Ch. 6: The Media  Connor Downes  Danny Long 

Ch. 6: The Media Connor Downes Danny Long People, Gov’t, CommunicaAons •  Media reflects and shapes public opinion •  Mass Media‐ –  Print Media –  Broadcast Media Development of Mass Media • 
Newspaper Magazines Radio TV Internet Private Ownership of the Media •  Thought Police in Totalitarian naAons •  Consequences –  Newsworthiness –  Market‐Driven Journalism –  Infotainment THE FOX EFFECT We’ll Do It Live. Bold Statements in ReporAng aUer 9/11 and in the Iraq War RaAngs improve greatly Other Cable News StaAons (MSNBC) follow suit Government RegulaAon of the Media •  FCC created in 1934 –  “To serve the public interest, convenience and necessity” TelecommunicaAons Act of 1996 RegulaAon of Content Not Allowed FuncAons of Mass Media for the PoliAcal System •  ReporAng The News –  White House –  C‐SPAN InterpreAng and PresenAng the News Gatekeepers Horse Race Journalism Media Event Television Hypothesis Fairness Doctrine •  Fairness Doctrine –  Equal OpportuniAes –  Reasonable Access FuncAons ConAnued •  Influencing Public Opinion •  Seang the PoliAcal Agenda •  Socializing the CiAzenry EvaluaAng the Media in Gov’t •  Bias •  Effects on Freedom, Order, and Equality •  ContribuAons to Democracy –  Watchdog Journalism Discussion QuesAons •  Is the media important? •  Does the media sway your poliAcal opinions? •  Can the media be fair and balanced? 