Navigation Acts

AP US History
Key Terms of the Revolution & Constitution Era (1763-1790)
Chapter 5 – Towards Independence: Years of Decision ( 1763-1776)
“Great War for Empire” Debt
Proclamation Line of 1763
George Greenville
Sugar Act
Vice-Admiralty Courts
“Taxation without representation”
Stamp Act
“Virtual” representation
Quartering Act
Stamp Act Congress
Patrick Henry
Samuel Adams
Sons of Liberty
The Enlightenment
Declaratory Act
Townshend Act
Non-Importation (“Homespun”)
Boston Massacre
Committees of Correspondence Boston Tea Party
“Intolerable” Acts
Quebec Act
Continental Congress
Lexington & Concord
Common Sense
Declaration of Independence
Olive Branch Petition (not in text)
1. Why did the colonists object to the new taxes in 1764 and again in 1765? What arguments did they use? How did these
conflicts turn into a constitutional crisis?
2. What were the intellectual, political, and economic rationales colonists offered for their dissatisfaction with British rule
between 1763 and 1776?
3. How did tension and disagreement between colonists and British officials become outright resistance and rebellion by
4. How inevitable was American independence? Was there a turning point in the imperial crisis at which peaceful
compromise was possible?
Chapter 6 – Making War & Republican Governments (1776-1789)
General Washington & Continentals
Patriots, Loyalists, and “non-associators”
Battle of Saratoga
Valley Forge
Native Americans & the War
Treaty of Alliance w/France
“War of Attrition” in the South
Battle of Yorktown
Continental currency
African Americans & the War
Treaty of Paris of 1783
John & Abigail Adams
Articles of Confederation
Women & the Revolution
“Republican Virtue”
Republican Motherhood (not in text)
Land & Northwest Ordinances Shays’ Rebellion
Philadelphia Convention
James Madison
The Great Compromise
The 3/5ths Compromise
“necessary & proper” clause
Federalists & Anti-Federalists
The Federalist Papers
Alexander Hamilton
Ratification of Constitution
Bill of Rights
How effective was the Articles of Confederation? What were its strengths and weaknesses in solving the problems that
faced the new nation?
What were the causes of Shays’ Rebellion and what does that reveal about post-war America?
What were the main disagreements between the Federalists and Anti-Federalists regarding the Constitution? How did they
resolve their differences? Which group do you think represented the “true” spirit of the revolution?
How revolutionary was the American Revolution? What political, social, and economic changes did it produce? What
remained the same?