Mr. Blahnik AP Government Ch. 12 Media Homework 18 points The Media Chapter 12 1. Describe the evolution of journalism in U.S. political history and indicate the differences between the party press and the mass media of today. 2. Demonstrate how the characteristics of the electronic media have affected the actions of public officials and candidates for national office. 3. Describe the impact of the pattern of ownership and control of the media on the dissemination of news. Show how wire services and TV networks have affected national news coverage. Discuss the impact of the national press. 4. Discuss the issue of media bias and how this bias might manifest itself. Assess the impact of such bias on the electorate. 5. Assess the impact of the media on public opinion and on the functioning of government institutions. Explain why a free press is a critical component of the American democratic system of government. 11 points Adversarial press Background Blog Equal time rule Feature story Horse-race journalism Insider story Loaded language Routine story Selective attention Sound bite Trial balloon Associated Press Attack journalism Fairness doctrine Gatekeeper Off the record On the record White House Press Corps FCC “yellow Journalism” Freedom of Information Act Explain the structure of the media before and after the Internet revolution. What has changed? What has remained the same? Is media coverage of political events better thanks to the Internet? Or do you think the influence of blogs and the proliferation of web news sources have degraded the quality of news coverage?