Research/Presentation Assignment for Things Fall Apart

Research/Presentation Assignment for Things Fall Apart
Each table team receives a different topic on Nigerian life (list of topics
Each table must divide the broad topic into different sub topics, so every
group member has a specific area to research and write about.
Each student in the group submits an individual research paper on the sub
topic (approximately 500-750 words -- worth 50 points). This paper will
be graded individually, using the English 2 Formal Essay Rubric.
Each group presents their assigned area to the class, using visuals and
objects to engage the class. The class takes notes on each presentation, and
each presentation will not exceed 20 minutes. Each group member
receives the same presentation grade, based on the presentation rubric.
Each group must submit 5-10 clear test questions based on the main idea(s)
of the presentation. At the completion of all presentations, the entire class
will take an open note quiz.