Name: _______________________________ USVA History

Name: _______________________________
USVA History
Study Guide– Chapter 6.3 – Jefferson Alters the Nation’s Course
1. Important legal precedents established Chief Justice _____________________________,
a Virginian, strengthened the role of the Unites States Supreme Court as an equal branch
of the United States national government.
2. John Marshall’s decision in ___________________________________ (1803) resulted
in the establishment of the legal precedent of __________________________.
3. The Supreme Court’s power of judicial review involves the power of the Supreme Court
to declare an act of Congress _____________________________.
4. The Election of 1800 was won by ___________________________, the leader of the
__________________________ Party, as he defeated incumbent president John Adams
of the Federalist Party.
5. The Election of 1800 is also known and the ________________________ of 1800 as it
was the first American presidential election in which power was peacefully transferred
from one political party to another.
6. In 1803, President Jefferson doubled the size of the United States with the
______________________________, which included the city of New Orleans as well as
the entire Louisiana territory.
7. Jefferson purchased the Louisiana Territory from the nation of _________________.
8. Because he purchased the Louisiana Territory without explicit powers from the
Constitution to do so, Jefferson went against his traditional philosophy of ____________
interpretation of the Constitution.
9. President Jefferson authorized the ________________________________ expedition to
explore the new Louisiana territory and additional lands west of the Mississippi River.
10. ___________________________, an American Indian woman, served as Lewis and
Clark’s guide and translator.