Sager World History INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION GUIDED NOTES Definition Shift from making goods by hand to using ___________________________. Greatly increased output of _________________________ goods. Began in England in mid-1700s Industrialization Process of developing _____________________________________ of goods Requires natural resources: ______________________ and coal to fuel new machines ______________________ to construct machines, tools, and buildings ______________________ for inland transportation ______________________ from which merchant ships sail Factors of Production __________________________ needed to produce goods and services that the Industrial Revolution required Includes _________________, _____________________, and ____________________(or wealth) Inventions Spur Industrialization ________________________________ – inventions helped increased production of wool, linen, and cotton Examples: Flying shuttle and Spinning jenny Improvements in Transportation Watt’s _________________________________ JAMES WATT Made steam engine more efficient and faster by burning less fuel Water Transportation __________________________ Road Transportation More and better improved roads helped __________________________________ Improvement in Railroads Four major effects Railroads spurred __________________________ by giving manufacturers a cheap way to transport materials and finished products New ____________________ Boosted _________________________ and _______________________ industries (transportation) People encouraged to taking jobs in other towns Economic Effects *Creation of ____________________________ Businesses that sell _____________ - shares of ownership Similar to ________________________ Growth of middle class Western Europe & America become richer than other nations Social Effects _________________________ - growth of cities Crowded, dangerous and unsanitary Political Effects Debate over which economic system is best _______________________ vs. ______________________________________ Capitalism – *Property is _________________________ *Businesses compete for customers *People invest to get profit Explained in Adam Smith’s book: ___________________________________________ *People work for their own good *__________________________________ makes better products Socialism/Communism *Some property is owned by government *Government plans________________________, provides services *Operates for everyone’s benefit *Property owned collectively *Articulated by ____________________________ *Wrote ______________________________ *Predicted workers would ________________________, produce goods cooperatively, share them equally Industrial Revolution Movement *Responded to negative aspects of ____________________________ *Workers formed _____________________________ *Group of workers who advocate for themselves *Use _____________________________, strikes *Helped get minimum wage, ban child labor, limit hours *Movement spread, pushed for: *Free ___________________________________ *Abolition of ____________________________________ *Women's _____________________ (right to vote), equal pay