enforced
 Carry your ID card and Student Handbook at all times
 Food and drink are not allowed in the classroom
 Electronic equipment is prohibited – turn OFF and PUT AWAY cell phones, head phones, and any other
electronic device you may have
Hall passes are issued for emergencies only. Use your passing time to go to your locker, the restroom,
or to get a drink.
Your grade will consist of points earned in the following areas: Classwork/Homework, FRQs, quizzes, tests,
projects, attendance at tutoring and/or Saturday sessions. For each chapter you will receive a syllabus
indicating when assignments are due and when quizzes and tests are scheduled. The weighted grade scale will
be used for this class if you are a junior.
Classwork will consist of hands-on lab oriented activities that engage students in constructing their own
knowledge. Students will think through problems, make decisions and share questions and conclusions with
other students as well as the teacher.
Homework will be assigned almost every night. Homework must be completed in pencil. Expect to spend
about 30-40 minutes completing the problem sets. The more effort you put into figuring out how to do the
problems on your own the better you will understand the material. Almost all of the homework answers will be
available for you to check your work before you come to class, but you have to try the problems on your own
first and put the answers into YOUR OWN WORDS. It will take time to learn how to answer statistical
problems in context using clear and concise explanations. You must show all work to support your answers.
Free Response Questions (FRQs) are AP questions that will be worked in class, independently, with partners,
and with groups. These will be graded using the AP holistic rubric.
Late assignments may only be turned in under extenuating circumstances (parental contact is required).
Students should check the answers to their work BEFORE coming to class. Very little class time will be spent
going over homework. Students are encouraged to work with their peers and/or attend tutoring sessions for
additional assistance. If you are someone who regularly does not do homework or who would rather copy
someone else’s work, then AP statistics is probably not the course for you.
QUIZZES (30%) AND TESTS (50%):
Quizzes and Tests will be listed on the unit syllabus. Students may use graphing calculators and formula
ASSESSMENTS. All tests will be modeled after the AP Statistics Exam. Review sessions for quizzes and tests
will occur the night before and the morning of the assessment. Students are strongly encouraged to attend
review sessions. The final exam will count as two tests.
FREE TUTORING IS AVAILABLE – I am available most mornings from 7:30-8:00am.
I am available after school as needed.
IMPORTANT DATES FOR AP STATS – put these on your calendar NOW!
AP student conferences:
Dates yet to be determined
AP EXAM is Thursday May 12th at noon. Test is administered off campus.
Notes about grading . . .
1. Homework solutions are available for students.
2. Test grades can be improved by completing a supplementary unit project within one week of the day the
exam was returned to you.
3. You are guaranteed at least a “D” in this class (First semester only) provided you: complete at least 90% of
your homework assignments, attend at least 10 tutoring sessions during the semester, complete at least two
supplementary projects during the semester