Mafia Events - Forever Bloom Alliance

MF7-H Bank of Mafia Events
Below you will find a list of the eras and events you can choose for the
“Events” section of the Mafia Statement Sheet. Remember to look up the
event year (if not listed) to be included with the event.
Pre-Columbian Era (10,000 BC – 1492)
Ice Age
Middle Ages
Magna Carta
Protestant Reformation
Age of Exploration and Conquest (1492 – 1607)
Leif Erickson “discovers” New Foundland
Columbus “discovers” America
Northwest Passage
English Colonial (1607 – 1776)
Lost Colony of Roanoke
Jamestown Settlement Established
House of Burgesses
Plague of 1617
Mayflower Compact
Great Migration (1630s)
Pequot War
King Phillip’s War
Nat Bacon’s Rebellion
Great Awakening
Albany Plan of Union
Iroquois Confederacy
French and Indian War
Treaty of Paris (1763)
Seven Years’ War
Proclamation of 1763
Pontiac’s War
Pre-Revolutionary (1763 – 1776)
Sugar Act
Stamp Act
Tea Act
Townshend Acts
Common Sense
Boston Massacre
Boston Tea Party
Intolerable Acts
Gaspee Affair
1st Continental Congress
2nd Continental Congress
Declaration of Independence
Revolutionary Period (1776 – 1783)
Revolutionary War
Articles of Confederation
Battle of Yorktown
Treaty of Paris (1783)
Post-Revolutionary Period (1783 – 1787)
Shays’s Rebellion
Constitutional Convention
New Jersey Plan
Virginia Plan
Three-fifth Compromise
Great Compromise
Bill of Rights
U.S. Constitution Ratified
New Republic (1787 – 1800)
Judiciary Act
Whiskey Rebellion
French Revolution
XYZ Affair
Alien Act
Sedition Act
Jeffersonian Era (1801 – 1828)
Haitian Revolution
Louisiana Purchase
Lewis and Clark Expedition
Marbury v. Madison
Judiciary Act
Embargo Act
War of 1812
Industrial Revolution
Missouri Compromise
1st Seminole War
Monroe Doctrine
“Corrupted Bargain”
Jacksonian Era (1828 – 1840)
Nullification Crisis
Indian Removal Act
Trail of Tears
Panic of 1837
Westward Expansion Period (1840 – 1850)
Oregon Trail
Battle of the Alamo
Texas War for Independence
Manifest Destiny
Oregon Trail
Mexican-American War
California Gold Rush
Pre-Civil War Period (1850 – 1861)
Underground Railroad
Seneca Falls Convention
Missouri Compromise
Compromise of 1850
Fugitive Slave Act
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Dred Scott Decision
Harper’s Ferry
Lincoln-Douglas Debates
Civil War Period (1861 – 1865)
Attack on Fort Sumter
Civil War
Emancipation Proclamation
Battle of Gettysburg
Lincoln Assassination
Reconstruction Period (1865 – 1877)
Freeman’s Bureau
Civil Rights Act of 1866
Compromise of 1877