Minutes 30 April 2012 PEMBURY PARISH COUNCIL Report of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 30 April 2012 at Pembury Pavilion, Lower Green Road, Pembury, Kent. Present: Cllrs Mrs J Crowhurst (Chair), S Cawley, D Coleman, Mrs J Ditchett, P Gillan, J Hine, Mrs S Osborn. 16. CHAIR’S ANNOUNCEMENTS The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and informed members that the late Mr Kevin Lynes was to be awarded a posthumous Civic Medallion which would be given to his daughters. Cllr Mrs Crowhurst asked the Clerk to read a letter of thanks from Sam Allen who had completed the London Marathon in 4 hours 58 minutes and had received sponsorship from Councillors – part of £10,000 he’d raised for the Meningitis Trust. Parish Lighting – Members were requested to present written details on the attached pro-forma of the lights that were not working in their nominated roads immediately prior to commencement of business on Monday. Highways Minor Defects – Members were requested to present written details on the circulated green ‘County Lengthsmen’ forms for roads under their nominated lighting area and pass to the office for collation. 17. TO ACCEPT APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr P Roberts, Cllr Mrs C Snow and Borough Cllr P Barrington-King. 18. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members were requested to ensure declarations of interest were made orally and completed on the circulated pro-forma issued with the agenda and returned to the Clerk before leaving the hall. A nil return was also needed. Members were reminded that if an interest came to light during the meeting it must be declared at that time and if the member considered it to be prejudicial then he or she MUST leave the room. Any member who was unsure if he or she had an interest in an item should seek the Clerk’s advice immediately. Cllr S Cawley Cllr D Coleman Cllr Mrs J Crowhurst 1/11 NIL NIL NIL Minutes 30 April 2012 Cllr Mrs J Ditchett Cllr P Gillan Cllr J Hine Cllr Mrs S Osborn 19. Agenda item 10(a) i Neighbour of applicant at 22 Cornford Park NIL NIL NIL MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL It was proposed, seconded and AGREED that the minutes of the meeting held on 2 April 2012 be signed as a correct record. 20. LATE BUSINESS It was proposed, seconded and AGREED that in accordance with current Standing Orders items of late business be discussed, the special circumstances being that it would be unreasonable to delay any decision by the Parish Council until its next ordinary meeting on 28 May 2012. 21. LIST OF OUTSTANDING RESOLUTIONS Council NOTED outstanding resolutions. 22. CLERK’S REPORT The Clerk had nothing to report. 23. OPEN SESSION Council adjourned and members of the public were invited to address the Parish Council on any issue of concern. Constitutionally and in accordance with certain implications of the Local Government Code of Conduct, there could be no discussion of these items at this stage. Any issue would either be addressed elsewhere in the agenda or if not already so listed, be referred to a future meeting of the Parish Council. Mr David Osborn, Canterbury Road informed Council that at the recent meeting of the Pembury Society it had been agreed to seek Council’s permission to site a wooden seat, in memory of the late Ken Watts, on the Village Green near the Pembury sign. Mr Rory Barrington-King, The Coppice asked Council if a skate park could be sited in the Recreation Ground. The Chair asked the group attending the meeting to produce a sketch as to what they would like, fitting it in the area behind the multi sports court. 2/11 Minutes 30 April 2012 They were also told that they would be required to work for the project by fundraising and working for the village by litter picking etc. 24. TO RECEIVE BOROUGH COUNCILLORS’ QUESTIONS AND REPORTS Council were reminded that the local elections would take place on Thursday 3 May and the Kent County Council election would take place on 14 June 2012. 25. CURRENT PLANNING (a) Planning and Highways WG – The Chair of the Working Group presented current planning applications for consideration. Application Number: Proposal: Location: TW/12/00916/FUL – 24 April Change of use from Respite Care Home (C2) to Nurses Hostel (Sui Generis) NHS The Springs, 18 Tonbridge Road, Pembury NEUTRAL Application Number: Proposal: Location: TW/12/00953/HOUSE – 4 May Single storey extension and minor internal alterations 2 Henwoods Crescent, Pembury, Royal Tunbridge Wells NEUTRAL Application Number: Proposal: Location: TW/12/01004/HOUSE – 4 May Rear conservatory and associated external works 32 Henwoods Crescent, Pembury, Royal Tunbridge Wells NEUTRAL Application Number: Proposal: Location: NEUTRAL 3/11 TW/12/00702/HOUSE/GM2 – 12 June Installation of 10 black photovoltaic (PV) cells onto stable building roof (retrospective) The Barn, Chalket Farm, Chalket Lane, Pembury, Royal Tunbridge Wells Minutes 30 April 2012 Application Number: Proposal: Location: TW/12/01130/TPO/DMD – no date given TREES:T1 LIME – Reduce height by 30% and remove sucker growth including mature stems at the base; G2 2no SILVER BIRCH – Reduce canopies by approx 50% Communal Land rear of The Glebe, Pembury, Royal Tunbridge Wells NEUTRAL Application Number: Proposal: Location: TW/12/01070/HOUSE/SE2 – no date given Single storey side/rear extension 81 Hastings Road, Pembury, Royal Tunbridge Wells NEUTRAL NOTIFICATION OF REVISED PLANNING APPLICATION DETAILS Application Number: Proposal: Location: TW/01740/FULMJ/CP4 Variation of Condition (29) of TW/07/02595 (Redevelopment of the existing Pembury Hospital for 512 bed, approx 65,500msq district general hospital, 984 car parking spaces, improvements to the public highway, new site access, servicing, landscaping and associated work/plant equipment – Bus service provision Maidstone & Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust, Pembury Hospital, Tonbridge NEUTRAL but Cllr Mrs Crowhurst agreed to seek clarification about the bus service from the Head of Planning, TWBC. Application Number: Proposal: Location: TW/12/01147/TPO/DMD – no date given Trees: 1 No. OAK – Reduce crown 37 Batchelors, Pembury, Royal Tunbridge Wells NEUTRAL Application Number: Proposal: Location: NEUTRAL 4/11 TW/12/01141/TPO/DMD – no date given TREES: 2 no OAK trees – Reduce and reshape crowns by 30% overall and 40% on the house side 39 Batchelors, Pembury, Royal Tunbridge Wells Minutes 30 April 2012 Application Number: Proposal: Location: TW/12/01168/HOUSE Loft conversion with dormer to rear elevation and 3 no. Velux windows to front elevation 22 Cornford Park, Pembury, Royal Tunbridge Wells NEUTRAL KCC APPLICATION Application Number: Proposal: Location: KCC/TW/0142/2012 Construction of two walk-in kiosks, five sand filters and other minor structures to support upgrades to the wastewater treatment works Pembury Wastewater Treatment Works, Maidstone Road, Pembury, TN2 4AQ NEUTRAL GRANTS Application Number: Proposal: Location: TW/12/00573/ADV Advertisement: Updating of car park and building signage Tesco plc, Pembury Road, Royal Tunbridge Wells APPLICATION WITHDRAWN Application Number: Proposal: Location: TW/12/00506/FUL Change of use of 9 No. parking spaces to hand car wash and valeting operation including the erection of a canopy and installation of an office Tesco PLC, Pembury Road, Royal Tunbridge Wells APPEAL Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Appeal by Anand Khusul against an Enforcement Notice issued by TWBC Appeal against enforcement notice – without planning permission the unauthorised construction of a concrete hard-standing at the side of the property that extends from the road into the rear garden and is subject of refused planning application TW/11/02425/FUL at 37 Hastings Road, Pembury, Royal Tunbridge Wells Council AGREED to support TWBC. 5/11 Minutes 30 April 2012 GRANTS Application Number: Proposal: Location: Application Number: Proposal: Location: TW/11/03851/FULMJ Change of use from flats (C3) to accommodation for junior doctors and nurses (Sui Generis) with accompanying development including external 1st floor fire escape stairs 32 High Street, Pembury, Royal Tunbridge Wells TW/12/00573/ADV Advertisement: Updating of car park and building signage Tesco plc, Pembury Road, Royal Tunbridge Wells APPLICATION WITHDRAWN Application Number: Proposal: Location: TW/12/00506/FUL Change of use of 9 No. parking spaces to hand car wash and valeting operation including the erection of a canopy and installation of an office Tesco PLC, Pembury Road, Royal Tunbridge Wells APPLICATION WITHDRAWN Application Number: Proposal: Location: 26. TW/11/03710/FULMJ Use of land for Pembury hospital staff parking for a temporary period Notcutts Garden Centre, Tonbridge Road, Pembury, Royal Tunbridge Wells REPORTS OF URGENT ACTIONS There were no urgent actions taken. 27. WORKING GROUP MATTERS AMENITIES, CHRISTMAS LIGHTS AND PRIDE IN PEMBURY (a) Memorial Seat – The Pembury Society would like permission to place a seat on the Village Green in memory of the late Ken Watts. It had been suggested it be positioned by the beech tree at the bottom of the green, near the village sign. 6/11 Minutes 30 April 2012 Council AGREED this request but wished the Parish Council to purchase the seat and the cost be re-imbursed by the Pembury Society. (b) Bowling Green – South East Water had granted the Bowls Club an exemption to the water restrictions currently in force because it holds regional competitions with a built-in irrigation system. Council NOTED this information. AUDIT, FINANCE AND PERSONNEL (c) Accounts due for payment – The Vice Chair of the WG presented a list of cheques for PAYMENT, with supporting documents FOR APPROVAL; also a list of cheques and Direct Debits paid since the last meeting for RATIFICATION. Council APPROVED payments of £5,437.66 Council APPROVED payments of £27.99 presented on the supplementary agenda Council RATIFIED payments paid previously of £30,869.50 Council RATIFIED direct debits of £508.20 Council RATIFIED SALARIES of £5,509.25 (d) KCC Internal Audit – Council NOTED proposed audit programme for 2012/2013 and advice of fees. (e) Citizens Advice Bureaux – A letter had been received from CAB thanking the Parish Council for their donation of £200. ENVIRONMENT, Allotments) ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES (incorporating Burials and (f) Old Coach Road – As part of the Old Coach Road improvements, the volunteer group would like to renew the wood on a rotten seat which was placed on the footpath which runs adjacent to the A21 bypass in memory of a past clerk, Mr Ron Chedzey. The group were willing to carry out the repairs if the Parish Council would pay for the timber at a cost of £157. Council AGREED to pay for the cost of the timber. (f) i War Memorial Plaques – Council were presented with a quotation to replace the War Memorial plaques made with a less valuable material. The costs were as follows: 710mm x 1170mm 1450mm x 300mm 7/11 £670 £598 Minutes 30 April 2012 The signs would be cast in solid rigid polyurethane and coated with bronze metal and the silicon rubber moulds would then be owned by the Parish Council. Council AGREED that the plaques should be purchased after consultation with Richard Snow regarding any spelling errors on the original plaques and the Vicar also to be asked if the original plaques can be housed in the church. PLANNING AND HIGHWAYS (f)ii Penns Yard expansion plan – Cllr Coleman spoke on this matter and proposed to council that a Planning Consultant be engaged to act on behalf of the Parish Council and to take part in discussions with the Local Authority. Council AGREED that a Planning Consultant be engaged to assist during meetings with the Borough Council and Town & Country but that separate instructions be given at the varying stages in order to keep a close check on costs. An email had been received from Debbie Horwood informing council that the petition against development at the rear of Penns Yard, in Green Belt land, had exceeded the target of 1,000 signatures and the number now stood at 1300. (f)iii Seat at Royal Oak bus shelter – A request had been received to install a seat at the Royal Oak bus shelter. This request had come via Lene Beynon, TWBC, who had said if council considered it preferable to have a seat on the footway that she would look at the feasibility of it. Council AGREED that there was a need for seating and the Clerk was asked to seek prices of perches to go in the shelter. PUBLIC RELATIONS (g) Public Relations Working Group meeting – Cllr Mrs Crowhurst presented a report of the meeting held on Monday 16 April 2012. Present: Cllr Mrs C Snow, Cllr Mrs J Crowhurst, Cllr P Gillan Clerk: Mrs B Russell Apologies: Cllr Mrs S Osborn 1. JUBILEE FUN DAY – 2 JUNE 2012 The Parish Council were to organise the Fancy Dress Parade and Competition. The medals for each entrant had been purchased and a book token would be given as 1st prize. 8/11 Minutes 30 April 2012 The theme was 1950s or red, white and blue and judging would be carried out by Parish Councillors. 2. PICNIC ON THE GREEN – 14 JULY 2012 It was recommended that the picnic start at the earlier time of 5.00pm this year, finishing at 9.00pm. Three acts had been organised: Blues Brothers Tribute Band Rock Choir Applause Theatre Company The running order would be as follows: 5.00pm 5.45pm 6.30pm 7.30pm 8.15pm Applause Theatre Company Rock Choir Blues Brothers Applause Theatre Company Blues Brothers Refreshments Hog Roast Burgers and hot dogs Tea and Coffee Ice Cream booked booked booked booked Downingbury Farm to be asked if they would like to run a strawberry stall. Cllr Gillan reported that Mr Jervis from Downingbury Farm would be interested in running a strawberry stall. St John Ambulance Portaloos-to be sited behind ice cream man booked booked Tombola To be organised by June and Suzanne Suitable prizes are needed to be given to June ASAP please Raffle To be organised by June and Suzanne 9/11 Minutes 30 April 2012 Barnes Kingsnorth would be donating a picnic hamper of food for the 1st prize. Notcutts would be donating a plant. Donations received so far Doctor’s surgery Village Newsagents £50 £200 Other arrangements Litter collection Float for raffle Hi viz jackets Collecting buckets Bunting and flags TWBC to be asked It was expected that this year’s picnic would be a bigger than ever event so much help would be needed for setting up and dismantling, stewarding, manning stalls, selling raffle tickets etc. 3. FIREWORKS – 2 NOVEMBER 2012 The Parish Council had been told there would be no police cover at the event but Cllr Mrs Crowhurst offered to arrange a meeting with Police Inspector Bumpas to discuss the possibility of Special Constables and PCSOs attending. Nigel Freeman was also to be asked if he could arrange for Community Wardens to be in attendance. Council AGREED that Cllr Mrs Crowhurst meet with Police Inspector Bumpus to try to arrange a police presence at the Fireworks. The Clerk was asked to contact Terry Martin at KALC to request that when sitting on the interviewing panel for the new Police Commissioner that the issue of policing for sports and community events be raised. 4. CAROLS ON VILLAGE GREEN This was arranged for Saturday 22 December 2012 from 5 - 6 pm 5. CIVIC SERVICE The service for the Jubilee would be held on Friday 15 June – further details to follow. 10/11 Minutes 30 April 2012 The Clerk informed the meeting that invitations had been prepared and would be sent out immediately after the local elections. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------28. REPORTS FROM OTHER MEETINGS There had been no other meetings. 29. OTHER MATTERS (a) i Parish Office and Meeting Room – Work on the foundations was due to start on 14 May 2012 and a Heras metal fence would be put in place on the site. (b) Resignation of Parish Councillors – Cllr John Bullocke had tendered his resignation. Cllr Mrs M Karpinski had tendered her resignation but would be pleased to assist with delivering the PVN and helping out at the musical picnic and fireworks etc. Council NOTED the above two resignations. There were now 4 vacancies for Parish Councillors which would be advertised as soon as possible. 30. FOR INFORMATION ONLY (a) Parish News – The newsletter was NOTED by Councillors 11/11