Honors British Literature Final Exam Study Guide Know the following for the final: I. II. III. IV. V. Old English and Medieval Period A. Dates (in the book) B. “The Seafarer” C. “The Wanderer” D. Beowulf E. Canterbury Tales (excerpts in text) F. “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” G. Know all the literary elements and history/characteristics of this period The English Renaissance Period A. Sonnets by Spenser, Sidney, Shakespeare, and Petrarch B. Know The Tragedy of Macbeth C. Know all the literary elements and history/characteristics of this period, including dates D. Know all about the life and times of the authors and the literary features of each The Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries A. Know all the poetry of Donne, Jonson, Marvell, Herrick, Suckling, Milton, and Pope B. Know all the literary features of each piece C. Know the dates and history/characteristics of this period The Romantic Period A. “Lines composed…” B. “London, 1802” C. “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” D. “She Walks in Beauty” E. from Don Juan F. “Ozymandias” G. “When I Have Fears…” H. “Ode on a Grecian Urn” I. Know the dates, history, and literary movements and features of this period as well as the authors’ lives, stylistic features, and literary features of each of the poems (A-H). The Victorian Period A. “The Lady of Shallot” B. “Ulysses” C. “My Last Duchess” D. “Sonnet 43” E. “Spring and Fall: To a Young Child” F. “To an Athlete Dying Young” G. “When I was One-and-Twenty” VI. H. Know the dates, history, characteristics, and literary movements and features of this period as well as the authors’ lives, stylistic features, and literary features of each of the poems (A-G). The Modern Period A. “The Second Coming” B. “Sailing to Byzantium” C. “The Hollow Men” D. Know the dates, history, and literary movements and features of this period as well as the authors’ lives, stylistic features, and literary features of each of the poems (A-C).