Minutes 2 December 2013 PEMBURY PARISH COUNCIL Report of the meeting held on Monday 2 December at Parish Council Office, Lower Green Recreation Ground, Lower Green Road, Pembury, Royal Tunbridge Wells, Kent. Present: Cllrs Mrs J Crowhurst (C), D Coleman (VC), S Cawley, Mrs J Ditchett, P Gillan, Mrs S Harris, J Hine, Mrs S Osborn, D Reilly, P Roberts, S Rose, Mrs C Snow Borough Councillors P Barrington-King, M Tompsett County Councillor Mr C Hoare (left the meeting at 9.15pm) 118. CHAIR’S ANNOUNCEMENTS The Chair thanked everyone for their help at Firework Night and told members that collections had amounted to just under £2,000. Remembrance Sunday had gone off well. The Chair was delighted to tell members that Cllr Coleman had once again been elected President of KALC. Parish Lighting – Members were requested to present written details on the attached proforma of the lights that were not working in their nominated roads immediately prior to commencement of business on Monday. Highways Minor Defects – Members were requested to present written details on the circulated green ‘County Lengthsmen’ forms for roads under their nominated lighting area and pass to the office for collation. 119. TO ACCEPT APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr D Hope. 120. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members were requested to ensure declarations of interest were made orally and completed on the circulated pro-forma issued with the agenda and returned to the Clerk before leaving the hall. A nil return was also needed. Members were reminded that if an interest came to light during the meeting it must be declared at that time and if the member considered it to be prejudicial then he or she MUST leave the room. Any member who was unsure if he or she had an interest in an item should seek the Clerk’s advice immediately. Cllr Mrs J Crowhurst Cllr S Cawley 1/12 Item 10 – Current Planning – Application TW/13/03383. Near neighbour – personal Item 14a(ii) - Other Matters – Memorial Service – Director of Henry Paul Funerals – Prejudicial Minutes 2 December 2013 Cllr D Coleman Cllr Mrs J Ditchett Cllr P Gillan Cllr Mrs S Harris Cllr J Hine Cllr Mrs S Osborn Cllr D Reilly Cllr P Roberts Cllr S Rose Cllr C Snow 121. NIL Item 10 – Current Planning – Application TW/13/02957/FUL – Member of Catholic Church - Personal NIL Item 10 – Current Planning – Application TW/13/02950/OUT Near Neighbour – Personal NIL NIL Item 10 – Current Planning – Application TW/13/02957/FUL – Member of Catholic Church – Personal NIL NIL NIL MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL It was proposed, seconded and agreed that the minutes of 4 November 2013 be signed as a correct record with the following amendment: Cllr P Barrington-King wished it to be recorded under Item 109 in minutes of 4 November that he asked Mr Lukasz for an update of the companies he represented. To date nothing had been received. 122. LATE BUSINESS In accordance with current Standing Orders items of late business set out in any circulated supplementary agenda need to be moved, seconded and approved, the special circumstances being that it would be unreasonable to delay any decision by the Parish Council until its next ordinary meeting on 13 January 2014. 123. LIST OF OUTSTANDING RESOLUTIONS Councillors NOTED the following: Amenities, Christmas Lights, Pride in Pembury – Picnic on the Green – This was to be further discussed at the WG meeting on Monday 9 December. Audit, Finance and Personnel – New Model Standing Orders out – these would be gone through at the next WG meeting. Other Matters – Defibrillator – This was now ready to install and Cllr Rose was to organise this. Cllr Mrs Crowhurst was keen for there to be a formal launch involving the local doctors. 124. CLERK’S REPORT The Clerk had nothing to report. 2/12 Minutes 2 December 2013 125. OPEN SESSION Council adjourned and members of the public would be invited to address the Parish Council on any issue of concern. Constitutionally and in accordance with certain implications of the Local Government Code of Conduct, there could be no discussion of these items at this stage. Any issue would either be addressed elsewhere in the agenda or if not already so listed, be referred to a future meeting of the Parish Council. Nigel Freeman – Community Warden Area Supervisor – spoke about a lady who had been housed in Pembury from Hastings and was in a very distressed state. A meeting was to be held with various agencies to try and co-ordinate the social services and housing association in order to help her. He had heard reports that youths were hanging around by the Pavilion and this was to be monitored. This evening he had caught youths smoking cannabis by the Parish Office. Youth workers from Connexions, in conjunction with the Baptist Church were working with youths in the village. He was hopeful that Pembury would get a Community Warden; this was likely to be shared with Paddock Wood. Martin Green – MG Architects, Tunbridge Wells. He introduced himself as the architect working on the extension to the Catholic Church and had attended in order to answer any queries which may arise on discussion of the application. 126. TO RECEIVE COUNTY AND BOROUGH COUNCILLORS’ QUESTIONS AND REPORTS Chris Hoare passed on apologies from Earl Bourner who had hoped to attend the meeting to discuss the potential installation of yellow boxing at the Woodside Traffic Lights. Chris had a highways fund and there was now not much time to allocate it. He had been in discussion with the football club about giving a grant towards improvement to the drainage issue. A proper survey needed to be undertaken. Cllr Mrs Crowhurst said that the football club had been reluctant to hold a meeting but that one had been set up for later in the week. Chris Hoare explained that there was a team of KHS workers in Pembury. He was asked what they were doing and Chris promised to find out. Mr Hoare asked what action the Parish Council would be taking on the granting of planning permission, on appeal, for 27 dwellings at Penn’s Yard. Cllr Coleman replied that there was no right of appeal unless it was for a point of law and in his opinion there were no grounds for this action. 3/12 Minutes 2 December 2013 Cllr Barrington–King suggested a meeting be arranged with Town and Country Housing Group. He also said he was arranging a meeting with the officer who represented TWBC at the planning inquiry and the head of planning. He was concerned that this was the third application that he had called in and all three had been granted. The Royal Oak had been registered as a Community Asset but the owner had requested a review. 127. CURRENT PLANNING (a) Planning and Highways WG – The Vice Chair of the Working Group presented current planning applications for CONSIDERATION. Application Number: Proposal: Location: TW/13/03169/FUL – 22 November Retrospective – Construction of pond/reservoir Land Adjacent Hawkwell House, Maidstone Road Pembury, Royal Tunbridge Wells NEUTRAL Application Number: Proposal: Location: TW/13/02957/FUL/RE4 Single-storey new Parish community room Catholic Church Hall, Lower Green Road, Pembury, Royal Tunbridge Wells NEUTRAL, with a request that the hours be restricted to the same as the Village Hall. Application Number: Proposal: Location: TW/13/03165/FUL – 26 November Change of use of the rear ancillary house to provide a breakfast room for use by the 6 room main bed and breakfast guest house along with two bedrooms with multiple occupation on the first floor 37 Hastings Road, Pembury, Royal Tunbridge Wells NEUTRAL Application Number: Proposal: Location: NEUTRAL 4/12 TW/13/03162/FULL/TA1 Change of use of the second floor to provide owners own residential accommodation with a guest room on the first floor ancillary to second floor accommodation. Conversion of two rooms on ground floor into one room to provide a family room 37 Hasting Road, Pembury Minutes 2 December 2013 Application Number: Proposal: Location: TW/13/03284/FUL – 3 December Attached 3-bedroom house and two-storey rear extension to 26 Elmhurst Avenue 26 Elmhurst Avenue, Pembury, Royal Tunbridge Wells NEUTRAL Application Number: Proposal: Location: TW/13/03383/HOUSE – 11 December Single-storey rear extension Pembury Hall Lodge, Old Church Road, Pembury, Royal Tunbridge Wells NEUTRAL Application Number: Proposal: Location: TW/13/02950/OUT – 13 December Outline (All Matters Reserved) – 4 No. houses The Frith, 39 Lower Green Road, Pembury, Royal Tunbridge Wells NEUTRAL, subject to a study of highways access GRANTS Application Number: Proposal: Location: Application Number: Proposal: TW/13/02669/HOUSE Installation of new central heating system. Erection of a new post and rail fence. New metal guard rail to pond. Laying of new paving and gravel areas Yew Tree Farm, Pembury Road, Capel, Tonbridge TW/13/02671/LBC Installation of new central heating system. Erection of a new post and rail fence. New metal guard rail to pond. Laying of new paving and gravel areas Please see copy letter in regard to application TW/13/02957/FUL/RE4. 128. REPORTS OF URGENT ACTIONS (a) Extension to the Burial Ground – Work had been carried out in the Burial Ground to extend the driveway to facilitate access to the new section. Before the contractor left the site, he requested that Cllr Cawley drive a hearse around the roundel to ensure that the dimensions were absolutely correct. It was agreed that a slight alteration was needed and the Clerk, in conjunction with the Chair, took the decision to spend an extra £680 on an additional tarmac area to ensure that the hearse and limousine could turn easily. Council RATIFIED this decision. 5/12 Minutes 2 December 2013 129. WORKING GROUP MATTERS AUDIT, FINANCE AND PERSONNEL (a) Accounts due for payment – The Chair of the WG presented list of cheques for payment, with supporting documents FOR APPROVAL; also a list of cheques and Direct Debits paid since the last meeting for RATIFICATION. Council Council Council Council Council RATIFIED payments paid previously for £100 AGREED payments of £9,466.92 AGREED payments of £26,606.00 presented on the supplementary agenda RATIFIED direct debits paid of £1,119.44 RATIFIED salaries of £6,155.62 (b) Christmas Light Grant – A grant for £280 had been received from Tunbridge Wells Borough Council towards Christmas Lights. (b) i Audit, Finance and Personnel Working Group Meeting – The Chair of the WG gave the following report of the meeting held on Monday 25 November 2013. PRESENT: Cllrs P Roberts (c), D Coleman, Mrs J Crowhurst, D Hope, D Reilly CLERK: Mrs B Russell, Deputy Clerk 1. HOW TO PROCEED WITH PREPARING THE BUDGET FOR 2014/2015 After much discussion, it was PROPOSED that the budget be pre-pared aiming for the same precept as 2013/2014 (£166,000). If necessary, it could be raised slightly. Working Groups would be allocated an amount from which to make propositions to council on how it would like to spend the amount. Council AGREED this proposal. 2. 6 MONTHLY FIGURES TO END SEPTEMBER 2013 The Working Group studied the figures, line by line, and NOTED that the budget was on target for the first 6 months. Council NOTED the budget targets. 3. TENDERING PROCESS Cllr Reilly expressed his concerns over the tendering process and the need to have a transparent tendering process. It was noted that it was sometimes difficult to obtain 3 6/12 Minutes 2 December 2013 like for like quotations, particularly in finding companies able to carry out work in specialist areas. The WG PROPOSED that an advertisement be placed on the web site and in the PVN inviting companies interested in tendering to apply to be included on a list. Cllr Roberts and Cllr Hope were asked to compile a simple questionnaire for companies to complete when tendering. Council AGREED this proposal. 4. ANY OTHER BUSINESS Cllr Coleman suggested that as the budget allocated for Councillor training had not yet been used up that KALC be invited to conduct an evening of training at the Parish Council Office. Cllr Coleman also commented that payment by BACS was now allowed. Council AGREED to invite Clive from KALC for councillor training. (b) ii Bench repairs – a bench which was outside the grounds of the Old Church but situated by the lych gate was in need of repair. No one knew who owned it. Hugh Boorman was willing to carry out the work if Council supplied the wood at a cost of £285. Council AGREED that the wood be purchased out of the Firework proceeds as a village project. (b)iii Community Capital Grants Programme – The following email was received from TWBC: “TWBC is now inviting applications for small capital grants for the 2014/15 financial year. The application period opens on Monday 2 December 2013 and closes on Friday 31 January 2014. The Community Capital Grants Programme aims to help parish/Town Councils and Voluntary and Community Organisations (VCOs) to deliver projects that contribute to supporting the Council’s strategic priorities within the Borough. The grants programme can help with funding for capital projects that provide new community, sports, recreation or arts facilities. The grants programme can also help with funding for improvements to access, large scale permanent equipment and items of major repair like a new roof, floor or heating (where the need has not arisen out of poor maintenance. Community Capital Grants can be funded by the Council up to a maximum of £4,000. Grant funding will be limited to a maximum of 50% of the total project costs and the applicant must clearly demonstrate how the total cost of the project will be funded. 7/12 Minutes 2 December 2013 Please bear in mind that the total capital grants pot is only £20,000 so smaller grant applications might be looked on more favourably or we may not be able to fully fund larger applications, depending on how many applications we receive. For further information, or to request an application form, please contact Nick Green on 01892 554108 or email: nick.green@tunbridgewells.gov.uk” Council AGREED that a grant be applied for to build a memorial wall on the new roundel. Cllr Cawley offered to investigate a design and quotations. ENVIRONMENT, ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES (INC. ALLOTMENTS AND BURIALS) (c) Allotment Site – A field had been sold next to the allotment site and access was only gained by driving through Sturgeon’s entrance across a short section of the grass area at the bottom of the allotments. In the very wet weather, the ground had become very churned up and the lady in question had asked permission to put aggregate down. If this was allowed, it would not affect the groundsmen. Council AGREED that the Clerk and Chair of Environment should meet the lady in question to ascertain further information. NEWSLETTER EDITORIAL (c) i Newsletter Editorial – Pembury Village News – Following receipt of a quotation from Printwells with an increase of approximately 2% for production costs, the following rates were recommended for the year 2014. The letters inviting advertisements need to be sent out in December for the March edition, therefore council was asked to agree rates: ¼ page ½ page Full page Back page 2013 rates £185 £252 £386 £530 2014 recommendations £190 £258 £395 £540 Council AGREED the above rates. PLANNING & HIGHWAYS (d) Penn’s Yard – This matter had been covered under Minute 126. (d)i Royal Oak Public House – Following an email requesting information as to whether being placed on the Community Asset register affected the consideration of a planning application by the Borough Council, a reply was received to the contrary. 8/12 Minutes 2 December 2013 Council NOTED that the owner of the Royal Oak had subsequently withdrawn his application and had requested a review of the decision to place the Royal Oak on the Council’s list of Assets of Community Value. 130. REPORTS FROM OTHER MEETINGS (a) Pembury Community Partnership – The Chair presented a report of the meeting held on Wednesday 13th November 2013: Present: Cllr Mrs J Crowhurst Rev'd. D Robertson Cllr Mrs J Ditchett Cllr Mike Tompsett Mr D Osborn Helen Nevison Hazel Edwards Pembury Parish Council St. Peter’s Church Catholic Church and Neighbourhood Watch TWBC Pembury Society Baptist Church and HOPE Pembury Primary School Apologies: Barbara Russell Cllr Mrs C Snow Cllr Steve Rose Caroline Riley Sally Sturke Pepenbury 1. Chairman's Welcome June Crowhurst took the chair and welcomed members to the meeting. Janet Ditchett took the minutes. Hazel Edwards was welcomed to the meeting. 2. Minutes of meeting held on 11th September 2013 were accepted as correct and signed. 3. Matters arising: Work on the water mains throughout the village should now be completed by the end of the year. 4. Sharing of information: PEMBURY BAPTIST CHURCH Ladies Breakfast will be Saturday 23rd November at the Mercure Hotel. Men's Breakfast will be Saturday 30th November at the Camden Arms. Hope Advent Carol Service Sunday December 1st at Baptist Church at 6.15pm. Pembury Carols at Tesco's Saturday 14th December from 4.00 to 5.00pm. Collection will be for Hospice in the Weald Pembury. 9/12 Minutes 2 December 2013 Pembury Churches together with the Parish Council 'Carols on the Green' on 21st December 5.00 to 6.00pm. Salvation Army band will play. St. Peter’s will produce Carol sheets. St. Anselm's hope to provide a Christmas tree. Cllr June Crowhurst will provide mince pies for everyone. Christmas Hampers for the needy in the village will be packed by the Youth Club on 9th December and distributed round the village. Packing from 10.00am to 2.30pm. Donations of Christmas items needed. PEMBURY PRIMARY SCHOOL The School is doing well at present. The new building is now complete and the class moved in on 4th November. Harvest Festival celebration went well and they were overwhelmed by the donations which were all donated to the 'Pembury Larder'. They are now busy planning for Christmas. The School Christmas Fayre will take place on 30th November from 10.00 to 12.30pm. A group from School visited the day centre and interviewed a lady on her wartime experiences. ST. PETER’S CHURCH An event about living History was well attended when a 95 year old spoke about his experience as a Japanese Prisoner of War. The St. Peter’s Christmas Fayre will be on 7th December. On 14th December they have a Christmas Concert by 'Quintus'. Tickets for £10 can be booked in advance from Louise in the Church Office. There will be a Village Carol Service at 6.30pm on 15th December at St. Peter’s Upper Church. Greg Clarke, Paul Barrington King and June Crowhurst have been invited to be the readers. There will be an 'ALPHA' course starting 14th January at the Upper Church on Tuesdays onwards for 10 weeks. ST. ANSELM’S CATHOLIC CHURCH Doing well and the congregation working together. Their focus at present is the Building Project which will double the available space giving two main rooms. This is still at the planning stage at present. It will provide a permanent Church and a meeting room that can be used by children's church as well as the Nursery School. The Nursery School will be up to full strength next September. The Church had a successful Autumn Fayre with a profit of £1200. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH West Kent Neighbourhood Watch are planning to visit all the Parish and Town councils in the area over the next couple of years to bring their focus to all the councils with the work they do. PEMBURY PARISH COUNCIL The Fireworks display was a great success with the football club selling hot dogs from the Pavilion. Remembrance Sunday was outstanding and all the children enjoyed being 10/12 Minutes 2 December 2013 there. Its living History again when we remember how many lives were lost in the two world wars from just a small village like Pembury. The Penn’s Yard Planning Consultation has taken place. We await the results. It was made clear they feel we need 76 more affordable housing units in the village - an increase over previous figures. Also 32 High Street flats have been sold and are being upgraded, possibly to accommodate hospital staff. The Allotments are being cleared and remarked, so some are available to let. The Parish Church Yard is being extended and a new drive with a turning circle made. The Car Park at the Recreation ground will also be covered. TUNBRIDGE WELLS BOROUGH COUNCIL The water main works in the village should be completed by early December. The Guest house in Hastings Road has been fined for the breach of a planning condition relating to the ground surface area. It is understood that the owner has now submitted a planning application in respect of this and other potential breaches that were being investigated. The Guest House provides accommodation for someone who we understand has been placed there by 'Social Services' although it is believed that this resident comes from Hastings. This resident continues to be a really disruptive presence in the village, with Police having to be called out on several occasions. The Guest House does not appear to be an appropriate place for the resident to receive the support needed and in the absence of a meaningful dialogue with TWBC on what could be done it was felt that the help of our MP should be sought. PEMBURY SOCIETY Had a problem booking the village hall for a village event so had to hold their meeting in St. Peter’s Upper Church. Ann Barnes the Kent Police Commissioner was the main speaker. All those who attended were very pleased with what she had to say. The village does need to have a new Community Warden appointed by Kent County Council. The long standing secretary of the Society has now moved away and will be a great loss as her knowledge of the village was extensive. Next year Bob Ogley will be at St. Peter’s on 26th September 2014 in remembrance of WWI, as part of our village celebrations. Dates of meetings for 2014. Wednesday 5th February 2014 at Pembury School Wednesday 14th May 2014 at St. Peter’s Church Wednesday 16th July 2014 at Scout & Guide Headquarters Wednesday 19th November 2014 at Pembury Baptist Church Thanks to Pembury Parish Council for hosting this meeting. Meeting closed at 9.00pm. NOTE: PEMBURY FUN DAY ON RECREATION GROUND WILL BE SATURDAY 7TH JUNE 2014. 11/12 Minutes 2 December 2013 131. OTHER MATTERS (a) Mayor’s Charity Quiz – The quiz will take place at the Assembly Hall on Saturday 25 January starting at 7pm promptly. It will be in aid of Pepenbury and the Mayor’s Charity, Tunbridge Wells Mental Health Resource. The ticket price was £10 each (£80 per team) which would include a ploughman’s supper. Entries by 13 December 2013. Council AGREED the following team: Cllr Mrs J Crowhurst, Cllr P Gillan, Matthew, Cllr D Coleman, Cllr Mrs J Ditchett. There were still 3 vacancies. (a) i Police and Crime Plan – Mrs Ann Barnes had written giving details of her annual refresh of the Police and Crime Plan inviting comments. Council AGREED that comments from councillors should be forwarded to the Clerk. (a) ii Memorial Service – Cllr Cawley requested permission to use the roundel area of Pembury Burial Ground for part of his memorial service and the release of balloons on 12 December 2013. Council AGREED this request. Cllr Cawley left the room during discussion of this item. 132. FOR INFORMATION ONLY (a) South East Water – A letter had been received from South East Water with a new completion date for the water main replacement work taking place in High Street/Hastings Road. Installation of the new pipe work had taken longer than originally planned and completion was now 6 December. They apologised for the delay. Council NOTED this letter. There being no other business the Chair declared the meeting closed at 10.10pm ………………………………………………………………………. CHAIR 12/12 …………………………………… DATE