The Giver Activity Guide - FacingHistoryELLTeacherNetwork

Name: ________________________________________
Future Horizons: Humanities: The Giver by Lois Lowry
Date: ____________________
Class: ___________________
The Giver by Lois Lowry:
Your Ideal Society
DIRECTIONS: Imagine that you have been hired to plan and then
create an “ideal” society. In the space below, write down your ideas
about how to create the perfect society. Be as specific as possible and
use clear examples that demonstrate an understanding of cause and
Problems I would solve:
My solutions:
Other features of my ideal society (such as transportation, food, government,
education, jobs, laws, marriages, money, trade, etc.):
Additional ideas from my group:
Name: ________________________________________
Future Horizons: Humanities: The Giver by Lois Lowry
Date: ____________________
Class: ___________________
The Giver by Lois Lowry:
Story Organizer
DIRECTIONS: As you read Lois Lowry’s The Giver, use this chart to help organize your thoughts and
what is going on in the story. Be as detailed as possible and keep aware of the small changes, additions, and
revelations that happen as you go further in the chapters so as not to repeat information.
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Name: ________________________________________
Future Horizons: Humanities: The Giver by Lois Lowry
Date: ____________________
Class: ___________________
The Giver by Lois Lowry:
Literature Circle Discussion Questions
Chapters 1-5
DIRECTIONS: These questions will help you focus on the chapters
of The Giver and the major themes presented. Individually, and in your
small groups, you will work to think about and discuss these questions so as further
deepen your comprehension of this literary work.
1. What are some of the rules of the society that Jonas lives in? How do the rules
make people feel? How does Jonas feel about the rules? Explain.
2. What happens if you don’t follow the rules? Who gets punished and how? Why
were rules “Very hard to change” (page 14)?
3. What do you think it means to be “released” (page 2)? When does it happen? How
do people feel about it?
4. How, and to what extent, are the rules of Jonas’s society like those of your
society? What differences are the most striking?
5. What are your initial impressions of Jonas? What are some of his character traits?
What words does the author use to help the reader get to know him?
6. Why was it “considered rude to call attention to things that were unsettling or
different about individuals” (page 20)?
7. What were “Stirrings”? Why was it necessary for Jonas to take a pill as soon as he
experienced them?
8. To what extent are people all the same in this society? To what extent are they
equal? Explain.
9. Is a society in which everyone is treated the same fair or just? What is the
relationship between equality and justice?
10. Why do you think it’s important to be precise about language in Jonas’s society?
How important is it in our society?
Name: ________________________________________
Future Horizons: Humanities: The Giver by Lois Lowry
Date: ____________________
Class: ___________________
The Giver by Lois Lowry:
Literature Circle Discussion Questions
Chapters 6-9
DIRECTIONS: These questions will help you focus on the chapters
of The Giver and the major themes presented. Individually, and in your
small groups, you will work to think about and discuss these questions so as further
deepen your comprehension of this literary work.
1. How do rituals and milestones give a sense of belonging to people in Jonas’s
society? How about our own society?
2. Why does everyone have the same birthday? Why does everyone have a number?
How does this make people feel?
3. What happens if a Twelve doesn’t like his or her assignment?
4. Do you think all the Assignments are equal and respected? Why or why not?
5. Are the Assignments fair? Why or why not?
6. The Chief Elder says, “Today we honor your differences. They have determined
your futures.” (page 52) Does the society value difference or sameness? What
clues help you to decide this?
7. How does the author use foreshadowing to create a sense of foreboding and
8. As more is revealed about the society, how do your feelings about the society
change? Why?
9. Explain why Jonas is chosen as Receiver of Memory. What qualities does the
Chief Elder describe as being essential to the position>? Does Jonas possess these
qualities? How do we know?
10. Why is the Receiver of Memory the most honored position? Who are the
“Receivers of Memory” in our society?
11. How do you think you would feel if you received Jonas’s Assignment?
Name: ________________________________________
Future Horizons: Humanities: The Giver by Lois Lowry
Date: ____________________
Class: ___________________
The Giver by Lois Lowry:
Literature Circle Discussion Questions
Chapters 10-15
DIRECTIONS: These questions will help you focus on the chapters
of The Giver and the major themes presented. Individually, and in your
small groups, you will work to think about and discuss these questions so as further
deepen your comprehension of this literary work.
1. What happens when The Giver transmits a memory? Why do you think this is?
2. Why have memories been eliminated for everyone else?
3. The Giver says, “Without the memories it’s all meaningless.” (page 112) What do you
think he means? What is he suggesting about his own society?
4. How does the first memory The Giver transmits make Jonas feel? Why do you
think Jonas must experience the memories rather than just hear about them?
5. What is missing in Jonas’s society? Why do you think these things were eliminated?
6. What are the pleasurable things Jonas experiences? How do they make him feel?
7. Why does The Giver transmit pain? How does it make Jonas feel?
8. Poet Alfred Lord Tennyson said, “’Tis better to have loved and lost than never to
have loved at all.” What do you think he meant? Would The Giver agree? Do you?
9. Why has color been eliminated in this society? How has the absence of color
helped this society? How has it harmed it?
10. How does the author make the memories that The Giver transmits vivid and
realistic? Find examples of descriptive words and images.
11. How do you think Jonas feels now about the society he lives in? How have your
feelings about it changed?
12. Where has the author used the color red in the story? How is “color” symbolic in
the story?
13. Why does The Giver ask for forgiveness when he transmits the memory of war and
Name: ________________________________________
Future Horizons: Humanities: The Giver by Lois Lowry
Date: ____________________
Class: ___________________
The Giver by Lois Lowry:
Literature Circle Discussion Questions
Chapters 16-20
DIRECTIONS: These questions will help you focus on the chapters
of The Giver and the major themes presented. Individually, and in your
small groups, you will work to think about and discuss these questions so as further
deepen your comprehension of this literary work.
1. What are the benefits to living in the society that Jonas lives in? What are the
2. What memory does The Giver transmit to Jonas after the horror of war? Why?
3. What does Jonas realize about the way his society sets old people apart from
young people?
4. What is the only memory The Giver has kept for himself? Why do you think he has
saved this memory?
5. Do you consider Jonas’s world “advanced”? Why or why not?
6. How does Jonas’s accumulation of memories (or knowledge) make him feel? How
do they change his understanding of the society he lives in?
7. Why does Jonas ask his parents if they love him? What do they say? How does he
8. Philosopher and statesmen Francis Bacon said, “Knowledge is pain.” Do you agree?
Would Jonas? Why or why not?
9. What does Jonas learn about being Released? How does this affect how he
10. Why and how does the society shield its citizens from the true meaning of
“Release”? What might happen if everyone knew what Release really meant?
11. What happened to Rosemary? What were the implications for the society?
12. What do Jonas and The Giver decide to do? Do you think they are right? Why or
why not?
13. Why does The Giver leave?
Name: ________________________________________
Future Horizons: Humanities: The Giver by Lois Lowry
Date: ____________________
Class: ___________________
The Giver by Lois Lowry:
Literature Circle Discussion Questions
Chapters 21-23
DIRECTIONS: These questions will help you focus on the chapters
of The Giver and the major themes presented. Individually, and in your
small groups, you will work to think about and discuss these questions so as further
deepen your comprehension of this literary work.
1. What happens when Jonas leaves? Where does he go? What does he find?
2. How has Jonas’s life changed? How doe she react to his new experiences?
3. Do you think that Jonas regrets leaving? Why or why not?
4. What do you think happens in the end of the story?
5. How do you think Jonas’s “escape” and its aftermath will affect the society he left
behind? What do you think will happen to The Giver?
6. Where and when do you think this story takes place – past, present, or future?
7. What did Jonas give up for freedom? What did he gain?
8. What did freedom mean for Jonas?
Name: ________________________________________
Future Horizons: Humanities: The Giver by Lois Lowry
Date: ____________________
Class: ___________________
The Giver by Lois Lowry:
Real or Ideal?
DIRECTIONS: Think about the societies discussed in class: the
one you live in now, your native country’s, your “ideal” society, and the
one that Jonas lives in. In the space below, choose the society you
would prefer to live in and make a list of the traits that made you choose
it instead of one of the others.
The society I prefer is… ___________________________________________________
I like it because…
 ______________________________________________________________________________
 ______________________________________________________________________________
 ______________________________________________________________________________
 ______________________________________________________________________________
 ______________________________________________________________________________
 ______________________________________________________________________________
 ______________________________________________________________________________
 ______________________________________________________________________________
 ______________________________________________________________________________
A slogan to promote this society to others who don’t know about it is:
Name: ________________________________________
Future Horizons: Humanities: The Giver by Lois Lowry
Date: ____________________
Class: ___________________
The Giver by Lois Lowry:
Getting to Know the Characters
DIRECTIONS: Think about the characters introduced in The Giver.
Fill out the chart below completely and thoroughly using evidence from the
book to help you. Write at least 3 things in each box.
Character Traits
Important Quotations
Name: ________________________________________
Future Horizons: Humanities: The Giver by Lois Lowry
Date: ____________________
Class: ___________________
The Giver by Lois Lowry:
Getting to Know the Characters
DIRECTIONS: In order to further investigate the characters of The
Giver, your group will now make a “character map” on chart paper for
the character assigned to your group. This poster will help other groups
learn about this character so make the poster as engaging as possible.
Your “Character Map” Will Include Six Pieces:
1. A drawing of the character
2. Important quotations (things the character says)
3. A list of actions (things that the character does)
4. The character’s feelings
5. Words to describe the character’s character traits
6. A list of the ways that the character influences, or changes, Jonas’s
Make a sketch in the
box to plan your
poster before you
TIPS: Use quotes
and evidence from
the book to make the
poster more powerful
and accurate.
Name: ________________________________________
Future Horizons: Humanities: The Giver by Lois Lowry
Date: ____________________
Class: ___________________
The Giver by Lois Lowry:
Transitions, Rituals, & Ceremonies
DIRECTIONS: Think of a time in your life when you experienced
an important transition or change. This could be a time when you took
part in a specific ceremony or it could be an occasion when you learned
something new or gained independence. Answer the questions below to
write down the details of this event.
1. How old were you?
2. What was the event or occasion?
3. What did you have to do to prepare for it, if anything?
4. How did it make you feel?
5. Was anyone else involved? Who? What role did s/he play in this event?
6. Why was this event or occasion important?
Name: ________________________________________
Future Horizons: Humanities: The Giver by Lois Lowry
Date: ____________________
Class: ___________________
The Giver by Lois Lowry:
An Event To Be Remembered
DIRECTIONS: Use the space below to write about an event that
everyone in school experienced. Describe when and where the event
took place, what you think was important about it, and how you felt
about it. Write at least two paragraphs.
Name: ________________________________________
Future Horizons: Humanities: The Giver by Lois Lowry
Date: ____________________
Class: ___________________
The Giver by Lois Lowry:
Looking at Your World vs. Jonas’s World
DIRECTIONS: Think about how people are treated, the rules in place, the structure of how the society is governed, put in
place, and run, and the other elements of Jonas’s society. Then, contrast Jonas’s society with your society. How are they
different and in what ways do they have things in common? After thinking about these things, complete the Venn diagram
below. Write at least five things in each part.
Jonas’s Society
Your Society
Jonas’s Society & Your Society
Name: ________________________________________
Future Horizons: Humanities: The Giver by Lois Lowry
Date: ____________________
Class: ___________________
The Giver by Lois Lowry:
Remembrances of Things Past
DIRECTIONS: Think of a memory that is special to you and significant
in your life. This memory can be a personal memory of something that
happened to you, a persona who influenced you, or a memorable event. Or it
can be a conversation you often recall, words of advice you rely on for
guidance, or something else that is meaningful to you. It can even be about an object that
reminds you about an important person or event in your life. Take some time before you decide
and choose the one that you feel the most compelled to write about for a story.
Part I: Below you will find a few questions that will help you write the story of this
memory. This will help you create an outline before you write your story.
Title of Your Memory (be creative)
Describe what happened in your memory: How old were you? Where
were you? What happened? Who was there? Try to make the
memory as vivid and clear as possible. Use imagery and descriptive
language where you can. Give details and really make this memory
come alive.
Why is this memory important to you? Has this memory shaped who
you are in any way? Has it influenced the choices you have made in
your life since this happened? If so, how? Describe with detail.
What impact do you think that this memory will have on your
future? How will it affect your relationship with others? How will
it shapes your dreams, hopes, and plans for your future? Why? Be as
specific and clear as possible.
What else, if anything, is important about this memory that you
have not written yet?
Part II: Use the brainstorming and writing you did above to help you now write the story of
your memory. The order of your writing from Part I is a good outline for the structure of your
story. Make sure your writing is well structured with appropriate grammar, punctuation, and
sentence/paragraph structure. This story should grab the reader’s attention and keep them
Name: ________________________________________
Future Horizons: Humanities: The Giver by Lois Lowry
Date: ____________________
Class: ___________________
The Giver by Lois Lowry:
Remembrances of Things Past
Peer/Self Review
DIRECTIONS: Look over your/your partner’s first draft. Use the
questions and guidelines below to help you correct any errors or find places that
could use a little more work for your final draft. After you have finished reviewing the first draft,
take those corrections/suggestions and apply them to the next version of the paper.
1. Are the details of the story clear and easy to understand? Is it clear what happened? YES or
If NO, what areas are unclear and need to be rewritten in order to be more easily
2. Do the people in the story seem real? Are the events believable?
If NO, please write a few suggestions below to help improve these areas.
3. Is it clear why this story is important? Was it engaging and specific
If NO, please describe why not below.
4. What lesson does the story teach? Why is it important to learn this lesson? Explain.
5. Are there any spelling, grammar, or capitalization mistakes?
If YES, please work with your partner to correct those errors now.
6. Should any information be added or removed to make this piece of work stronger? If YES,
Name: ________________________________________
Future Horizons: Humanities: The Giver by Lois Lowry
Date: ____________________
Class: ___________________
The Giver by Lois Lowry:
Short Answer Responses
DIRECTIONS: Utilize all that we have read and discussed to help
you answer the questions below. For each question, write a welldeveloped paragraph that uses clear examples from the text to support
your answers.
1. Why doesn’t The Giver leave?
2. Why does Jonas leave?
3. What does Jonas give up for his freedom?
4. What does freedom mean for Jonas?
5. Why is memory important? Think of your own memories to help you explain.
6. How would you have changed the ending? Would you have? Why?
7. What does this story mean to you?