First semester terms - Mercer Island School District

Unit 2: American Revolution AP Terms List
1. Albany Congress
2. Bacon’s Rebellion
3. Boston Massacre
4. Boston Tea Party
5. Committees of Correspondence
6. Common Sense
7. Crispus Attucks
8. Declaration of Independence
9. Declaratory Act
10. First Continental Congress
11. George Washington
12. Great Awakening
13. Hessians
14. Intolerable Acts
15. John Adams
16. John Hancock
17. Loyalists
18. Marquis de Lafayette
19. Mercantilism
20. Molasses Act
21. Navigation Acts
22. No Taxation without Representation
23. Patrick Henry
24. Proclamation of 1763
25. Quartering Act
26. Salutary neglect
27. Second Continental Congress
28. Sons of Liberty
29. Stamp Ac Congress
30. Stamp Act
31. Sugar Act
32. Thomas Jefferson
33. Thomas Paine
34. Tories
35. Townshend Acts
36. Treaty of Paris (1783)
37. Virtual Representation
38. Whigs
39. William Penn
Unit 3: Early Republic AP Terms List
1. Aaron Burr
2. Abigail Adams
3. Alien and Sedition Acts
4. American System
5. Anti-Federalists
6. Articles of Confederation
7. Bank of the United States/Bank War
8. Battle of New Orleans
9. Bill of Rights
10. Burned Over District
11. Checks and Balances
12. Corrupt Bargain
13. Daniel Webster
14. Electoral College
15. Erie Canal (Dewitt Clinton)
16. Federalists
17. French Revolution
18. Great Compromise
19. Hartford Convention
20. Henry Clay
21. Impressments
22. Indian Removal
23. James Madison
24. Jay Treaty
25. Jeffersonian (Agrarian)Republicans
26. John C. Calhoun
27. John Marshall
28. John Quincy Adams
29. Judicial Review
30. Judiciary Act of 1789
31. Kitchen Cabinet
32. Land Ordinance of 1785
33. Lewis and Clarke
34. Louisiana Purchase
35. Marbury v. Madison
36. Market Revolution
37. Martin Van Buren
38. Midnight Judges
39. Missouri Compromise
40. Monroe Doctrine
41. Northwest Ordinance
42. Nullification
43. Old Hickory (Andrew Jackson)
44. Revolution of 1800
45. Second Great Awakening
46. Separation of Powers
47. Shay’s Rebellion
48. Strict /Loose Construction
49. The Federalists Papers
50. Three-Fifths Compromise
51. Trail of Tears
52. Virginia and Kentucky Resolves
53. War of 1812
54. Washington Farewell Address
55. Whiskey Rebellion
56. XYZ Affair
Unit 4: Civil War and Reconstruction AP Terms List
1. 10 percent plan
35. Kansas-Nebraska Act
2. Abraham Lincoln
36. King Cotton
3. American colonization society
37. KKK
4. Andrew Johnson
38. know-nothing party
5. Black Codes
39. Lincoln-Douglass debates
6. Bleeding Kansas
40. Mathew Lyon
7. Bleeding Sumner
41. Monitor and Merrimack
8. Carpetbaggers
42. Nat Turner
9. Charles Sumner
43. Nativism
10. Compromise of 1820 (Missouri)
44. New York City Draft Riots
11. Compromise of 1850
45. Peculiar institution
12. Compromise of 1877
46. Popular Sovereignty
13. cotton gin
47. Ralph Waldo Emerson
14. Daniel Webster
48. Robert E Lee
15. Dred Scott
49. scalawag
16. Eli Whitney
50. Self-Determination
17. Emancipation Proclamation
51. Seward’s Folly (Alaska)
18. 13-15 Amendments
52. Sharecropping
19. Frederick Douglass
53. Stephen Douglas
20. Free Soil Party
54. Tenure of Office Act
21. Freedmen’s Bureau
55. The Liberator
22. Fugitive Slave Law
56. Transcendentalism
23. Gag Rule
57. Ulysses S. Grant
24. Grandfather clause
58. Uncle Tom’s Cabin
25. Harpers Ferry raid
59. Underground Railroad
26. Harriet Beecher Stowe
60. Wade-Davis bill
27. Harriet Tubman
61. Walt Whitman
28. Henry Clay
62. Webster-Hayne Debate
29. Henry David Thoreau
63. Whigs
30. Jefferson Davis
64. William Lloyd Garrison
31. Jim Crow
65. William T Sherman + his March
32. John Brown
66. Wilmot Proviso
33. John C. Calhoun
67. Gettysburg, Vicksburg, Antietam
34. John Wilkes Booth
Unit 5: American West AP Term List 2007-2008
1. “54-40 or fight”
2. 49ers
3. Alamo
4. Bear-Flag Revolt
5. Brigham Young
6. Chief Joseph
7. Custer’s Last Stand
8. Davey Crockett
9. Dawes Act
10. Gadsden Purchase
11. Geronimo
12. Ghost Dance
13. Golden Spike
14. Helen Hunt Jackson
15. Homestead Act
16. Hudson River School Art
17. James K. Polk
18. Joseph Smith
19. Manifest Destiny
20. Mark Twain
21. Mexican-American War (Mexican
22. Mormons
23. Pony Express
24. Samuel F.B. Morse
25. Sand Creek Massacre
26. Second Great Awakening
27. Sitting Bull
28. The Grange
29. Transcontinental Railroad
30. Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo
31. Turner Thesis
32. U.S. Grant
33. Wilmot Proviso
34. Wounded Knee Massacre
Unit 6: Industry and Reform AP Terms List
1. American Federation of Labor
2. Alexander Graham Bell
3. American Temperance Society
4. Andrew Carnegie
5. Bessemer Process
6. Catherine Beecher
7. Cornelius Vanderbilt
8. Cotton Gin
9. Cult of Domesticity
10. Eli Whitney
11. Elizabeth Cady Stanton
12. Gilded Age
13. Grange
14. Haymarket Riot
15. Horatio Alger
16. Horizontal Integration
17. Hull House Jane Addams
18. Industrial Revolution
19. J. Pierpont Morgan
20. Jay Gould
21. John D. Rockefeller
22. Knights of Labor
23. Nativism
24. Populists
25. Pullman Strike
26. Robert Fulton
27. Samuel F.B. Morse
28. Samuel Gompers
29. Scientific management
30. Settlement House
31. Sinclair Lewis
32. Social Gospel
33. Susan B. Anthony
34. Tammany Hall
35. Thomas Edison
36. Transportation Revolution
37. Vertical Integration