SDV 100 College Success Skills Course Outline

Norfolk Campus
Course Outline
SDV 100 College Success Skills
Instructor: Dr. J. M. Diddlemeyer
Office Hours: Daily – By Appointment
Office: Rm. 2623
Phone: 822-1136
Email address:
Course Description:
Introduces students to college life and expectations. Provides an overview of college policies, procedures,
curricular offerings, and general education competencies. Assists students toward college success by providing
information regarding effective study habits, career and academic planning, and other college resources
available to students. May include English and math placement testing. Strongly recommended for beginning
students. Required for graduation.
Course Objectives:
Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:
Identify college and community resources; locate and use college procedures; cite rights and
responsibilities of students; identify the college’s general education core competencies; develop
career and college major goals; develop an academic plan; plan, organize, and use time
management strategies; describe learning styles for students and teaching styles of instructors;
identify various study and reading strategies and techniques; identify and demonstrate various
note-taking techniques and strategies; describe different types of tests and the techniques for testtaking; and identify techniques to reduce test anxiety.
Course Content:
College Resources
College Procedures
Rights and Responsibilities of Students
General Education Competencies
Career Development
Academic Planning
Time Management and Planning
Learning Styles
Study and Reading Strategies
Note-taking and Listening Skills
Test-taking and Test Anxiety
Interpersonal Relationships
College and Career Success by Marsha Fralick. Kendall Hunt Publishing Company
TCC College Catalog
SDV 100: College Success Skills
TCC Handbook
Career Assessments
Additional Information:
This course may transfer to another community college or university.
Course Requirements:
“Perhaps the most important of all education is the ability to make yourself do what you have to do, when it
ought to be done, whether you like it or not.”
Students are expected to:
 Attend class regularly and be punctual – Three instances of tardiness or early departure will equal one
 Follow college policy which mandates that an instructor may drop a student who has missed 20% of the
 Do all assignments and have them ready on the day they are due. Work will not be
accepted one week after the assignment is due.
Participate in class discussions and activities
Scholastic Honesty Policy: Students are expected to familiarize themselves with the college policies regarding
academic misconduct which are outlined in the Student Handbook. Plagiarism is defined by Webster’s New
Collegiate Dictionary: “…to steal or pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one’s own.” This includes
copying another person’s homework or test. Any breach of academic policy can result in a failing grade and
possible expulsion for the College.
Grade Scale:
A+ = 100
A = 95
A- = 93
B+ = 89
B = 85
B- = 83
C+ = 78
C = 75
C- = 73
D and Below = Failing
Dates to Remember:
Class meets every Wednesday for the first 8 week from 10:00 – 11:50!!!
“Be careful of the choices you make; they’re yours forever.”
SDV 100: College Success Skills