The Giver - Chapters 6-11.pages

The Giver
Chapter 6!
1. What was the Ceremony of Loss?!
2. What else do you learn about the release?!
3. How do people get spouses and children?!
Chapter 7!
4. Page 56, “Thank you for your childhood.” Explain.!
5. Why do you think Jonas was skipped?!
Chapter 8!
6. What attributes does Jonas have that will help him in his assignment?!
7. What is this ‘capacity to see beyond’?!
Chapter 9!
8. In this chapter, Jonas receives his rules. What does he think of each rule?!
*Using textual evidence is always a good way to support your response*
The Giver
Chapter 10!
9. What is the Giver’s job? What must he give Jonas?!
Chapter 11!
10. What is Jonas’s reaction to the first memory? What about the Giver?!
Each age symbolizes something in the child’s development/growth. Identify each of the
ages and what each one symbolizes.!
Sevens -!
Tens -!
Elevens - !
Assessment: Each question is worth 2 points. To receive the full two points you must
have the following:!
• complete sentence!
• clear, relevant details!
• textual evidence (page number and sentence that supports your answer)
*Using textual evidence is always a good way to support your response*