Important ECE-684 Information: Instructor = Prof. R. J. Lopes Email = Class web site = General Information Always check the web site for announcements before class (especially in questionable weather) If I am going to be late or unable to attend class, the web site will have an announcement plus an assignment to do by the next class. I do not have any office hours. If you need to discuss anything with me send an email or give a note to Brenda Walker (ECE secretary) for me. Read all relevant text book chapters/datasheets covered by the specific processors Make sure to read through all materials listed each week in the lecture & info table There will be random quizzes based on the homework reading assignments. This will count as a percentage of your overall grade. Quizzes & Project The design project will only be accepted via email in PDF format. Paper copies will not be accepted. Part of the student grade calculation involves in class quizzes (see class policy on web site) Additional project details will be posted on the website on or around mid-semester. Exams The mid-term exam will be all inclusive of material from week 1 up to the exam The final exam will be all inclusive of material from week 1 up to the exam Exams are closed book (thus the necessity to read all relevant materials) There are no make-up exams unless I have been notified of your absence in advance of the class and agree to give a make-up exam. (see grading policy on web site) No cell phones or electronic devices other than calculators will be allowed during exams Refer to the class web site for the class policy Classroom environment I encourage in-class technical discussions about microprocessor technology During lectures do not be afraid to ask any questions or add comments about the topic I am open for discussions anytime before/after class or during a break We will not be focusing just on the microprocessor hardware but also its use in current applications. So, if you would like me to consider addressing an application or technology not covered, let me know.