
Creating the United States of America
AP US History Period 3
Chapters 5-7
Essential Question 1
In what ways did the Imperial Wars influence the oncoming American Revolution?
Pages: 60-63
Key Terms: French and Indian War (Seven Years’ War), Albany Plan, Treaty of Paris (1763), salutary neglect, Pontiac’s rebellion,
Proclamation of 1763
Essential Question 2
In what ways did British Colonial rule change in the mid-18th century, thus influencing the oncoming American Revolution?
Pages: 63-67
Key Terms: Sugar Act, Quartering Act, Stamp Act, Stamp Act Congress, Sons and Daughters of Liberty, Declaratory Act,
Townshend Acts, Letters From a Farmer in Pennsylvania, Boston Massacre, Committees of Correspondence, Boston Tea Party,
Coercive Acts, Quebec Act
Essential Question 3
What were the short-term causes of the American Revolution?
Pages: 67-69; 77-80
Key Terms: The Enlightenment, John Locke, Deism, First Continental Congress, Lexington and Concord, Bunker Hill, Second
Continental Congress, “Olive Branch Petition”, Common Sense, Declaration of Independence
Essential Question 4
In what ways did the American Revolution impact the colonies (other than provide independence)?
Pages: 80-83
Key Terms: Patriots, Loyalists, Valley Forge, Battle of Saratoga, Yorktown, Treaty of Paris (1783)
Essential Question 5
How were the newly formed states organized following the American Revolution?
Pages: 83-87
Key Terms: separation of powers, Articles of Confederation, Land Ordinance of 1785, Northwest Ordinance of 1787, Shays’
Essential Question 6
How did the Constitution organize the United States differently than the Articles of Confederation had?
Pages: 96-102
Key Terms: Annapolis Convention, checks and balances, Virginia Plan, New Jersey Plan, Great Compromise, Three-fifths
Compromise, Commercial Compromise, Electoral College, Federalists, Anti-Federalists, The Federalist Papers, Bill of Rights
Essential Question 7
In what ways did George Washington’s administration both succeed and fail with regard to domestic and foreign policies?
Pages: 102-108
Key Terms: Judiciary Act, Hamilton’s financial program, French Revolution, Jay Treaty, Pinckney Treaty, Battle of Fallen Timbers,
Whisky Rebellion, Public Land Act
Essential Question 8
In what ways did John Adams’ administration both succeed and fail with regard to domestic and foreign policies?
Pages: 108-112
Key Terms: Federalists, Democratic-Republicans, Washington’s Farewell Address, XYZ Affair, Alien and Sedition Acts, Kentucky
and Virginia Resolutions, Revolution of 1800