File - One Classroom


Journalism Final Exam

Block 2: Tuesday, Jan. 20 from 10:00 – 11:30

Block 4: Wednesday, Jan. 21 from 10:00 – 11:30

Block 5: Thursday, Jan. 22 from 8:00 – 9:30

Final Exam Assignment

For your final exam, you will be writing your “best” article of the semester. Use the checklist to make sure that your article is edited and ready for publication. You can start working on your article now. You need to turn it in by the end of your scheduled exam time.

Submit your articles to Google Docs and FLOW by the end of the exam time.

Please let me know if you have any questions. The key to success here is getting out there and reporting. Talk to people. Find a story to write that matters. I have to be honest…I have pretty grand expectations of these articles. I want them to inform me, make me laugh, make me cry, move me to do something, etc., I want to see your best work here.

The final exam article is worth 300 points.

The rubric is on the back of this sheet. Use it.

Final Journalism Article Rubric

Put your initials in the boxes that best describe your work.








The article’s purpose is clear and extends beyond you.

At least three sources in the article.

Reporting and research is evident.

Expert voice is in the article.

Gives specific examples/details.

Avoids generalizations.

Article is factchecked and true.

Every quote has an attribution.

Uses third person.

Article starts in a specific moment in time with sensory details.

Sources are not friends/family.

Always capitalize proper nouns.

Titles are in quotation marks.

Mechanics are solid

(sentence/paragraph structure, spelling, etc.,)

AP style is followed

(no Oxford comma, proper date format, etc.,).

At least two, singlespaced pages of transcription.

Poor or


(D or E)
