5 th Grade Unit 3 Assessments - Public Schools of Robeson County

Public Schools of Robeson County
5th Grade
5th Grade Unit 3 Assessments
1. Students should identify causes of the American Revolution and
identify possible actions that the British or the colonists might have
taken that could have avoided war.
2. Students should pick a side (Loyalist or Patriot) then they should
write a short speech in which they try to persuade other colonists to
join their side on the conflict.
3. Imagine that you are a colonist who is against British tax laws.
Draw a cartoon that encourages others to boycott British goods.
4. Students should choose one of the major battles of the American
Revolution shown on page 93. Students should use the
information on the map and their research to write a paragraph
giving the important information about the battle, including when
it took place, and which side won.
5. Students can work together in small groups to create a skit where
they are members of the Continental Congress creating the
Declaration of Independence. They must include why the
Declaration was so important and what the consequences would
have been if their side had lost the American Revolution.
6. Imagine that you are in camp with the soldiers at Valley Forge.
Write a speech to lift the soldier’s spirits.