How to Use a Bunsen Burner

SNC1D – Vipond
Name: ________________________
Date: ________________________
How to Use a Bunsen Burner
Bunsen burner:
Air intake
Gas inlet
Needle valve
1. Connect the hose to the burner’s gas inlet
2. Close the needle valve and the air intake. Open 1 full turn, each
3. Turn on the desk valve (the handle will point along the nozzle)
4. Create a spark (using the flint) over the top of the Bunsen burner
5. Adjust the flame using the barrel until a blue flame, approximately 5-7cm tall
is obtained
6. Turn off the gas valve when finished
If it takes more than 5 seconds to light your Bunsen burner, turn the gas off,
wait a few seconds, then begin again
If your flame is very small, allow more air to flow by adjusting the barrel
If the flame goes out or strikes back (makes a roaring noise), immediately shut
off the gas valve.
SNC1D – Vipond
Name: ________________________
Date: ________________________
How to Use a Bunsen Burner
Bunsen burner:
1. Connect the hose to the burner’s _______________________________
2. Close the needle valve and the air intake. _______________________________, each
3. _______________________ the desk valve (the handle will point along the nozzle)
4. Create a ______________ (using the flint) over the top of the Bunsen burner
5. Adjust the flame using the ____________________ until a _______________,
approximately _______________ tall is obtained
6. Turn off the _____________________________ when finished
If it takes more than 5 seconds to light your Bunsen burner, turn the gas off,
wait a few seconds, then begin again
If your flame is very small, allow more air to flow by adjusting the barrel
If the flame goes out or strikes back (makes a roaring noise), immediately shut
off the gas valve.